Dr Who figures & seamstress commissions

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Freaked Out
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
EDITED to reflect current availability due to payments received.

After a three-year break, I finally found a reason to offer a *very* limited number of custom outfits again. That seemed like a good excuse to show off some of my older work. All of the following outfits are from the BBC TV sci-fi series Doctor Who.

I currently have 3 Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) outfits available. (As of 2 July 2008, one of those outfits is "pending" due to installment payments trickling in for it.) I still need to complete the vest and spats, but everything should be ready to ship by the end of August. That gives folks time to save up, or to start installments.
More photos and information on this outfit available here: Sixth Doctor Custom Outfit

I'll also take a *very* limited number of commissions for the following outfits. (I usually make a maximum of four of any outfit.)
More photos and information on this outfit available here: Leela Custom Outfit (As of 7 July 2008, one of those outfits is "pending" due to installment payments trickling in for it.)

More photos and information on this outfit available here: Eighth Doctor Custom Outfit

More photos and information on this outfit available here: Second Doctor Custom Outfit

More photos and information on this outfit available here: Third Doctor Custom Outfit

More photos and information on this outfit available here: Fourth Doctor Custom Outfit and here: Prologue to "The Second Key" photostory. The Fourth Doctor outfit can have either a dark brown or a gray frock coat, and either gray or brown trousers. (As of 7 July 2008, one of those outfits is "sold" due to payment received for it.)

More information (on prices, shipping, payment methods, and contact information) is available here: Fabric of Time & Space Gallery
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I just want to throw out how detailed Vikki's work is, too. You can tell she's a fangirl who loves her work and takes pride in what she does. She sewed my Kolchak custom's suit for me a few years back and my Tall Man's suit special to fit a 14" tall body, and they are both GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

You won't be disappointed! :chew:chew:chew



WELCOME VIKKI! One of the internet's best kept secrets! Until now...
She has made lots for me, (including my Holmes deerstalkers and more) and I am a huge admirer. Trust this lady's work! it rules!
Glad to see you offering your wares here. These folks will love your work.
Just a quick Work In Progress pic, showing the vest with the brown "tweed" trousers. I still need to sew snaps onto the short sleeves, and add the "buttons" to both the shirt and vest...But this should give folks some idea of how the fabrics look together.

(I grabbed the nearest figure to model these clothes. It happened to be a Dragon figure.)
Welcome! And having seen Les' Holmes in person... I know your work is amazing. These pics just further that greatness! :rock2

Glad to have you here! :duff
pixletwin: That Sixth Doctor outfit was on hold for ages while I tried to find in-scale fabrics for it. That red plaid was my personal nemesis for a year or so! :lol Now I'm trying to get a better head sculpt made to go with the outfit...

Thanks for the comments, folks! And thanks to Les for such interesting past requests. He knows my weakness for historical and classic film figures. BTW, Les, I snagged a book on Abel Gance's "Napoleon." Now I have even more material to use next time I teach my Film History course! :joy

And since it's been mentioned a couple of times, here's a picture of the Sherlock Holmes deerstalker I made. I only made the hat - Les made everything else.
pixletwin: That Sixth Doctor outfit was on hold for ages while I tried to find in-scale fabrics for it. That red plaid was my personal nemesis for a year or so! :lol Now I'm trying to get a better head sculpt made to go with the outfit...

Thanks for the comments, folks! And thanks to Les for such interesting past requests. He knows my weakness for historical and classic film figures. BTW, Les, I snagged a book on Abel Gance's "Napoleon." Now I have even more material to use next time I teach my Film History course! :joy

And since it's been mentioned a couple of times, here's a picture of the Sherlock Holmes deerstalker I made. I only made the hat - Les made everything else.

Thanks Vik! And cool about the Napoleon! Great film! I recommend it to anyone!
just popping in to say i cant wait to get my hands on the 4th doctor outfit :) fantastic work vikki :). im really looking forward to finally have a 4th doctot to go next to my custom consoles
I finally found some fabric that could work as a vest for the Sixth Doctor's garish outfit.

I finally finished the spats, so now I've completed and shipped all of the Sixth Doctor outfits that have been paid in full. (One person still has a few installments yet.) Now I'm working on the Fourth Doctor frock coats. I'll post pictures when they look like something other than random piles of fabric. :rolleyes:

Eventually I'll get some green shoes to go under those orange spats - but for now, I just wanted to get a picture posted.
woohoo! cant wait to see the 4th doctor coats vikki! :D its no doubt a long way off but before you post my set out could you email beforehand so i know to expect it.

you may remember i was interested in a time lord set from you?, well on my travels i managed to find an outfit that will work perfect for a lord president its in the works and il post pictures soon. the inspriation came from you timelords :)

the whole 6th doctor set looks simply stunning!

kind regards