How Long before you would mind seeing characters again?

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Super Freak
Apr 2, 2006
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The which new Luke thread got me to thinking. How long would you want to see SSC go before revisiting a character they've already done? Right away, after all the "main" characters are done once, never???

For me, I love the main characters waaaayy more than any secondary or 2 seconds of screen time characters, so I wouldn't be unhappy if they started revisting them right away. At the longest I'd want them only to wait until after they've done a movie Padme, Boba Fett, Chewie, and armored Vader.

What do ya'll think?
I wouldn't object to new versions of the main OT characters being in the next few pre-orders but it's probably better for my bank account if they are a bit more spread out :D
Well, I'd like to see a bit more of a wait before we see another Luke. He's got 4 pieces in both lines. I don't want to see other cool characters get pushed back just so we can get another Han, Leia, etc.
I fully expect to get a new Luke and Obi next year. But it's too soon for any other characters.
I think it would depend on the character.

But I would say at least 1.5 years between the last characters figure.
Darth Loki said:
I fully expect to get a new Luke and Obi next year. But it's too soon for any other characters.

We need an Old Ben for sure. Next year would be ok for a new Luke say around SDCC. Then they can give us X-Wing Luke.
Anti-hero, are you referring to a specific line (12" or PF) or just in general?

If line specific, then I wouldn't mind seeing some "double-dips" in the 12" line of the major characters, while in the PF's I would rather wait, since it's a slower developing line.

But I do want the major characters done and not be "bumped" in order to have a 3rd or 4th rendition of a same character, even if unique enough (Jedi Luke, Tatooine Luke, Bespin Luke, X-Wing Luke, etc., for example.) I would hate to have a 12" Chewbacca put on hold.
FlyAndFight said:
Anti-hero, are you referring to a specific line (12" or PF) or just in general?

Oh yeah, I guess that is important to point out, huh. :eek: I was referring to the 12" line but the question is good for PF too I guess.

carbo-fation said:
Well, I want SS to make at least one of all main and secondary characters before making the same character again!

Man! That would be a looooong time to wait for an X wing Luke and even longer to wait for an armored Vader! (JK, I know you probably didn't mean him)
What's the current release schedule on Sideshow? Is it like about 10 figures max a year?

I think for the first year, they've managed to hit a lot of main characters and perhaps half the amount of secondary characters.

Main Characters:
1. Luke Skywalker -- ep6
2. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader -- ep3
3. Han Solo -- ep5
4. Obi-Wan Kenobi -- ep3
5. Qui-Gon Jinn -- ep1
6. Darth Maul -- ep1
7. Leia Boushh -- ep6

Secondary Characters:
1. Mace Windu
2. Jabba the Hutt

Misc. Minor characters:
1. Kit Fisto
2. Salacious crumb
3. Bib Fortuna
4. Plo Koon

I'm not counting the probe droids since they're not really characters. Am I missing anyone else?
I'd say about one a year or so. The Jedi Luke was up for PPO last Nov. So I wouln't mind another version of him before the end of the year. I think the main characters are the meat and potatoes of the line. I love side characters too, don't get me wrong. But to keep the collecting community happy I would think we'll see a pretty steady flow of the core characters.
I would rather have some extended universe characters (mara jade, exar kun, prince xizor[sp?], etc) before we have like 9 lukes. Get the iconic characters that everybody knows out of the way, and then get down to the nit-n-grity characters that are lesser known. (even make the lesser known characters smaller edition sizes if they aren't goign to sell that much. I just want everybody).
Okay, its important to remember that in the next year or so, this line will loose that "new car smell" so to speak. Right now, its reaching the highs it has by virtue of buzz and quality (Star Wars fan not use to this high a quality). However, Star Wars fans are as fickle as they come. A new fan wants to start collecting next year.. well, they could probably live without a Mace. However, if the only option for a Luke is 100 or more on Ebay, they will say, "Screw that, I will look elsewhere." They need to make a new Luke and Leia every year or so. Its hard to say the same for Han since his costume didn't change that much. Other characters like Vader, the should space out. However, they need some form of Vader every 1.5 years (we already have Sith Ani which many count as a Vader... but I bet we get an Armored one by next X-mas for the Anniversary.

Now, if they are making Swimming Kit Fisto next year, that a different story DOH! :rotfl
Armored Vader is a must and I think Sideshow knows that. I'm pretty sure we'll see by this time next year for certain once the work it all out.

I wouldn't mind another Luke, Bespin preferrably, but really I think I'd get any version of him the make.

I could live wiuthout another Han for a while, and the only other Leia I want would be Hoth or "Bespin Escape" which I don't see happening any time soon.

As for Obi-Wan, that's a toughie. Similar to Luke I can see myself winding up with all the Kenobis. Hopefully ANH first, or Padawan. Padawan Anakin wouldn't be bad imo, but he shouldn't be a priority for SS.
I think it really depends on the character. Someone like Luke (NJO, Tatooine, Yavin, X-Wing, hoth, Snowspeeder, Bespin, Endor) that has so many possible renditions - probably 12 months. Han solo - maybe 18 months (Hoth, Bespin, ANH, Endor). Someone like Vader who really only has two - say 3 years or maybe even a little longer. I also think it depends how prepared they are to delve into the EU. If they throw out some EU versions of the characters (say NJO Luke) then they could decrease the time between releases.
Looking at the variation possibilities without going nuts, you could have:

Obi Wan-4
Luke-6,Tatooine, pilot, dagobah, bespin, endor, Jedi
Han-2, ANH, Bespin
Leia -7,ANH, Ceremony (unlikely imo), Hoth, Bespin, Boush, Endor, Ewok gown
Anakin-3 (Hopefully AOTC with golden arm will be redesigned to eliminate the need for kleenex)
Vader-4, 5 if they do the smoky singed post Palpatine toss.
Padme- I can't count that high
Lando-3 maybe his exclusive could be his Han wardrobe.

Thats alot of repeats if they do one or two (not of the same character) per year they might space out well. I just don't want the same characters released each year. "2009, I wonder which Luke, Leia and Vader we'll get this year?"
I think we need a new Luke, Leia, and Padme just about every year to get a wide variety of the costumes. I think that they need to do each movie version of Vader in the suit one every 2 years. For Han I think we need to get a new one at least every year and a half with ANH being the next one released. I wouldnt mind about 6 figures from ANH next year and they should be the ones that are already made in PF. I also really hope to see Chewie and the droids sometime next year or the one after.
carbo-fation said:
Well, I want SS to make at least one of all main and secondary characters before making the same character again!

1st string characters: once a year
2nd string characters: once every 2 years