Action Figure LIMTOYS 1/6 - Android Become Human - The Investigator / Nines - REVEAL

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What other companies do that?
Most companies don't have to, since their figures get released within a year or so. Master Team also shows updates whenever they make changes.
If The Cowboy comes out (which it 100% will) before Investigator, I know I wouldn't be too happy if I had this guy on PO. 😬
I love Lim, but refusing to give product updates because of "false expectations", aka hurt feelings, isn't the smartest move as a company.
Like with the 1/12 Snake reissue. 90% of people who have that guy PO'ed probably don't even know that the paint apps on his sculpt have drastically changed from the first release. Thats kind of important for consumers to know.
But I get it, maybe Lim's just sick of the negativity on this forum and prefers to work in peace instead of putting up with our nagging asses. lol
It’s not cancelled, cancelling would make absolutely no sense anyway, but if you hate the wait then go get your refund. There’ll be some extras when it comes out if you decide you need it.

Having to start in a new factory definitely set them back, having to start from scratch and pay for brand new moulds set them back considerably.
So tired of hearing the same excuse for three years. Why cant they share anything concrete like their updates of 1/12 all that remains? If theyve been working on it all this time like they said.
The whole negativity excuse is such a non excuse. Their facebookgroup is a moderated and everyone mainly looks for updates there. Maybe they should use it for once..

If you dont wanna read what annoyed customers have to say then dont go on random forums. RRX takes everything personally instead of stepping away and looking at it as criticism on the company, not himself.

Connor has been in production 5 years. There are plenty of figures who have been announced in lockdown and released within months of lockdown ending. The factory excuse is just that. An excuse. They’ve been working on other figures and shelved Connor. They could’ve just been honest with us from the start, inform us that covid had been hard and they need to generate income so that’s why other profitable projects are put out first. But Lim could never admit that because that would mean swallowing their pride.

How hard is it to apologise, or even properly informing your fans with some details after all these years? This figure has been in development well over 5 years making it effectively the longest figure in development in history. Yet here are still people, including Lim themselves, who think we’re still not allowed to raise questions and concerns or feel frustrated by the lack of accountability. So many companies share updates regularly why is it such an issue? It’s been a literal lifetime. Can you imagine a baby being born the day Connor got announced being a whole ass 5 year old today
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I think everyone in here is pretty tired of all the whinging, or tired or waiting, or tired of being told it’s still coming apparently.
Some people want apologies, some don’t want them, no one’s going to be happy seeing a notification unless it says “finally shipping!”

Why not lock the thread until then instead of having the same arguments every few months?
SooSoo, SSR, Mars, to name a few.
Inflames too. From what I've heard, Inflames was a side business/passion project of its owner. With his health and main business went down, Inflames collapsed as well.

I think Limtoys is very similar to Inflames on this aspect. Business model like this can be very fragile, hence the long lead time.

But hey, if any Limtoys personnel is reading this, just stay alive, ok?
SooSoo, SSR, Mars, to name a few.
To piggyback off of this, Mars shared this TODAY. It’s silly to think LIM couldn’t do this with their own figure.

Lim did updates like that pretty regularly for their 1/12 all that remains. Makes you wonder.. why not Connor too? They always tell us “we’re working on it”.
Is anyone really still waiting for this? Didn't VTS beat LIM to the punch years ago? lol

Hell the game itself is nigh on been forgotten so I'm surprised folks are still wanting this guy. Still doesn't excuse LIM's lack of communication which at this point they might as well rip the band aid off and say it's canceled.
Is anyone really still waiting for this? Didn't VTS beat LIM to the punch years ago? lol

Hell the game itself is nigh on been forgotten so I'm surprised folks are still wanting this guy. Still doesn't excuse LIM's lack of communication which at this point they might as well rip the band aid off and say it's canceled.
That’s basically what I’ve been saying the whole time. It’s never going to happen. Timing is years off which makes the game too far in the past for the figure sales to be very good. It’s pointless to put so much effort and money into a project that won’t be profitable due to the time frame. If it WAS going to happen it would have long ago. I find it funny that people still bump this thread asking, “When is LIM going to get this figure out!?! Answer: NEVER. lol
Don't think timing is enough to say it's been cancelled, especially in this hobby when the media comes out, demand is at its highest, and then the figure doesn't come out until 2 years later when people have cooled on the media or are actively trashing it.
I don't have a stake in this figure so I don't really care what happens either way - but, before R_R_X got chased off, the guy was always honest and transparent about what was going on. Sure, maybe his projections missed the mark but that's not on him. He always shared what he could and anything he said about a product ended up being true, with exception to the release time.

If he said the figure wasn't cancelled while he was still here - why would anyone think otherwise? I know this figure is a disaster and there's really no defending Lim on it. But, everyone and their mother thought the Arthur Morgan figure was cancelled and Lim went under, and it was figure of the year for many people. Same with the 1/12 Joel and Ellie - everyone thought Lim went under and they came out and everyone who got the set loved it.

Again, I know that the figure is insanely overdue and the lack of updates must be driving people crazy, I sympathize with that. Dutch, Joel/Ellie, Sully and Aloy were all supposed to be in development years ago and it's been radio silence, which is driving me nuts. I can only imagine how you guys feel about Connor. But, I'm sure it's not cancelled. Hopefully R_R_X will come back eventually and just give an update. I think at this point Lim does owe people that.
Is anyone really still waiting for this? Didn't VTS beat LIM to the punch years ago? lol

Hell the game itself is nigh on been forgotten so I'm surprised folks are still wanting this guy. Still doesn't excuse LIM's lack of communication which at this point they might as well rip the band aid off and say it's canceled.
I am waiting for it. One of my favorite games and favorite characters. On top of that LIM’S version is far superior to VTS’ (based on prototype’s and how good Arthur came out) IMHO I got an awesome Geralt YEARS after the game released. Figures like Heath Ledger’s Joker, (which I think there’s 4,765 versions out there) Gandalf or Aragorn have been recently made by inArt and it’s not like those movies are recent. While I understand it’s more niche it is being produced for a niche audience

All that said, I have my doubts and would love an update, I’ll look at it as a nice surprise if it shows up
I got an awesome Geralt YEARS after the game released. Figures like Heath Ledger’s Joker, (which I think there’s 4,765 versions out there) Gandalf or Aragorn have been recently made by inArt and it’s not like those movies are recent.

Yeah but the big difference with those mentioned is they're still hugely popular in pop culture and elsewhere, compared to....generic android man whose name I can't even remember from a game I played and nobody talks about. lol Though I imagine the controversy with the studio didn't help matters.

I mean that's great you're still looking for it though. I just can't see it ever coming out and the lack of updates from LIM would be concerning to me.
He wasn't chased off, he received incredibly minor criticism among a sea of praise

For real.

When I posted my thoughts on Gunslinger, which I thought was fairly balanced, I appreciated the attention to detail, but wasn't happy with the fragility of the accessories (broken spurs, lantern fell apart), fit of the hat, and poseability, RRX replied something to the effect of "You are the only one who has commented that, if you dislike it that much, you should just sell it." Seemed like a huge overreaction.

Fast forward two years, they'd since made another batch, that supposedly packed the items better to protect them during shipping, and made an accessory head set with a hat that is designed to fit better. Kind of ironic.

As an epilogue, I did sell it, and made a bit of profit, and used the proceeds from that sale to buy a second batch figure ... it's still in the box :censored:
You are the first overwhelmingly negative review on the figure, we're sorry you feel that way about it, I'd like to touch on some of the points you made and give answers to you and everyone else reading this.

The hat angle can be adjusted to achieve a more natural looking effect, the in game model of the hat is very tall which adds to it looking high on his head and it doesn't actually sit on his head, it floats on it and can clip with his hair, the challenge of translating it to figure format was not easy, especially when taking into account there has to be a gap between the sculpt and the hat itself to avoid paint damage, we were satisfied with the final result but if people don't like it I'm sure there's many routes to go, such as customizing the hair or the hat itself and even using a different hat since the outfit options in the game are endless.

The body was based of his in game model, his torso is indeed extremely wide in porportion to the rest of his body, even in the later chapters, the articulation is based off the most recent blueprint for 1/6 scale bodies, the reason it might be a bit harder to articulate is that we padded it after criticism that it looked "too skinny" which made the clothes sit tight on it and a bit harder to articulate.

I reccomend that you glue the hammer of the shotgun back on, glued parts coming off can happen with any figure and it's an easy fix.

The panel is removeable by design in order to allow for easier replacement of the lever should it break during transport or after, we sculpted the interior mechanism in order for it look realistic should you prefer to keep it that way.

The batteries included with the lantern seem to have an issue for some people, we suggest trying new batteries, in case the mechanism is broken or damaged you can contact the retailer you bought it from to get a replacement.

The spurs are the most fragile pieces of the package and we warn people to be careful when handling them, we plan on fixing them for future releases, loose items are due to the handling during transport, nothing is chucked inside randomly at the factories, we will have better packging on our future products to avoid that issue. It's also important for me to say we do offer costumer service through various retailers, including One Sixth Kit, KGHobby, Giantoy, etc. If you have any broken/missing pieces you can contact them about this issue and replacements wil be sent to you.

I've said it before, we're not Hot Toys, they're a multi million dollar worth company that have pioneered this whole industry, we're a relatively new brand that is evolving and making mistakes like everyone else, every release offers us more expirience and lessons than the one before, as far as the hair pieces we haven't seen anyone expirience the issue you mention, I sometimes get it on figures during colder weather when everything gets harder, we advise caution when putting the hair pieces on and when removing them as well.

It's clear you are extremely unsatisfied with the figure, I'm afraid even if you were to ask for replacement parts you still wouldn't like it, there is nothing we can do about that, and if you didn't like this one you will not like John either, I advise you to sell it and get your money back, there's lots of people looking for it at the moment, should you still purchase our future products I hope they are more satisfactory, otherwise I'm sure there's many other offerings from other brands to look forward to.

Doesn’t seem like an overreaction to me, seems like he listened to your criticism and in great detail answered concerns best he could (more than you’d get from other companies, especially 3rd party).
instead of rehashing arguments I’ll just quote some of the earlier discussions.

I think what you’re saying is a bit unfair. People didn’t know what was going on, these updates about the factory etc. are pretty recent knowledge. I think the switch of factory was briefly mentioned once a long time ago. But I dont think any of us expected it to have as much impact on the release dates of the figures as it has.

Before your most recent update the people were in the dark and it felt like these figures were never coming. If you’re not in the Lim facebookgroup it would seem as if Lim is announcing and releasing all these new figures while your loyal customers have been waiting for years for figures that were announced ages ago.

I won’t deny that I and others have been sceptical of Lim and have been jabbing at you for more information by making snarky comments. But only because there was no information to find anywhere except for “its coming Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 etc.” 4-5 years is a long wait to ask from your customers.

That being said. It’s nice to know you guys have been working very hard on getting these figures out. And I can imagine all the complications with the factory were frustrating. So I agree that you guys deserve some slack from us now that the situation has been cleared up. And please take your time to get us the best possible end result.

I don’t think any of us here want to see Limtoys fall. In the contrary. We are worried because we are so passionate about these figures. That’s why we are still here.

I know it’s not my place but I would suggest posting an update on your public Facebook page (not the group) about Connor. Explaining that it is still very much in development. That way it’s somewhere everyone can see it. I think that’s the least you can do for the people who have been waiting so long.

I was an active member on here for 3 years giving constant updates on all the products and talking with people, sharing info many other companies would not even entertain the idea of sharing. The reason I stopped was because I was treated like I never did so why should I keep sharing sensitive information with people that will call that info "excuses" and whatnot?

We'd rather let the final product speak for itself, trust me when I say it's way more frustrating for us than all of you but rest assured we are focused on delivering the best possible product we can and going forward there won't be many delays but if something has to be delayed then it will because we are fans and we will have these figures displayed in our collections too and we don't want something half assed just to say we released it on time.

I know you were trying your best to give us updates and you were working with the information you had at that time. I know a lot of anger and frustration that was directed towards Limtoys was unrighfully directed towards you when you were only trying to help. And I know you’re not a spokesperson just a passionate employee.

But at the end of the day communication from Limtoys has been frustrating. The Connor thread hasn’t had an update in years and 90% of the updates for the 1/12 Last of us figures for the past two years have been “its coming [insert date]” that date comes around and then we heard nothing for months after and then repeat again and again.

You can’t deny that having to wait double the industry standard for a figure isn’t normal. And it’s something that should be addressed professionally by the company through the proper channels by a spokesperson. Not bits and pieces of information spread around on a random internet forum.

Don’t take it personally please, because this is not on you, you were simply trying your best to inform us. It’s on Lim as a company for not communicating with their clients in my opinion.

The connor thread wasn't updated as often but I still let people know what was going on, the last update I sent was in June letting people know we were still fixing mistakes from the old factory, so saying it "hasn't had an update on years" is false.

I don't deny that and never did, which is why I informed people as to why the delays were so long and why Connor still hasn't released. Keep in mind Connor wasn't just Connor, there's also RK900, two huge bases and tons of accessories that all had to be remade and recast multiple times, that double pack was also sold for a measly $250 so at this point we will be releasing the figures at a loss but at least they will be up to our desired standard.

You are forgetting a key factor here, LIM is unlicensed and so are the figures, constantly updating and sending pictures and having a big social media presence wouldn't be wise, that's why there's a private group and me helping when I can. Besides for a long time third parties never communicated with their costumers and it's only recently that they've opened up more. Even then I can count on one hand the amount of third parties that have the constant communication you desire.

The frequency of opposition to positivity is just as frequent here, perhaps even more so these days than ever before. I'm not going to lie and say LIM doesn't have some diehard defenders in here, I'd say two or three though, the critics and downright haters in other places far outweigh those 3 people on here and the rest are just regular collectors who happen to own Arthur.

I've seen a bunch of opinions rooted in facts in this thread, @Klornamafern got the third batch and says they're disappointed with the paint aps and sculpt, @Godfather1408 and @JorjeCroft also got the third batch and says the difference between batches isn't that huge, others who bought the figure (first or second batch) chimed in and said they don't see a big difference from the pictures Klor provided. I shared a post comparing sculpts and explaining why there's differences between batches. There is no gaslighting here, just "genuine observations" from people who actually own the figure which is the topic of the discussion, something I can't remember if you own to be fair.

You mean the delays? Or the recent lack of communication? If those are your main criticisms I've already addressed them to the best of my abilities, I explained why I'm not as active anymore and over the years I've given detailed reasons as to why our pre-order items are yet to be released. I informed people about the multiple resculpts, recasts and relocations our figures are going through and why it's taking years and thousands upon thousands of dollars to fix bad work from a bad factory. Yet even after all those explanations and information, some dating years, your criticism remains the same, going out of your way to "facetiously criticize" the “business decision” side of things in LIM's threads and even other unrelated threads. So I don't know what else I can do for you, tell me what other brand, third party no less, would have a member even entertain this type of thing, sharing sensitive information that will just fall on deaf ears? Zero.

Sounds to me like you want to want to want to buy these figures more than you actually want them just so you can participate in this discussion, if that makes any sense. In my opinion LIM is not for you plain and simple. There will always be QC issues, these are made in factories where lots of other third party and licensed brands operate and factory workers have to do QC checks on thousands upon thousands of figures. But we have been doing a better job of it, we get less and less QC complaints with each release and only HT truly has it down with QC since everything goes through their own main factory before being shipped out.

As far as results I'd say the response to our released products has been positive for the most part, it's not like we have released utter garbage with no care for the buyer throughout the years, that's only become a recent lie for some reason. Sure the old figures have brittle parts and QC issues still happen as mentioned but it's something we're improving as time goes on and we hire new factories and attempt new things with out figures.

Anyway this turned into a conversation between you and me and it's starting to wear off on me, you I'm sure and others reading this thread I bet so I will end it here.

This all started because one person is unhappy with their third batch figure so again @Klornamafern I'm sorry this batch did not live up to your expectations and that you think it's not representative of the work we did with the first batch, I hope my explanation was sufficient. Your criticisms have all been taken into account and we will take them into consideration should another batch be in demand.