Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Reload it I just updated it with a small fix that was bugging me lol

jack grin  gif.gif
For someone who has a wife that keeps him busy you seem to still have WAY TOO MUCH free time on your hands. :lol
If it wasn’t for those damn “show your customs” threads I would be ahead of Wor-Gar but I just can’t compete with his obsession with Mola Ram sandals and Mad Max boots lol
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Who was just arguing the other day that there's really no "agenda" and we're just making it up?

I've been attacked here for repeating what George himself has said about lightsaber colors and their meaning.

He said there were only four colors. Good guys get blue or green, bad guys get red. And Samuel Jackson gets purple as a special favor to Samuel Jackson.

Samuel Jackson is even in dozens of behind the scenes videos proudly explaining how cool it is that he has a purple lightsaber, and he's the ONLY one with a purple lightsaber. That was special. It meant something. It was personal.

Well...look at the new poster.

Look who's sporting a purple saber.

Hedland's wife.

It's like a message to George and Jackson that no, you're NOT special. The patriarchy is OVER. It's WOMEN'S turn now, so bend over!!

Also, her wife is playing some kind of gross lizard person. Obviously a hint as to the true nature of the people in charge....the Reptilians. Hedland used to be Harvey Wienstein's right hand man....she's seen the rich and powerful up close. Surely she witnessed some shape-shifters in person. Maybe she's a Reptilian shape-shifter herself??

Don't you see??? Can't you see how it's all connected and it all leads back to Reptilians???

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Stop posting this BAIT!!

...this board clearly says we're not to discuss it, and you're already violating that, so if we take the bait, we're the ones that are gonna get infractions and this thread is gonna get locked.
I must take umbrage with your implication, sir.

Raising awareness about the Reptilian shape-shifter conspiracy to my fellow citizens of human society is my civic duty!!

That's fine I guess, but seeing as you brought it up...what the agenda about again?

It seems that using shorthand for subjects in violation of the CoC is perfectly fine, so maybe use coded language and even more shorthand to tell me about what it is?
Watched the trailer tonight.

If this is really awful I might like to Hate watch.

Otherwise I can’t believe how little I care about this series. It looks so meh. Doesn’t help that it’s about the most boring group in the galaxy, the Jedi.

Nothing about this show looks interesting. Take out the sabers and it’s barely recognizable as a SW show. Though I can see how some might like that it doesn’t.

I’ll wait for the Jye reviews and go from there. A hate watch can be fun but a boring, wtf do I care watch is one of the most frustrating things to me.
I’m one of those SW addicts that will go out of my way to find something to enjoy out of a SW movie or series.

I’m definitely not one of those 100% hate SW if it’s from Disney that’s just ridiculous.

RO/MandoS1-S2/Andor proves that it’s ridiculous.

What is exhausting to me is that every group of characters in modern SW, even though SW IS NOT EVEN FROM EARTH, has to be forced into a message and it’s taking me out of the stories trying to be told.

The Rebels now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Empire now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Jedi now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Sith now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Padawans now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Resistance now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The First Order now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Bounty Hunters now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Outer Rim worlds now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

The Outlaws now require 1 person of every earth culture to be represented amongst its ranks.

Literally every group has to be a multicultura event and it instantly takes me out of the story.

Instead of me focusing on the narrative of the story i’m being forced out of the story by the creators who are drawing my attention towards the narrative of their message and that’s not how you are supposed to create a great story.

You know now that I think about it the legendary Death Star Trench Run from 1977 needs to be updated with female pilots and 1 person of every culture or else I think it’s a disgusting scene full of racism and hate of anything that is not white male lol

Everyone loved the OT on their release even though the movies didn’t have every human culture squeezed into the movies because we cared about the stories being told and we were not distracted by the “hey look here we are representing hardcore” message!
If the story/acting is great I’m not sure you would notice.

I just started watching Obi Wan again and Reva’s acting pulls me out of the show. Of course I say to myself “Self, how the F did she get this gig?” And then I start thinking about the representation.

But it’s because of the acting. :(
If the show does somehow turn out great it will still have an uphill battle with merch since none of it looks very toyetic. As naff as the Ahsoka show was that was very toyetic. Merch from that will sell really well. Even Andor was more toy friendly given all the troopers in it.
I "hate-watched" Obi Wan.

I watched BoBF in more of disbelieving daze than "hate."

Ahsoka wasn't worth the time. I could barely sit through the trailer, let alone actually subject myself to a full episode.

I can already tell I wouldn't last three minutes into this show. I'll let the dedicated youtube professional complainers make polished videos highlighting the stupidest parts, and I'll watch that and laugh.

I do get enjoyment out of making fun of stuff that's truly wretched, like this and Rebel Moon.

In these miserable dreary times we live in, you gotta enjoy the few moments of happiness you can find.
I watched every live action Star Wars show so far and gotta say that up to now I would only call Andor great (not perfect, had a few complaints) and then Mando seasons 1 and 2, if I selectively edit out all the crap bits, could make for 2 decent movies. The rest however has been varying levels of bad.

BOBF was terrible in an unintentional comedy way, Kenobi was just embarrassing with how poorly made it was and Mando season 3 was TLJ/TROS bad on so many levels.

Ahsoka was a lot like the cartoons. Some great toyetic design, pretty visuals and some awesome moments. But they were just that, moments. The show as a whole was a mess of plot holes, lacking logic and the dialogue was often PT level awkward.

That is 1 great show, 2 mixed bag, 3 terrible and 1 pretty, fun but shallow mess.

Not a great track record.

If Acolyte turns out bad it will be proving a pattern and beating a sick and wounded franchise as it lays in intensive care. If it somehow turns out good it will still only be a step in the right direction with more good shows required to truly repair and heal the reputation of star wars tv shows.
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