DarkArtist's End of the Line Thread

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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Josh you are a trooper, there is no way I would have offered a figure of that detail for only 20 profit.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Sorry to hear he's been such a pain to get out Josh... but again your work is always worth the wait for collectors. Just the fact that you are still plugging away on it is amazing.

And congrats on the win :rock :rock :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks a lot guys... I've talked about the project a lot with Les, and vented a bit with him about my personal nemesis, the Joker... But I really wanted to share it with all of you guys. As Kuato said, it's hard to come out and admit your wrongness or your faults like that... but it had to be done. And as he knows... the Joker is a TOUGH paintjob, really draining creatively.

I can't tell you how much all of your comments uplift me, it really is hard to keep plugging away day in and day out on a pile of work that never gets any smaller. Starts to crack your mind a bit. :lol

I can't believe I won that Aayla! Really hope that doesn't hinder my chances at any other contests, but very kickass to win something! This is my third Spooktacular win since I became a SSC fan, pretty cool to have it happen today...when I am feeling so bummed out. :duff
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Had no idea how much stress those Jokers have been for you. Having seen one in person, I can say they are a work of art and obviously worth more than your asking price!

And congrats on Aalya! That has to count for something right?
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

No worries Josh, great things take time. It would be one thing if you were taking forever and sending out a crap figure but thats not the case, your giving us a beutifully crafted figure(s) with so much attention to detail that is mindbogiling. You put so much of your self in each figure that it makes it all worth it, dont beat yourself up we all sometimes take on more than we can handle dude, this whole experience will just help you become a better artist . I have complete faith in you as an artist and as a person bro. :rock:rock:rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!


hurry up....where's my Joker.....I ain't got all day you know....My latte is getting cold.

Wait, I don't even have one ordered from him....

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I think we all know you are a stand up guy and will come through with all work and everything! I also think most of us know that customized work is something that takes time. I didn't get a joker, but I am sure that everybody who did will be knocked out when they get one
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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!





Last time I will post pix in your thread Josh :monkey3
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!


Great sculpt highlight shot Chase, if you squint to lose the eye detail and just see a black void, looks awesome.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Wow dude... THAT is my new Desktop... Amazing shot Sean, I am again flattered by your pics...they do me amazing justice.

And Chase, dude you can post pics anytime in my thread! Anytime!

Thank you all for the massive support, really means a lot to know you guys are behind me and understanding of the struggle to bring this stuff to life. :duff
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Happy Halloween Josh :rock


That is just outstanding! :rock :rock

I swear, if Sideshow doesn't one day ending hiring Josh to paint their prototypes and Sean to take their official photos they are on crack.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks guys...

I want to address a growing concern about the Joker project, that I really want to answer publicly and thoroughly. Firstly, I would like to apologize to those who have waited so very long for this figure. I know it's taken a long time, and if you have one already...you can understand why this is so. It's a highly intricate figure that honestly, I should never have taken upon myself to make in such large quantities. It was a big mistake on my part and taught me a huge lesson about what my limitations are.

I know that Hot Toys has put out their Joker, soon to be plural... I know that Les has offered his head replacement and so has Howes/Kuato...not to mention the PLETHORA of heads available online now. So it has rendered my figure a bit null and void, long after the orders and payments have gone through. Add upon that, the wait you all have had... it makes it harder to deal with. I can't tell you how sorry I am that it happened like that.

Let's go into the WHY of this project's lateness and why it's been so delayed. It's not from moving on to new projects or flat out laziness... I assure you. There are valid reasons. Firstly, the shirt. I was an idiot and thought I could just paint the pattern on every single shirt quickly...which was not smart. Secondly, I had to rely on very slow shipping parts from a store in Hong Kong... which can take up to 3 weeks to ship something to me, one time it even took almost a month! Thirdly, the parts for the figure total to a whopping $100, which left me with $20 for payment of my painting and building of the figure.

Let's go into painting of the figure... it takes more layers for a Joker head than ANY other headpaint I have ever done, tons of work on the head alone. The jacket has to be de colored and then dyed, the shirt has to be hand painted with the pattern (which takes me at least 5 hours to complete), the socks have to be hand painted with the pattern, which also takes time. And initially I was soaking paint into the vests, which was a nightmare, now I've resorted to spray paint. Shoes have to be painted, gloves have to be painted, and finally the entire figure is slightly weathered. It's the most work intensive figure I own and I don't even sell them anymore... simply BECAUSE of that point.

I want to sincerely apologize for how late they are, I know that you guys must hate me for it, but I am trying to do a lot all at once right now and they WILL go out to all of you that have paid. I promise. I never have gyped anyone and I do not intend to start.

The other projects aren't as far behind thankfully, but the Joker is. If it were easy like Myers or Roy it wouldn't be that way... but the Joker is a complicated figure. :banghead

Thank you all for being so damn patient with me, please just hold on a little longer... I promise they will all go out. Just understand how damn hard it is to do what I do in the small amount of time per day that I have to commit to figure making. :duff


I know I am a little late jumping in here... but bro. . . I am more than patient. I think you pulled me in a little over a year ago. I jumped and took your Dead Businessman that you bloodied up for me and I immediately sent you that Buffy and Leia ...

I love your work. I, as do many of us here, know your quality...

I am anxious but patient. . . I know when I finally get my joker ... I will be on cloud 9 !!!!!

I appreciate your words... and I have passed on all versions put out in anticipation of adding yours to my fold.

And I will wait.

Cause I know I will be happy.

Thank you for your dedication and love of the art that we get to share in... and treasure with every piece you bestow upon our collection.


Kongtars Josh!!!!

Thats karma right there!


PS... so.... can I get a bank robber Joker too ? :naughty

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Sorry for all stress Josh. Sometimes one doesn't realize how much work it is to actually make a figure from SCRATCH. Your talent is unparalleled, and I'm sure i speak for most people here, that perfection doesn't come quickly.

Hang in there bro.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Josh, for my money, you needn't worry about apologizing, and I too am patient, no worries!! I know my figures from you will be spectacular and that's all I have to say about that! :D :monkey3 You deserve to make money from your hard work, so don't be afraid to charge a fair price for them! :peace
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks guys! Happy Halloween to you all as well!!

Great news, last night I finished 6 Myers paint jobs and just need to add hair to them. Also, right now the Ash head is being molded. I will be working on some late stuff tomorrow, namely Meta's stuff which is the latest I have. I will also be finishing the Joker vests.

Tonight is all about Roy, Myers and Joker though...I will be trying to finish up at least a few of them... didn't make my Halloween deadline, but I won't be much longer on the first run. :duff

Thanks for everything guys, hope you all have a great night!
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