1/6 Hot Toys - MMS610 - Back to the Future (1985) - Doc Brown Collectible Figure

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Looks like the OSK Doc sculpt just shipped, eager to see how it looks on the HT fig.
Is there a pic of the Doc sculpt?

Don't own the figure as I ordered with ToysBlunderland soooooo.....I can enjoy it through the happiness of others.🤥
here is a production pic.


Mine shipped this morning!
I just don't get Hot Toys. Why would they NOT improve their Doc Brown sculpt? You are paying 300 dollars for a high end product and we must use a 3rd party to essentially bridge what HT should originally be doing.

Just come on Hot Toys. I hate the idea of Hot Toys Artisan line, as that should be things they already do, instead of charging extra for it. Improve their technology and sculpts.
I just don't get Hot Toys. Why would they NOT improve their Doc Brown sculpt? You are paying 300 dollars for a high end product and we must use a 3rd party to essentially bridge what HT should originally be doing.

Just come on Hot Toys. I hate the idea of Hot Toys Artisan line, as that should be things they already do, instead of charging extra for it. Improve their technology and sculpts.
Simply because of maximising profit i suspect. When you have a fan base that will buy any release they churn out, why bother putting any extra effort in? HT have been doing this for years now and they clearly dont listen to their customers. The only way they will listen is if you simply dont buy it. All people do is moan yet they still splash out a lot of money for it and will justify it as "its the best we will get" or FOMO. So we are our own worst enemy. IF we settle for mediocre, HT will continue to release mediocre. I say just be thankful there are 3rd party people out there setting a higher standard.
Saying all this, what ive said doesnt fit the fact marty was tweaked. Unless thats when they realised that tweaking/making a new sculpt was a waste of time and money maybe? I think this might be the case here since bttf isnt a huge seller maybe whereas they will put the effort in when doing a tom holland spiderman and theyve seen POs reflect this when they showcase an older sculpt on a new spidey suit. It would be nice if HT would be a bit more vocal for their decisions.

Another reason maybe is to keep hold of the license. This to me still seems like the only reason theyve released the figures and flying delorean (which still looks cheap, plastic and nasty which is why i didnt order one. I had to mod my pt1 to a standard i felt HT should have gone to and wasnt willing to do that all over again even more so when it cost double what the pt1 version cost).

Could his likness also be a factor in that its rather difficult to capture and get right? Tooling costs being what they are doesnt justify the return they would get for a figure that wont sell anywhere near as well as an ironman or spiderman?

Maybe the customer base is dwindling due to reasons like cost of living and an expensive doll just isnt a priority. Maybe this lazy approach has turned people away so the market is even smaller than it would be which in itself is a cycle that makes things worse. Less figures sold will push up prices of future releases which in turn could mean even less sell next time which will push prices further again.

Still, whatever the reasons, i remember people moaning how HT should make a pt1 doc and then one is made and people are still not happy. I agree its a poor sculpt and very lazy and its why i didnt bother buying one. I think people should either accept the laziness, buy a custom sculpt if youre not happy with it or just not buy one to begin with. If profit and shareholders are their main concern then simply not buying it is how to send the message. I know its a double edged sword but nothing will change if we keep buying mediocre. All we're doing is telling HT we are currently ok still with them being lazy cos we're still buying what they are selling.
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Definitely better, but also definitely too young. Man, would love to see this haired and aged. Based on the image of Doc above I've got some ideas on the aging. The hairing, well.. I've tried my hand at it with varying degrees of success. There's potential in this sculpt. Happy it's on its way.

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