Darren Carnall's creative corner

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Darren Carnall

Formerly hunky_artist
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
Darren Carnall's creative corner - *UPDATE 16/2/10*

seeing as I've done a couple of 12" inch's now, and I've got a load more in the works... seems about time I set up myself a gallery here.....

You'll all have seen my Anakin resculpt (being cast as I speak) and my Aragorn repaint WIP.... but I'll post a few pics here anyway for any newcomers, and a few of my oil paintings, so you can see what I do when I'm not playing with toys :rotfl

Then when I've done Aragorn I have my Obi-Wan resculpt to finish, my Qui Gon resculpt to do... and whatever else I decide to get my hands on








I'll do some art photos in the next post......
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Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

some of my oil paintings now (what I do for a living..... some my own, and some private commissions)

All oil paintings on canvases, 2 or 3 feet in size









Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

and finally (for tonight at least) my Aragorn WIP.... painting probably finished (i can never tell when I decide to leave something alone), just the clothing to weather now

before and after......







...and the night when he stole Anakin's wig!

Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

That's some amazing work HA!! Anakin and Aragorn look just splendid. The paintings are great as well. I like the one with the two angels the most.... Looks beautiful!
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

WOW! Your figurework is outstanding to say the least, but your 2-D art is superb!
I for one am totally blown away with your more abstract work. The grey one with the reds and yellows, and the loose figure in the dark are WONDERFUL!!!! The swirling clouds one is great too!
Excellent use of a brush/knife/whatever you are using!

As for the others, the child portrait is excellent, so your abilities with figures should be second to none! All are ingenious.

A grateful welcome in to the Customs area my creative friend!
I for one applaud you!

BTW, your Aragorn is super!
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

WOW!! amazing! I love the one with the forrest!!!!!
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

This is my favorite Aragorn repaint soo far!!

Sweet job on the Anakin as well.
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

Hey H.A.,your work is awesome man!! Please be sure to post a pic of your Anakin cast when it is done,I am anxious to see how it turned out.Also please post some of your tips,techniques,and materials you use in your repaints in the thread on tutorials that D.A. started.:D
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

To each and every one of you, a huge thank you for your warm welcomes.

I've been reading this forum for a little while now, and been following all the amazing custom artists works, and I'm just honoured to even be in the same room with some of you. So for that, I thank you.

carbo-fation - That angel painting was a private custom for a local woman here in Liverpool (UK). She had this image in her head for years and years, and never found an artist she trusted enough to 'understand' what she wanted, then she got in touch with me and i was so honoured that she trusted me enough to do it.

It's one of my favourite pieces too. There are hidden 'secret' images amongst the rocks and the waves that she wanted in there, and you can only see them if you know what to look for and where to look (bod Dylan silhouette in the waves etc) It took me about 10 weeks in all.

Les - Wow... to get ANY compliment from you means a huge amount to me. I've been looking at your pieces for a while now, and everything you do is totally amazing, the talent you have for this is just scary.

The grey one is called Melting Abstract, and i love it too. You mentioned possibly my two favourite paintings, and certainly my partner Jane's favourites. 'Blue' (the solitary figure) and 'Spinning in the sky' (which is actually up in my house at the top of my stairs)

blue was done with mostly brushes, and Spinning in the Sky was done with mostly pallete knife. Thanks for your warm welcome!

Calle_Sandell - 'Forest Walk' is now in a private collection in Iowa, the guy bought two paintings off me over a number of years, so it was good to be able to say that I 'had a collector' lol

orbiting.... thanks for your comments

and miles - I'll certainly be putting up my Anakin cast when it's done... I'm just about to pull my first Obi-Wan resculpt cast out of the mold, so I'll see how that turned out.

I'll get myself over to the tutorials thread when i get some time ;)

Thanks again everybody... you certainly made me feel welcome, now leave me alone and let me get back to work :rotfl
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

All I can add is...thanks for both links as well. I've only taken one jaunt with you and Jane in the blob so far, but your photos are astonishing as well. I'm not sure which photos are yours and which are hers (unless one of you is in the photo) but the pair of you seem to notice wonders others might miss. I'll be visiting again.

Anybody who hasn't gone...go!
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

Impressive paintings! You are very talented! I can't wait to see what you've done with Obi wan, if your anakin is anything to go by he'll be awesome!
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

thanks paul, rabid :)

Gruff, sometimes I forget I have those links in my signature. We've got more blob adventures to put up on that site as well, I really need to get on with editing the photos.

Glad you enjoyed them though, me and Jane just love going off to different places driving around in blob with the roof down, music blasting enjoying the scenery. I'd say I probably take more pics than Jane (I just seem to snap away more while she looks at things) but bascially the pics on that site can just be taken to be a mix of mine and hers.... as you said, unless you can see one of us in the pic ;)

Glad you enjoyed them
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

Another small custom... this time not a Sideshow figure, or even a 12" figure.

a few years ago Art Asylum released 7" figures to go with the film Star Trek: Nemesis (which I liked more than the box office would have suggested), and the original figure looked like this


I was convinced however that the actor's face was there in the sculpt, hidden by bad paint and a bad BAD neck sculpt. I did one for myself, and since then I've done a few customs for people, these two were the last ones going to a fella in Germany

Basically the neck was resculpted to the correct height (it was way too long) and to the correct shape (it bulged out oddly), then the head was repainted completely revealing... as I first thought... a really good Patrick Stewart figure.

A spray of Dullcote on the body to make it look less shiny plastic and hey presto




Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

Please keep us updated on your Anakin cast, would love to see how it turned out. I just made a cast of Anakin and am attempting to do the same modifications you did. I hope I get the same result!:chew
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

I'm actually resculpting it as we speak, I wasn't happy with some of the details on it, it looked a bit rough to me in certain places. So i'm doing a fresh sculpt, much cleaner and hopefully more accurate.

Of course this is at the same time as I'm weathering my Aragorn costume, and painting my Obi-Wan resculpt, and resculpting Qui-Gon, ..... and... and... and.....

too much stuff to do, not enough fingers! :rotfl
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

hunky_artist said:

The sculpt is great. Your repaint definitely bring back the likeness. It must be difficult to paint such small HS.
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

yeah its kind of a pain, luckily i didnt have to redo the eyes I was happy with those.... eyes at that scale WOULD have been a real nightmare, lol
Re: hunky_artist's artistic creations!

Yeah, that look's fantastic HA... especially for that scale. You can def see Patrick Stewart in that repaint, 100%. Love the hair effect as well... :rock