mine car

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Super Freak
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Just wanted to post a couple of pictures of my minecar diorama to see what you all think. The lanterns are still unfinished and the wheels need a bit more silver "wear" on them but I think it's getting pretty damn close to finished. Let me know what you all think!

WOW !!!!!!! what scale is that ?!?!? looks GREAT ! Just needs a few custom Thuggies piled in there with rifles !
Thanks! The car is for us one sixth guys of course! A bit bigger than studio scale and based more off the full size prop than the miniature. I'll be shooting some better shots tomorrow up at the batcave with a couple of figures for scale reference. Need a Willie and shorty for this thing, but for now, mr. Samwise will do. A rival Thuggee car would be very cool indeed!
Considering getting a good Willie and short round sculpt would be hard.. ( as would the clothing).. I figured a thuggie custom would be the easiest... regardless, one heck of a dio.. best Indy stuff I have ever seen in 1/6 !!
Thanks for all the praise! Unfortunately everything on this had to be scratchbuilt with the exeption of the skull on the base, which I picked up at a hobby shop in Burbank. I wish I could have found stuff to have sped up the build, but nothing was out there. I was really hoping to find lanterns that I could use but could find nothing Indian enough. There is brass used on the brake mechanism, a chopstick became the handle. PVC pipe and bondo became the bucket. Evergreen and Plastruct were used to make much of the chassis. The embossed letters and numbers on the side were from a kit you can buy and distress. In truth, the biggest challenge was in deciding scene from scene which car to emulate. Sometimes it had weights between the wheels. Sometimes not. Sometimes the letters were gone and rivets were on the side of it. Like all movie props, there are Loads of variables, but I still think the main thing about this hobby is capturing the spirit of the event rather than being scene specific. The wood beams holding the track had to be made too, as I couldn't find branches with the right curve to underlie the track.
That is really jaw droppingly awesome. It would be cool to have the stop motion puppets in it:

Great work! When they finally announce the 1/6 TOD Indy he'll look great posed in there. :whip
Totally awesome! Looks great... and I really like how you set it up so there is still a sense of motion and danger :rock :rock
Wow , so awesome , very detailed. Did you take photo's of it as you were building it from the start. Would love to see the whole construction side of it.

When you have time , is it please possible to see some more pics of it..

yes... more photos PLEASE !!! this is by far the BEST BEST BEST Indy custom work I have seen to date.... just brilliant work !!!!! I envy your skills :)