DarkArtist's End of the Line Thread

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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Seriously, Josh... these figures are worth every penny. :rock

If only you could get the licenses. You'd clean house. :lol

I wish I could! Maybe one day... I know my little enterprise keeps expanding, I run a store on Horrorbid now, and I am adding new figures to my lineup all the time...

Eventually I might need to legally make it a true business and hire my Wife to help me keep up with everything, maybe a painting minion to lay my base coats. :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

You know where to go looking if you need marketing help ;)
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

You know where to go looking if you need marketing help ;)

Indeed. I've already posited the idea that Josh and his wife should also look into movie up to the Boston area like me... then we can ALL start our own collectibles company together. :rock :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Indeed. I've already posited the idea that Josh and his wife should also look into movie up to the Boston area like me... then we can ALL start our own collectibles company together. :rock :lol

Dark Irish Collectibles Inc. :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks guys! Jokers will be seeing movement soon, Roy and Michael too. I am doing them all at once, and they will be getting done very quickly here and in large numbers!

Right now I have to take the Wife to the hospital, she's having some mysterious chest pains. So keep her in your thoughts guys...

Thanks guys... we just got back home. She has inflammation in her sternum which is causing pain in her chest. So we got lucky... she just has to take it easy and not strain herself so much at work. Glad it was nothing serious, she had me freaked out there for a moment.

Glad she is ok bro. Keep her safe. Will keep her in our prayers and well wishes.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

glad to hear all is well with the meyers victim...er... i mean wife....:D
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks guys...

I want to address a growing concern about the Joker project, that I really want to answer publicly and thoroughly. Firstly, I would like to apologize to those who have waited so very long for this figure. I know it's taken a long time, and if you have one already...you can understand why this is so. It's a highly intricate figure that honestly, I should never have taken upon myself to make in such large quantities. It was a big mistake on my part and taught me a huge lesson about what my limitations are.

I know that Hot Toys has put out their Joker, soon to be plural... I know that Les has offered his head replacement and so has Howes/Kuato...not to mention the PLETHORA of heads available online now. So it has rendered my figure a bit null and void, long after the orders and payments have gone through. Add upon that, the wait you all have had... it makes it harder to deal with. I can't tell you how sorry I am that it happened like that.

Let's go into the WHY of this project's lateness and why it's been so delayed. It's not from moving on to new projects or flat out laziness... I assure you. There are valid reasons. Firstly, the shirt. I was an idiot and thought I could just paint the pattern on every single shirt quickly...which was not smart. Secondly, I had to rely on very slow shipping parts from a store in Hong Kong... which can take up to 3 weeks to ship something to me, one time it even took almost a month! Thirdly, the parts for the figure total to a whopping $100, which left me with $20 for payment of my painting and building of the figure.

Let's go into painting of the figure... it takes more layers for a Joker head than ANY other headpaint I have ever done, tons of work on the head alone. The jacket has to be de colored and then dyed, the shirt has to be hand painted with the pattern (which takes me at least 5 hours to complete), the socks have to be hand painted with the pattern, which also takes time. And initially I was soaking paint into the vests, which was a nightmare, now I've resorted to spray paint. Shoes have to be painted, gloves have to be painted, and finally the entire figure is slightly weathered. It's the most work intensive figure I own and I don't even sell them anymore... simply BECAUSE of that point.

I want to sincerely apologize for how late they are, I know that you guys must hate me for it, but I am trying to do a lot all at once right now and they WILL go out to all of you that have paid. I promise. I never have gyped anyone and I do not intend to start.

The other projects aren't as far behind thankfully, but the Joker is. If it were easy like Myers or Roy it wouldn't be that way... but the Joker is a complicated figure. :banghead

Thank you all for being so damn patient with me, please just hold on a little longer... I promise they will all go out. Just understand how damn hard it is to do what I do in the small amount of time per day that I have to commit to figure making. :duff

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Sorry to hear about the head ache Josh, I guess it was a learning lesson.

But let me assure those who are waiting, Josh's work is PHENOMENAL!!! Attention to detail is second to none!I didnt get a Joker from Josh, but I have a handful of other Josh works and they are spectacular! Once you get your figure from Josh, you really see how much love and work he puts into them!

I hope you get past these troublesome Jokers Josh and on to more horror realted figures :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks Chase, I really do appreciate it bro. I'm trying desperately to get caught up and finished with these cursed Joker figures and the rest of my very very late commissions. It's been Hell these past few months, and I have learned a lot of the do's and don'ts of making full figures.. It's not easy, that's for sure. :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Take your time on my Bank Joker and goon, Josh. I am very patient! :D
Besides, what are friends for?

I know every figure that all of us have received or will receive from you WILL turn out great. It has been foreseen....:emperor
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Takes alot to explain yourself and apoligize like that Josh :). You should be commended for that and you are absolutely right on the Head paint of the Joker, easily one of the most time consuming heads to paint when you approach it to look as real as possible. Hope everything works out well man.

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Hey, I'm more than happy to wait for your greatness Josh. If I wanted another Joker, I would have ordered one by now. But the first ones I saw just floored me. I think the only think that HT might have on you for the first Joker is the clothes, but they can do everthing in huge lots, so we all know how hard it was for you.

Well, I think that you might have to start charging a bit more for these kinds of figures. We might not all want to pay it, but I know that they are worth it with each and every piece being hand done, which makes it more than worth it to me!!!!

I think you should be making money on these just like everyone else and I've got to say that $20 made on each figure is just not worth doing IMO. So if you do start charging more, I will be more than happy to pay it!

Now, everyone thank Josh imensely for putting up with us cause he has a full load of work, school & a home life and trying to placate us nerds & geeks with his greatness. If you don't, Josh will give me your address and I will pull a Jay & Silent Bob and come to your house and rough you up Silent Bob style!! I might not be as big or have that kick ass beard, but I do have retard strength!!

Thanks for all the hard work Josh!!!!


Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

But let me assure those who are waiting, Josh's work is PHENOMENAL!!! Attention to detail is second to none!I didnt get a Joker from Josh, but I have a handful of other Josh works and they are spectacular! Once you get your figure from Josh, you really see how much love and work he puts into them!


Josh's, and for that matter any high end customizer's, work has to be handled with a different anticipation mindset than Sideshow, Hot Toys and Medicom product. It can't be cranked out in the speed those guys can put out product, but the end result far surpasses the quality of a mass produced item. You can wait 8 months for a Sideshow or Hot Toys figure, and the end result is usually good, but screams mass production with the lack of depth to the small details that give the extra quality and realism. Hot Toys might give Michael Myers a dirty bottomed jumpsuit, but they won't have wear and tear shredding that Josh gives it.

Josh's work is absolutely immaculate to the eyes when you get it in your hands, no photo can capture it perfectly or convey the feeling you get when you open that box and see the piece in person for the first time. Anyone that throws money his way for any figure or paint job will not be dissappointed. Have a little patience, give the man time to make the piece the best he can, and the rewarding feeling you get when it's finally in your hand will make up for all the time waiting.
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