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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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These really aren't that funny, but I was bored today and did these two doodles.
Only geeks would find these mildly amusing.


Dr.Mirakle32 said:
These really aren't that funny, but I was bored today and did these two doodles.
Only geeks would find these mildly amusing.


Do you guys not get the references, or is it that you do, but you just don't care?
At first I thought the joke was Superman was using a gun.....than I paid attention to the name of the thread and connected the 2. This joke might have worked better as a photoshop.
Have you guys ever seen the movies AMERICAN BEAUTY, GHOST RIDER and SUPERMAN RETURNS?
Its kind of like the 6 degrees of kevin bacon.

Kevin Spacey was in American Beauty, with Wes Bently. Wes Bently was in ghost rider as Blackheart. Kevin Spacey also played Lex Luthor in Superman Returns.

In the movie American Beauty, the two above scenes were depicted, slightly differently, kevin spacey the downtrodden suburban husband whos trying to break free, spends a bit of time outside a fancy party his wifes at, with the new neighbor kid (wes bently) smoking pot talking about Re-Animator.

The other is the end of the movie, and this is spoilers for folks so beware, in which Kevin now realizing all he needs and loves in the world is his family and is finally "at peace" with his life in a way, is then shot in the back of the head by the neighbor kids dad who had a bit of a sexual orientation questioning problem and had attempted to kiss kevin spacey earlier and kevin sort of politely brushed him off what not.

Essentially its taking characters from other movies played by actors in that movie, and having htem depicted as those characters in this movie.

Hope that clarifies.
It's deep intellectual humor. You can't post that sort of thing on here!

What were you thinking man! Needs to be more simple! More redundant!

Gotta look out for guys like customizerwannabe! hehe

Teasing you Ed!
And I'll be waiting Ed! You always were one of my favs to tease! Which is a good thing. I only tease those I like. Muawahahaha!