DID Corp: "Saving Private Ryan": Private Caparzo 1/6 Collectible Figure

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©Fly, All rights reserved
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Sep 9, 2005
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Minas Miami
I went back about 9 pages and couldn't find a thread for this figure so forgive me if I missed it and opened this new one.

I was finally able to acquire "Caparzo" via Ebay after getting into the line late and having a pre-order simply ignored by an online shop. Caparzo was the only character that I was missing either in-hand or on pre-order. I was worried that I would have to pay heavy secondary market prices but was fortunate to get him about $20 bucks or so above what he originally retailed for.

I just received him recently so haven't been able to set up him up yet but I definitely like DiD's rendition. (Facepool hasn't announced their version yet.)

Here are a couple of official pics followed by two pics of my figure's head sculpt.

ebay Caparzo win 2 sm.jpg
ebay Caparzo win 3 sm.jpg

So far, my SPR figures include the following:
- Facepool Miller (own) with extra DiD head sculpt and body).
- DiD Reiben (own)
- DiD Jackson (shipped)
- Facepool Upham deluxe (pre-ordered)
- DiD Horvath (to be pre-ordered but waiting a little while to see if Facepool announces a version of their's.)
"...And another thing, every time you salute the Captain, you make him a target for the Germans. Do us a favor. Don't do it. Especially when I'm standing next to him, capisce?"

Earlier this evening, I decided to set up Caparzo. What a great figure! But what a pain in the ass it was to set up. From the actual working buttons to the hooks on the pouches, it took me a couple of hours of frustrating work to finally complete. But it was worth it.

Here are some quick pics. The first aid pouch on the base is missing the little wire to attach to the belt. I'll rig it up later.

By the way, the first two shots with the cigarette were before he took a freakin' tumble from the makeshift photo base (figure box). I was able to fix him back up for the other shots but lost the cigarette. I'll look for it tomorrow, as it really compliments him. (I ordered several loose spares, just to be safe...) Also, the canteen snaps won't close now. Looks like super-glue is in the future...

pvt caparzo 1 sm.jpg
pvt caparzo 2 sm.jpg
pvt caparzo 3 sm.jpg
pvt caparzo 4 sm.jpg
pvt caparzo 5 sm.jpg
pvt caparzo 6 sm.jpg
Very cool. Thanks for sharing. I’m getting in the game late. Hoping Facepool’s version is this good.

Looking forward to seeing what Facepool's version will look like. Perhaps update with the best from both.

Looks awesome. Maybe a beefier body?

The figure does look "beefier" in hand, as the uniform is on the baggy side but can be easily padded for a more bulky or muscle build.

I just found out that the DiD Jackson figure comes with a "button hook" tool to help get the jacket buttons through the holes! If I only knew, I would have saved a nice amount of time and frustration getting Caparzo all buttoned up...

Why it's not included with all figures I don't know. Guess they (DID) figured we must have purchased another figure with it. Even if that's the case one can never have enough old school billy clubs.
Great looking figure FlyAndFight!
This sure takes me back to the osw days when a lot guys were chasing that ultimate SPR figures. The sculpts have improved since then tremendously. It's really amazing. The uniforms and soft goods are some of the best I'ver seen. Enjoy! ;)
Thanks, Endo!

I used to frequent the OSW quite a bit years and years ago. I recently visited and it's a shell of what it used to be. I would love to find a similar forum for military figures, if one is out there.

The DID and FacePool figures are indeed amazing. I'm really excited with the SPR line for each and really just need a Medic Wade and Ryan himself to complete the set.
I think do remember seeing you over there! Your name and avatar are
familiar. Well that's cool!

I agree, their work on these figures is stellar and would surely draw me in, though SW HT has my attention for the time being. :wink1:
Yep, I've been using the same name and avatar since I started visiting forums. I would be easy to trace, I guess! :lol

OSW, The Sixth Division, the original Sideshow Freaks board, etc. Same name, same avatar...
The Sixth Division, man blast from the past...I remember that and there was Green Leaders Board. I was never a member on those, but lurked a lot prior to osw. We're talikng 99' and pre y2k. Yikes, I feel old just saying that... Lol yet seems not that long ago too. I need to try and dig up pics from that era of my collections 21st Century, Dragon, Medicom, bbi, some wwii, mostly modern forces and quite a few custom figures, Die cast planes. Good times!
I don't know if you guys remember newgroups. I got my start there on alt.gijoe or something like that. They I went to Greenleaders Board, OSW, and then here. Good times then. The sculpts, outfits, and weapons may have been half as good then but we loved having them.
Yes we did... I agree!

As many here, I've aways been impressed with the 1/6 scale figures throughout the years. I still have my custom figs from early to the mid 2000's, I think the gear still holds up today for what it is, Ace Toys, Toy Soldier, DML, bbi, 21st Century. I never delved too much into full repainting sculpts, but there were those guys who could make the sculpts come to life. I really enjoyed the customizing aspect of the hobby. I spent my time mostly focusing on modern kit bashes. The small collection of WWII figs from 21st Century and DML I had on the shelf were straight from the box, and they still looked great.

Btw... sorry to jack your thread Fly! Lol :p Wonder if we have a thread, or could start one for old collections. It's been fun reminiscing!
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No problem at all. Definitely start a thread, if you like. I'll definitely join in.

21st Century were the ones that really pulled me in to 1/6 figures. I had G.I. Joes and the Hasbro Star Wars figures but the level of detailing in 21st Century's figures and accessories packs were mind-blowing, back then. I leaned towards their aviation themed figures, mostly. Then Dragon/DML came out with their WWII German figures and the detailing level jumped even higher. Again, it was their aviation themed figures that really pulled me in but I also grabbed modern figures as well. BBI followed and I started dabbling in customizing my own figures. Sideshow followed along with the "boutique" lines such as you mentioned, Ace Toys, Toy Soldier, a several others. I've sold a bunch, kept a bunch and have given a bunch away. But it was Hot Toys that had me saying, "Game over, man!" They raised the bar to where all others still strive to reach. Some have come close, a very few even have somewhat surpassed, at times, but HT are still the leaders, so far...

Unfortunately, prices are beyond what I'm feeling comfortable paying. I know that this hobby, for me, is living on borrowed time.

Many a times I've seriously considered just keeping a handful of figures and selling off the rest in a massive purge. More for regaining valuable display space than in picking up funds. I've done a few sales over the years but being that I'm very picky with my figure purchases, to begin with, it is never an easy proposition.
Agreed, HT always seem to be a notch above, first with their Topgun esque Navy Pilots around yr 2000. Then the Navy SEAL HALO jumpers. That's the most I ever paid for a fig back then. Lol

And I hear you, through every major purge the only ones I ever kept were my customs. Def not an easy thing though.