1/6th imperial troop transport

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let me know if you come across one, because in the meantime if I run across another junker I will grab it just for the electronics, as you can see if you go to the link below, there is no shortage of second hand stores in Chicago, so anythings possible. Also I will check with the guy that owns Quake Collectibles, and see if hes got a beater in his basement because he would probably give it to me for a couple of bucks, and I still owe you anyway.

Speaking of that, I will be updating the Bandoleer thread with some good news shortly. :)

thanks guys...........it's a bit slow going but it's been pretty fun. im hoping i can win some extra sandtroopers (if offered) :pray: in spooktacular..........:)

need to post a few more pics tonight.
...I got some Sandtrooper bits and pieces... If you need them check the Trade Thread and shoot me a PM...
will do boba..............i have 4 already but a couple more wouldnt hurt.....:)
thanks master hemble..........spook has set me back a bit but i have several more things done and a few more things i am planning on doing this weekend.............barring catastrophe.........:)

next update should cover quite a bit more progress.
That back panel looks great and I really dig the kitbashing on it. You'd never know from the painted shots that it was put together using random bits! :clap
That back panel looks great and I really dig the kitbashing on it. You'd never know from the painted shots that it was put together using random bits! :clap
thanks mando.....:hi5:
Cool information about the Sears version... never knew about that one.

i never knew about it either until i started researching for pictures i could imbed into auto-cad for the templates. while the sears version had a bit more detail in the stickers & a light tan color the loss of the electronics would have been a let down. plus the original is what i had/have............:)
Yeah, no electronics is pretty weak... but the 80's was all about wringing the most out of the previous products.

I mean farmboy Luke released on ROTJ packaging :lol
Think about how I felt, since I had no clue about it either. I thought, oh I have something that could probably help Barry out. So I dig it out and after grabbing some batteries and examining it, I started thinking "this isn't right, what the hell is going on here". :lol

My first thought was it was a made in Mexico knock off made from molds that went out the back door of a factory. I am surprised I didn't know about it or own this version as a kid since my grand parents always bought me the cheaper Sears play sets and such.
:lol........bill. but if it were in good to great shape it would fetch quite the higher price as like you said before, it is the more rare of the two.
how in the hell do you work on something thinking ahh.......one less thing to do & then it winds up being more to do?.............case in point...........i start priming..........and bam..........there's all these flaws & holes/gaps that now need to be filled in. i didnt see them before...........DAMAGE!!!!!!!!!..........:gah:







i would have the top done as well but my router/bench is giving me fits..............DOUBLE DAMAGE........!!!
how in the hell do you work on something thinking ahh.......one less thing to do & then it winds up being more to do?.............case in point...........i start priming..........and bam..........there's all these flaws & holes/gaps that now need to be filled in. i didnt see them before...........DAMNAGE!!!!!!!!!..........:gah:


i would have the top done as well but my router/bench is giving me fits..............DOUBLE DAMNAGE........!!!

Fixed! :)



Looks good to me!
thanks mando, dude, & c-bob.............i thought since i was posting pictures again i would add some temporary placed back door shots..........(not those kind of back door shots sithlord13......:thwak).........:lol




looking at the last profile shot......it seems i should have kicked out the bottom of the door just a tad more. i may look into doing that by adding a small thin strip of balsa..............:dunno............too picky??