Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pics

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Super Freak
Oct 5, 2008
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Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pics

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Hot Toys Lt. Jim Gordon - The Dark Knight - 1/6 scale figure

Specs to come soon...

Hot Toys is proud to present the Lt. Jim Gordon Collectible Figure (S.W.A.T. Suit Version) from The Dark Knight movie as the 2012 Toy Fairs Exclusive item. The movie-accurate collectible is specially crafted based on the image of Gary Oldman as Lt. Jim Gordon in S.W.A.T. suit in the movie, highlighting the newly developed head sculpt, detailed costume, weapons and accessories.

Batman fans can now collect the figure of this iconic character to complete their ideal The Dark Knight collection!









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Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

Just seen this guys!

Summer has arrived and the annual Toy Fairs are around the corner!

Thanks for fan’s support, same as last year, Hot Toys will have its annual events in different countries around the world. And we are proud to present our latest collectible figures at the following Toy Fairs which will be opened to public and the three Toy Fairs Exclusive Items will be mainly available there!

The Summer Toy Fairs are –

- San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) (July 12-15)

- Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong (ACG HK) (July 27-31)

- Hot Toys Tokyo Flagship Store Toy Sapiens 2012 Summer Exclusives Fair
(Aug 4)

- Taiwan Annual Exhibition (Aug 11-19)

- Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention (STGCC) (Sep 1-2)

- Ani-Com & Games Guangzhou (ACG GZ) (Sep 30 – Oct 4)

And the three highly-anticipated Toy Fairs Exclusive items are –

- The Dark Knight: 1/6th scale Lt. Jim Gordon Collectible Figurine
- Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: 1/6th scale Angelica Collectible Figure
- Captain America: The First Avenger: 1/6th scale Captain America (Rescue Uniform Version) Limited Edition Collectible Figurine

The online registration for the exclusive items available at Ani-Com HK will be open for registration for Hong Kong fans tomorrow, stay tuned with our website ( and our official retail store Toy Hunters’ Facebook page ( for the latest news very soon!

For exclusive items in the U.S. other than the Captain America Collectible Figure, please stay tuned with Sideshow Collectibles’ website for details later on.

For more about the Toy Fairs and exclusive items, please contact your local distributors for details!


Still no Ras' :(
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

farrrrrrrk.jim gordon aye.woooot woooot
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

No F@*KING WAY!! I'm getting Gordon!
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

SSC will be stocking this wont they? Definite purchase for me, he looks great!!

EDIT: Will be getting Angelica as well :yess:
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

this will be one exc worthy of getting
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

Oh nooooooooooooo.

Going to have to save all my money for Gordon now:panic:Would love an Angelica to go with my Jack Sparrow but will have to see how much Gordon is:panic:
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

I need this. Hope SS will have this.
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

Awesomeee!! Definite buy. Glad I didn't pick up Cap now.
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

very nice hopefully he comes with the bat signal .
Re: Hot Toys - 2012 Toy Fairs & Exclusive Lt. Jim Gordon

The sculpt doesn't look 100% Oldman, but its Gordon, so this is a no-brainer purchase for me.