Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
I figure TCW and Mando discussions can stay in their own threads.

So last night I had a rare opportunity to introduce an adult to SW for the first time. I've been dating a gal for close to 6 months now who had never watched a single SW movie ever. She was born in 82, graduated high school in 2000, and told me that when her entire high school went insane with excitement over the upcoming release of "a new SW movie" (TPM obviously) she thought that everybody's behavior was so silly that she refused to see the movie on principle (phew, dodged a bullet there!) and never gave the series a chance since, lol.

She mentioned all that early on in our dating after visiting my house and seeing my framed posters, memorabilia, and whatnot.

So last night was the big night where I sit her down and pop in 4K77.

It was very interesting to watch someone watch SW for the first time completely cold with the sole (albeit quite significant) exception of her being familiar with "Luke I am your father" and the fact that it was Darth Vader who said it. But other than that she knew nothing. Didn't know who R2 and 3PO were, didn't know who Princess Leia was. Or Chewbacca or Han freaking Solo. She knew Luke and Vader and that's it. And to my pleasant surprise she got quite enjoyed it, even with the dated effects and slower pace of the first third of the movie (droids walking around the desert, Luke on the farm, etc.)

About halfway in I told her "just so you know you're scoring major points with me right now" to which she replied "hey I'm actually getting pretty sucked in, I like it!" :) Though she did say "but if you and I have kids together let's not name any of them after fictional characters okay" (knowing that my son is named Luke, lol.)

Hearing her reactions to certain things did remind me of a number of oddities that I've long taken for granted (like how every other alien's face looks like genitilia or anuses, lol.) But she found it all to be quite exciting, funny, and intense, all in the right places. It was nice to see things like the Jawas and trash compactor being kind of freaky to brand new eyes. Han did come across as a bit of a coward to her until he came back at the end. And speaking of that she had no idea what was going on in that particular moment, lol. And I do remember way back when I saw SW for the first time as a kid being a bit confused as to why the TIE Fighter next to Vader suddenly disintegrated while Vader was firing at Luke.

For the hundred times I've seen SW since my eye always gravitates toward that TIE as I anticipate it blowing up. But the way that shot is staged for a new person your eye wants to fixate on Vader and the lasers coming from his ship. Han's laser blast is quite easy to miss making it seem like something quite bizarre happened instead. I was expecting her to stand up and cheer when Han saved the day only to have her say "What just happened? Did Luke use the Force? What is going on???" lol

Ah well. Maybe she'll appreciate that moment more on the next viewing, lol. But when all was said and done I got an "okay that was good. I get it now" from her so tonight we'll be catching Empire on the big screen before theaters go away forever. :)
I've been dating a gal for close to 6 months now

This was the best line in your post. I'm happy for you.

She sounds like a good sport, tolerating your obsession. Don't push it too far. If she hates the ST, let it go.

I'm guessing she'll like ESB because there's a love story and tragic ending to it, and Yoda to boot. I remember most girls I've known through time who finally caught up with Star Wars really liked ESB. I'm guessing she won't care for ROTJ. Not sure how she'll get through the PT. Really curious what she'll say about those.
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So my ex had never seen Star Wars. She never became a bona fide 'fan' but enjoyed the entertainment and was sad when Disney killed Han. :lol

I remember her reaction upon seeing the opening scene of SW with the Star Destroyer, and I said "There was no CGI then."

Her, perplexed: "How did they do that?"

Me: "Yeah, that's what we said. In 1977."

Another hilarious line from her (she was born in '81):

"Star Wars wasn't that big was it?" :rotfl
This was the best line in your post. I'm happy for you.

Hey thanks man, I really appreciate that.

She sounds like a good sport, tolerating your obsession. Don't push it too far.

Wise words indeed, lol.

If she hates the ST, let it go.

I'm guessing she'll like ESB because there's a love story and tragic ending to it, and Yoda to boot. I remember most girls I've known through time who finally caught up with Star Wars really liked ESB. I'm guessing she won't care for ROTJ. Not sure how she'll get through the PT. Really curious what she'll say about those.

Yeah she's a good sport all right agreeing to two SW films in two days but I didn't want to her to miss out on having her first viewing of ESB actually being on the big screen. And though the purist in me would prefer she watch the Harmy version first I also have to accept that she won't give a rat's ass about what Boba Fett's voice sounds like so big screen it is, lol. But after tonight I'll let her decide when she wants to watch ROTJ, if at all. Having her only knowledge of SW come from just SW and ESB might allow her to respect my obsession more anyway, lol.

I think "normies" by and large enjoy the ST since they are well made films and if you don't bristle on how Luke is handled then there's still a lot to like. But I'll either let her make that call or suggest them myself quite a ways from now just not to overdo it as you said. ;)

So my ex had never seen Star Wars. She never became a bona fide 'fan' but enjoyed the entertainment and was sad when Disney killed Han. :lol

I remember her reaction upon seeing the opening scene of SW with the Star Destroyer, and I said "There was no CGI then."

Her, perplexed: "How did they do that?"

Me: "Yeah, that's what we said. In 1977."

Another hilarious line from her (she was born in '81):

"Star Wars wasn't that big was it?" :rotfl

Yep for all the amazing things that CGI has achieved the one true tragedy is that it forever removed the "how'd they DO that" aspect of cinema.
Having her only knowledge of SW come from just SW and ESB might allow her to respect my obsession more anyway, lol.

Blissful perfection. Maybe letting her remain in those two films is the best way to fully appreciate the best of Star Wars. Sometimes I wish it was all I knew. It would certainly contain my collecting habits much better.

Yep for all the amazing things that CGI has achieved the one true tragedy is that it forever removed the "how'd they DO that" aspect of cinema.

Absolutely. Those small miracles, including make-up effects, have ceased to exist and nothing really impresses anymore. Those crazy animatronics in The Thing... or the Millennium Falcon swooping past a starfield.... even an actual you-can-touch-it full-sized shark pushing up through the waters (even if it doesn't look real) was amazing to watch and try to grasp how they pulled it off.

Nowadays, its just a coloring box with some good (and sometimes not) artists painting the magic. I miss "hard" effects.
Blissful perfection. Maybe letting her remain in those two films is the best way to fully appreciate the best of Star Wars. Sometimes I wish it was all I knew. It would certainly contain my collecting habits much better.

I know right. Maybe going forward I just show her the trailers for the other movies so that she can get the gist of them that way, lol. Or if she really wants to watch one more put in Rogue One and call it a day. :)

I've kind of done that with my kids for JAWS and Indy. No JAWS sequels have been played in my house nor have they watched any Indy past TOD (which they got to see on the big screen as well a few years back). So to them at least he's still a badass, lol.

Absolutely. Those small miracles, including make-up effects, have ceased to exist and nothing really impresses anymore. Those crazy animatronics in The Thing... or the Millennium Falcon swooping past a starfield.... even an actual you-can-touch-it full-sized shark pushing up through the waters (even if it doesn't look real) was amazing to watch and try to grasp how they pulled it off.

Nowadays, its just a coloring box with some good (and sometimes not) artists painting the magic. I miss "hard" effects.

So very true. My kids are never impressed watching live-action Optimus Prime, Ultron, Avatar, new Godzilla etc. But they were blown away watching 1976 guy-in-suit Kong pushing over those fake trees composited with the location plates, matte paintings and real Jessica Lange knowing that it wasn't CGI since it all looked so damn real.
Yeah. All this has me thinking -- or remembering -- some of the BEST effects from the good-old-days.

Remember how amazing Vermithrax looked in 1981? Or the werewolf transformation in An American Werewolf? Or for that matter... Toht's melting face? :lol

Stunts were more crazy too. Because they were real. Even if wired. That dude that goes tumbling end over end through the air in Road Warrior was a real guy and a real stunt. Crazy!

Now... you just assume its CGI or the heavy safety cables are removed. Back then, you couldn't remove cables so they had to be very thin and only one so as not to be seen.
Yeah. All this has me thinking -- or remembering -- some of the BEST effects from the good-old-days.

Remember how amazing Vermithrax looked in 1981? Or the werewolf transformation in An American Werewolf? Or for that matter... Toht's melting face? :lol

Stunts were more crazy too. Because they were real. Even if wired. Now... you just assume its CGI or the heavy safety cables are removed. Back then, you couldn't remove cables so they had to be very thin and only one so as not to be seen.

All of that, but as a little kid Vermithrax blew my mind like nothing else save Star Wars.
Esb ends on a cliffhanger she will want too see rotj just to see how it all turns out. You never know she may fall in love with the ewoks, they dont bother my wife at all. There is no way my wife would have stopped at esb she would have been pissed at me if i didnt let her see rotj- esp with han being left frozen in carbonite and luke finding out vader was his dad. She hadnt seen any of them before we met either. I am pretty sure she likes esb and jedi best, new hope is her least favorite of the three

She is not a “fan” of the pt but she tolerates them - i can tell she doesnt enjoy them as much as she does the ot- her being on her phone the whole time usually gives it away lol. In terms of st, she liked tfa but hated the last jedi it was too ****ing weird for her- strange force powers and flying space leia. She was more entertained by tros then i was though
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I figure TCW and Mando discussions can stay in their own threads.

So last night I had a rare opportunity to introduce an adult to SW for the first time. I've been dating a gal for close to 6 months now who had never watched a single SW movie ever. She was born in 82, graduated high school in 2000, and told me that when her entire high school went insane with excitement over the upcoming release of "a new SW movie" (TPM obviously) she thought that everybody's behavior was so silly that she refused to see the movie on principle (phew, dodged a bullet there!) and never gave the series a chance since, lol.

She mentioned all that early on in our dating after visiting my house and seeing my framed posters, memorabilia, and whatnot.

So last night was the big night where I sit her down and pop in 4K77.

It was very interesting to watch someone watch SW for the first time completely cold with the sole (albeit quite significant) exception of her being familiar with "Luke I am your father" and the fact that it was Darth Vader who said it. But other than that she knew nothing. Didn't know who R2 and 3PO were, didn't know who Princess Leia was. Or Chewbacca or Han freaking Solo. She knew Luke and Vader and that's it. And to my pleasant surprise she got quite enjoyed it, even with the dated effects and slower pace of the first third of the movie (droids walking around the desert, Luke on the farm, etc.)

About halfway in I told her "just so you know you're scoring major points with me right now" to which she replied "hey I'm actually getting pretty sucked in, I like it!" :) Though she did say "but if you and I have kids together let's not name any of them after fictional characters okay" (knowing that my son is named Luke, lol.)

Hearing her reactions to certain things did remind me of a number of oddities that I've long taken for granted (like how every other alien's face looks like genitilia or anuses, lol.) But she found it all to be quite exciting, funny, and intense, all in the right places. It was nice to see things like the Jawas and trash compactor being kind of freaky to brand new eyes. Han did come across as a bit of a coward to her until he came back at the end. And speaking of that she had no idea what was going on in that particular moment, lol. And I do remember way back when I saw SW for the first time as a kid being a bit confused as to why the TIE Fighter next to Vader suddenly disintegrated while Vader was firing at Luke.

For the hundred times I've seen SW since my eye always gravitates toward that TIE as I anticipate it blowing up. But the way that shot is staged for a new person your eye wants to fixate on Vader and the lasers coming from his ship. Han's laser blast is quite easy to miss making it seem like something quite bizarre happened instead. I was expecting her to stand up and cheer when Han saved the day only to have her say "What just happened? Did Luke use the Force? What is going on???" lol

Ah well. Maybe she'll appreciate that moment more on the next viewing, lol. But when all was said and done I got an "okay that was good. I get it now" from her so tonight we'll be catching Empire on the big screen before theaters go away forever. :)

Great pleasure to share the OT with a virgin.....well SW virgin at least.

To me the best experience is seeing it through the eyes of a child for the first time......

Adults can be too jaded to accept SW after a certain age.

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My wife never really sat down to watch with undivided attention any of the OT movies until she met me. Growing up, she just might have caught a little stretch of one of the OT movies if her father happened to be watching. Once we were a couple, she accompanied me to TPM, AOTC, TFA and RO. She mocked me for TPM, and said she wouldn't watch any more SW after seeing AOTC. I managed to convince her to watch TFA when it came out, and she thought it was fun. But after RO, which she absolutely HATED, she refused to see any more of "my" movies with me. No SW, no Marvel, no Bond, no action movies. Nothing. Period. RO broke her.

However, I did manage to convince her to go see live orchestral performances of Raiders, another movie she had never watched with undivided attention. Her main reaction was, "wow, Harrison Ford was really handsome, wasn't he?". And we also got to watch a live performance of ESB. Her reaction to that one was, "wow, Luke is so annoying!"
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Way to go Khev! Is that why you went MIA for a while, you actually "got a life"? ;)

May your new relationship go full bloom (and may PT, OT and ST fans continue to be united by their love of SW!)

I know there are good reasons to start with the OT, but episodic order may have been more telling - since that's probably what most "newbies" would do.
I figure TCW and Mando discussions can stay in their own threads.

So last night I had a rare opportunity to introduce an adult to SW for the first time. I've been dating a gal for close to 6 months now who had never watched a single SW movie ever. She was born in 82, graduated high school in 2000, and told me that when her entire high school went insane with excitement over the upcoming release of "a new SW movie" (TPM obviously) she thought that everybody's behavior was so silly that she refused to see the movie on principle (phew, dodged a bullet there!) and never gave the series a chance since, lol.

Meanwhile, in Ireland, a young a-dev was one of those dorks bringing the official Star Wars magazine into school with all the latest pics from TPM. I remember me and my friends drawing suspicion from the vice-principal in the cafeteria - a group of teenage lads passing around magazines, you can guess what he first suspected. Anyway he had a look and I remember him asking ''isn't Star Wars for kids?'' to which I protested ''No, nono, no it's not''.....TPM ends up being arguably the most childish Star Wars film of the lot :lol
Khev needs to be careful AOTC is known to have destroyed many relationships.

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