Redressing Your Figures?

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Darth Sheba

Super Freak
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'm wondering if redressing your figures is common. I don't always have to do that when I get them out of the box; just pull here and readjust there, and everything's fine. Everytime I even look at my Mace I have to redress him. He can look awful at times. He also has the bad habit of bending forward slightly when he's standing, so that might have something to do with it. :lol
Hasbro figs: I have never redressed. Sideshow figs: That is the first thing I always do with them. FUTZ!!!

redressing is the first thing i do when i get my figures. it's funny actually, i own 7 sideshow figures so far and used my water method to all of them, but the only ones i actually stripped and redressed were the star wars ones. but you have to consider that i'm star wars fanatic so i try to get them as close to real as possible, outside of repainting/resculpting.
Sith Anakin was the first figure I had to redress, he was just thrown together in the box and all wrinkled.
I had to redo the Kit and Vader top halves with the robes. Vader was the worst looking figure I had until I straighten him out. I need to redo the pants though as I don't care for how they look on the legs fitting into the boots, the pants on the legs look uneven and like parachute pants.

What is the best way to do the water treatment?
i had to redress my Anakin because his arm fell off and that caused me to have to take all of his clothes off to get the arm back on.
Wor-Gar said:
Hey Evil, do you like him? How about a picture of your Sith Ani?

I like Anakin better. The arm on this one keeps falling so I'm going to do the fingernail polish trick.


I am new to Sideshow and 1/6th scale with the Star Wars line. So far I redressed Luke and both Anakins. Kit looked good out of the box so I left him alone.
All of my figures have looked good right out of the box, but I happen to love getting the clothing to fit just right, so I spend a lot of time adjusting the fit and the tucks and everything--for me, it needs to fall naturally as it would on a full-sized person, not a 1/6 scale figure. That can take some effort!
I'm newer to these too, I didn't need to do ANYTHING to Luke, perfection. But Sith Anakin I've fiddled ith but not actually re-dressed. I'm afraid of screwing it up if I totally undress him. Also naked toys make my shy.........
apart from reculpting the head and painting the boots brown, part of the fun for me is taking the outfits off and putting them back on, attempting to get them as close as possible to the on screen versions.... and paying close attention to pose and scale. Trying to make them look not like small toys.. but like real people, in real clothes.... when you achieve this it's a great buzz. Much better than just getting them out and plonking them on a shelf :)

I also snipped the stitching off the back of the belt, to unattach it from the leather tabbards (or whatever they're called) then the belt and tabbards at the front can be pulled much lower, as on the toy they're too high... making him look all puffed up like a fake body builder. Whereas if you look at pictures of hayden, its lower down around his waist. This has a huge effect on the realism of the figure. (of course it means the tabbards at the back are too high in comparison... but hey.. i never display my figure from the back) ;)
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Vader/Anakins belt did bug me. I'm also afraid of being called a sissy for "playing with my dolls" by my wife. She's so sensitive!
hunky_artist said:
apart from reculpting the head and painting the boots brown, part of the fun for me is taking the outfits off and putting them back on, attempting to get them as close as possible to the on screen versions.... and paying close attention to pose and scale. Trying to make them look not like small toys.. but like real people, in real clothes.... when you achieve this it's a great buzz. Much better than just getting them out and plonking them on a shelf :)

I also snipped the stitching off the back of the belt, to unattach it from the leather tabbards (or whatever they're called) then the belt and tabbards at the front can be pulled much lower, as on the toy they're too high... making him look all puffed up like a fake body builder. Whereas if you look at pictures of hayden, its lower down around his waist. This has a huge effect on the realism of the figure. (of course it means the tabbards at the back are too high in comparison... but hey.. i never display my figure from the back) ;)
Could you post a picture of your Ani having the tabbards seperated from the waist sash. I thought about doing this too. I've already given him a short sleeved shirt on hi right side and when redressing skipped the snap on the tunic overlapping the panels more.
Sith Anakin was the first figure I had to redress, he was just thrown together in the box and all wrinkled.

how do you get creases out of the pleather part on anakin?
hunky_artist said:
apart from reculpting the head and painting the boots brown, part of the fun for me is taking the outfits off and putting them back on, attempting to get them as close as possible to the on screen versions.... and paying close attention to pose and scale. Trying to make them look not like small toys.. but like real people, in real clothes.... when you achieve this it's a great buzz. Much better than just getting them out and plonking them on a shelf :)

I also snipped the stitching off the back of the belt, to unattach it from the leather tabbards (or whatever they're called) then the belt and tabbards at the front can be pulled much lower, as on the toy they're too high... making him look all puffed up like a fake body builder. Whereas if you look at pictures of hayden, its lower down around his waist. This has a huge effect on the realism of the figure. (of course it means the tabbards at the back are too high in comparison... but hey.. i never display my figure from the back) ;)

awesome idea hunky. do you have a close up pic of how the belt and tabbards look now that youve done that modification? id love to see.
I've redressed both Anakins so far and messed around like crazy with Luke. Kit was fine pretty much out of the box, but that didn't stop me from futzing around to see if he could look better.
I abandoned the use of the buttons holding all of Anakin's tunics together because everything tends to bunch up and look dopey, especially the brown undertunic around the neck. Once everything's held snug with the belt he looks great.
It takes some time for me to get the clothing looking the way I want. I'm too afraid to try and wet the figures, so I just yesterday got my Sith Ani looking the way I wanted(I really need a good camera to upload some pics)...
I usually mess with the clothing quite a bit, just to get the proper fit I want. I love achieving that moment when it looks exactly the way you want it, always priceless. I'm just a picky person anyway and my figures have to have a certain realism to them or I will not be happy.

Hence my burned and darkened Jason jacket....:D