Vivisect's Random 1:6 Scale Custom Clothing

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the craftmanship looks great! looking at all the ref pics its apparent they are the correct size, but man they are huge.
Just amazing!!! So excited!! Every time I see your work I just get blown away. The Weequay outfits were outstanding and I know that the scout stuff will be even more amazing than the pics shoW!!!!!!!

Thanks guys.

Mark, I can hardly wait till they get to you so I can see what they look like on an actual scout trooper, all I got are a bunch of Tomy helmets, and I guess as many of these and body suits as I need :D, but I need to get a hold of a few Hasbro scouts for their chest armor and such.
oh yea.........put me down for 2 biker diapers...........:chew
Just letting people know I am working on stuff and have a list for each person that has requested anything from me, so please don't think I have forgotten about any of you, I am just posting this because I have gotten a few PM's on the subject.

I also just wanted to say that I have a rough order that I will do things in depending on how many people want what or what order people have requested stuff, and that this stuff can take a bit of time as in most cases I have to make up with a pattern, make a prototype, adjust/fix pattern, than make final version. Then on top of that make each individual item by hand, where with a head sculpt and such, distributing them can be quicker since once it is finalized it can be cast and copied.

So I just want to say, don't worry, if you have PM,ed me requesting something and I agreed to do it, then it will get done.

Anyhow I think with this hobby patients is a requirement or we would all go mad, I mean look at how long we have been waiting for a decent 1/6 Chewbacca (not counting the awesome customs), almost 14 years. :horror

Cool to hear projects are still coming along... remember to pace yourself. The last thing we need is our only seamaster burning out :lol
Viv..what do you is possible to create black 1/6 gloves who looks good?? Some are on E*ay..but there are to short and i'm not sure how they looks on hands...^^
The master strikes again with yet another stunning work of art.

Still I need to get cracking and finish the rest to the scout.!!

Ow Bill........ cheers and full scout armour is in the post my friend.

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Cool to hear projects are still coming along... remember to pace yourself. The last thing we need is our only seamaster burning out :lol

Yep, I'm taking your advise and not tying to do more at one time than I can or want to handle. Like I said this hobby requires a bit of patients after all.:D

Aye and i need to occasionally pick your brain for info :)

No problem.

Viv..what do you is possible to create black 1/6 gloves who looks good?? Some are on E*ay..but there are to short and i'm not sure how they looks on hands...^^

I can do gloves, but sadly I wont do them because I would have a pile of reject before I had a good pair as they sometimes pull apart when turning them right side out and being slightly off in the stitching can cause them not to fit. When those are made in factories the machines they use to make stuff clamps the fabric layers together and moves it around while sewing it so every pair is pretty much perfect, mot to mention their machines are probably doing 10+ pairs at a time, If I spent $1000+ dollars on a decent embroidery machine then I could program the machine to do it with out a problem.

Though the more I thought about it while typing this I may try a few pairs or 2 out of vinyl and cloth down the road but I'm not making any promises.

The master strikes again with yet another stunning work of art.

Still I need to get cracking and finish the rest to the scout.!!

Ow Bill........ cheers and full scout armour is in the post my friend.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Awesome, I'm glad you like them, they look so much better on a proper scout, and thanks for the scout bits I appreciate it.
Well I had a small unexpected trip so I was gone all week, stuck in the middle of a desert with no internet, barely a cell phone signal and most importantly no dollies..:lol I would love to see Dorg's do a photo shoot of his troopers, dewback and other Tatooine stuff in the Sonoran Desert, it is desolate, especially on the Mexico side, just check out "Gran Desierto de Altar" on the google satellite map. You could have completely uninterrupted views of the horizon because there isn't a dam thing to block it.

Anyhow I see enauds starting to cast more of his skiffguard heads so I will be getting back to work on this outfit for him (I should have had it done for him a while ago:banghead).

I don't know how many of this exact outfit I will do yet till I finish one, as the pattern itself is a bit complicated.

I will also be getting started on the Jedi outfits later this week, they will probably get their own thread because the request for them are all over the place Jedi wise (PT,OT,EU) and was thinking doing them in a way where people could pick a color for every piece, pants, undershirt, overshirt, tabards, and cloth belt, along with a choice of a normal outer shirt or long robe like version like Saesee Tiin or old Ben and also a sleeve style choice for the outer robe, normal or long baggy cuff style like Mace Windu, or anywhere in between.

For the leather belts I will be replicating SS belts. I will probably buy casting materials and make copies of the beltbuckle if I have to, and at the same time start casting studs for Bom's Vindam vest, I need like 42-48 studs for the front of each vest.:horror


I also plan to start making a batch of the scout cummerbund/pouch sets soon along with some trooper body suits and work on the prune face stuff some more.

So anyhow thats the main stuff I would like to get started on over the next week or 2.

I also have another personal non Star Wars project I have been wanting to start for a while, a character from Stalker (the 1979 Andrei Tarkovsky film not the video games). So if anyone has any ideas for a head sculpt to start with that looks close to the guy in the picture below let me know.

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This sounds good....I could use some ROTJ Luke like outfit....or Count Dooku type clothing....Belts sound good too....

Looking forward to the stuff you come up with!!!
Wish I could help out on the head sculpt, the only thing I have is a Jason Statham sort of sculpt by loading toys.


I had a look at the Gran Desierto de Altar.... so coollove to spend a day with my dollies there!!

As for the outfits.. well I am sure that I speak for everyone when I say thank you Bill.. You are changing my entire approach to collecting. I no longer look to side show for dollies, but look on here to see what you and people like Enaud are up to and plan my collection around that.

There are so many amazing sculptors, artists, painters, customizers, builders, creative junkies, nutters and crossdressers on the boards that make this forum amazing....and I love it!!!!!

Wish I could help out on the head sculpt, the only thing I have is a Jason Statham sort of sculpt by loading toys.

That would be a good base sculpt, just some reworking of the face a bit, anyhow I have been looking for a while now and that is one of the few that come close.

I had a look at the Gran Desierto de Altar.... so coollove to spend a day with my dollies there!!

Actually before I went out there the first time, I asked about where they live and I was told by my wife's cousin who had recently been out there "They live on the edge of the Dune Sea south of the Jundland wastes", I thought he was just being silly till I got there and realized he wasnt far off in the description.:lol (His Star Wars nerdery is beyond compare)

As for the outfits.. well I am sure that I speak for everyone when I say thank you Bill.. You are changing my entire approach to collecting. I no longer look to side show for dollies, but look on here to see what you and people like Enaud are up to and plan my collection around that.

I can say the same thing, I haven't paid much attention to who's coming out with what figure in months (well I did pre order Greedo out of necessity caused by a bad 15 year old Hasbro Greedo figure.:banghead), there are more interesting things happening here most of the time. Theres plenty of time for all sorts of projects in between sideshow releases anyhow.