Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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Isn't Tony being unlikable sort of pertinent for Civil War?

Yeah, but I think it would be dumb if they suddenly make him unlikeable in the movie. I liked him in AoU and I think he had a good argument:

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and Cap's answer to that was emotional and silly, I'm on Cap's side, but I find his answers to be a bit dumb sometimes
Yeah, but I think it would be dumb if they suddenly make him unlikeable in the movie. I liked him in AoU and I think he had a good argument:

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and Cap's answer to that was emotional and silly, I'm on Cap's side, but I find his answers to be a bit dumb sometimes

Yeah and I found the later reference back to that moment really cringeworthy.

I think it was when

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Hmmmmm I am not certain what to think. When I walked out of the first Avengers film, I had a different feeling. Based on that alone, I'd say I prefer the original. I thought this had its moments also felt kinda ........missing in spots. I didn't like some of the story plots and Ultron was pretty bland for most of the film. I wasn't a big fan of Vision but I enjoyed the twins...I'll watch it again tomorrow without all the fanfare see what I think.
Just got home from it. Loved it. Some parts were better than the first, others weren't. Loved the humor. Won't say too much till more people see it.

Linda Cardellini isn't aging well. She looks haggard in this movie.
In case no one posted it earlier.... just to let people know that there ISN'T a scene after ALL the credits, just one during. So you don't have to sit through all of them if you don't want.
Yeah I agree, I found tony to be really unlikeable in this one.

I'm not a massive marvel fan. I still prefer the winter soldier to any other marvel film including this.

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Some Stan Lee cameos are funny, but others are just like, oh, there's Stan forced into the movie again. My favorites are Iron Man 1 and Winter Soldier, I love when Tony mistakes him for Hugh Hefner in Iron Man and his security guard in Winter Soldier.

I'm curious why Lou Ferrigno hasn't had cameos in the Avenger films, he's been in both Hulks.
My Friend and I just returned... Both of us were pretty disappointed.

Let me get my number one issue out of the way. As a Hulk fan I was really let down that there was no Great Hulk Moments and I don't consider fighting the Hulkbuster to be a great moment... The First Avengers had nothing but Great Hulk moments... This one not so much.

But that's not it... None of the other Hero's had their "great" moment either... I never got psyched up like I did with the original... Nothing in this film compared with the Iron Man / Thor fight or Hulk Knocking out a Space Slug or whipping on Loki... Black Widow was not given any cool things to due... Cap was OK but basically just fighting and doing nothing we have not seen before... Same Goes for Iron Man and Thor... Thor was the closest to having a great "hero moment" at the end... Scarlet Witch probably had the coolest scenes.

Ulton was a bit of a let down... Too many Jokes for a robot. Loki was much better.

The Whole film felt like nothing I have not already seen... Granted its going to be harder to do with so many other Marvel films that have come before it... But Captain America Winter Soldier pulled it off.

I would Say it is the 5th or 6th best Marvel film, I liked the First one, Winter Soldier, IM 1, TIH, and maybe Thor 1 all better then this one. Which leaves IM2, IM3, Thor 2, and the first cap movie as being lesser and that is not saying much IMO. I liked GOTG better but I don't really count that with the rest yet.

I should stress it's not a bad film... Just disappointing. Perhaps if there was a stand alone Hulk movie coming for phase 3 I would be a bit more forgiving as far as the lack of Hulk but there is not so now I have to wait until the next Avengers film :(

I would give it 3 out of 5 with the possibility of going up a star when I see it again and I know what to expect..

I hope they release a Extended cut.. I can't believe Falcon did not get any real Hero scenes and as much as Hulk disappeared at the end I gotta believe that some of that was left on the cutting room floor.
Hmmmmm I am not certain what to think. When I walked out of the first Avengers film, I had a different feeling. Based on that alone, I'd say I prefer the original. I thought this had its moments also felt kinda ........missing in spots. I didn't like some of the story plots and Ultron was pretty bland for most of the film. I wasn't a big fan of Vision but I enjoyed the twins...I'll watch it again tomorrow without all the fanfare see what I think.

Yeah... I am hoping another viewing helps but it did feel incomplete.
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and Cap's answer to that was emotional and silly, I'm on Cap's side, but I find his answers to be a bit dumb sometimes

Saying "together" was silly and emotional? Sounds like a perfectly reasonable Cap line to me.