EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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This kind of attention to detail makes me appreciate the entire figure. Usually it's the sculpt first and the costume is an afterthought.

With Data, everything was amazing, from the opening tricorder and its screens to the actual sculpted hands designed with holding a tricorder in mind.
A bit out of left field, but once the core casts are well underway, would anyone be interested in Morn?
Not sure if his outfit is do-able at 1/6th scale though with the padded sections.
Count me in. I would prefer a version that looks better that what I can bash together.

This is what you see after applying the simular color grade as in the movie (extracted the colors from the movie) see the increase in color satuation? especially the grey you mentioned. Look at Data skin color. Very similar to what you saw in the movie, isn't it? Look the the trim on the grey shoulder. It is duotone just like the movie with a touch of Teal. I insist in making them with different shades of grey to achieve the color similarities. (Trek movies used a lot of Orange-Teal color grading)

Trek uniforms maybe simple, but I examine them like a forensic investigator. I always cross reference the color with a BenQ color corrected monitor and apply the same color grade to confirm I am using the correct “Set Accurate” colors.

Hence, I use “Museum Grade” to describe EXO-6 figures.

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Nanjin is doing some teasing on his personal Facebook page. Kind of wondering if tomorrow’s reveal might be Admiral Kirk from TMP. One of the images is Kirk and Scotty in their TOS uniforms in a shuttle pod, approaching the Enterprise. Seems to be referencing the scene in TMP.
That’s just a guess. No idea if it’s accurate or not. He also mentioned the images he’s showing are of figures he did years back for his personal collection.

Personally I would be pretty happy with TMP Kirk. Thinking about it though I think it’s going to be a figure from one of the shows, and not another movie.
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The only Kirk previewed from the Captain's line was a green wraparound Kirk. I don't expect to see a TMP or TWOK Kirk for quite a while, at least judging from the comments Nanjin has made.
Nanjin is doing some teasing on his personal Facebook page. Kind of wondering if tomorrow’s reveal might be Admiral Kirk from TMP. One of the images is Kirk and Scotty in their TOS uniforms in a shuttle pod, approaching the Enterprise. Seems to be referencing the scene in TMP.
Oh man now I have to log into Facebook again! Lol Nanjin is pretty much the only reason I have a Facebook account.
Same. His updates are fantastic.

I was rewatching Voyager today, renewing my interest for that crew.

Especially Chakotay, the Doctor and Tom Paris.
I appreciate your input. I watched maybe 4 episodes of Voyager when new in 1995, and I thought they were "OK", but school was taking all of my time, at the time -- so I stopped watching. Now that I'm a lot older and work the typical 9 to 6, I think it's a good time to revisit this show.

I'm happy to hear that and I hope you will enjoy it! I really do love this show. And since you are going to buy the figures anyway...

I've been catching Voyager on TV late at night throughout the pandemic myself and generally find it enjoyable, better than anything Star Trek has dished out since the 2009 revival. Back then I preferred DS9 and might still do but my appreciation of Voyager has definitely grown.

Sometimes it takes another look or some years of distance. Sometimes you have to wait until the time is right!
I regret coming into the fandom so late (only last year) and regret missing all the conventions in Germany, but then again I was occupied with other fandoms during the past years and might not have had the time or money to do even more.

Going with Janeway as the first Captain reveal.

This is my wish as well and if I count the names on the last page Janeway wins, but I do have a friend who is waiting for Captain Archer, so I hope we both will be happy since Nanjin talked about many figures being planned for this year.
Same. His updates are fantastic.

I was rewatching Voyager today, renewing my interest for that crew.

Especially Chakotay, the Doctor and Tom Paris.
I've recently rewatched Picard. First viewing I was completely underwhelmed, however I thoroughly enjoyed it on a second viewing. There are still some plot lines that don't gel for me - Starfleet attitude to saving lives of the Romulans & how Picard was treated by them, but on the whole it was better the second time around
Agreed. Cris Rios is a fantastic character. Great work out of Santiago Cabrera playing his own entire crew!

I'll definitely get an EXO 6 and Playmates version.
The only Kirk previewed from the Captain's line was a green wraparound Kirk. I don't expect to see a TMP or TWOK Kirk for quite a while, at least judging from the comments Nanjin has made.

I've been asking for a green-wrap Kirk for years. I think it being released early on, actually any TOS Kirk, would be highly beneficial to the entire line itself. It would bring in even the casual collector and possibly have them jump into additional figures from different lines. Another quick note is that it would provide a completely different uniform to add to the display.

Going with Janeway as the first Captain reveal.
Would be very happy to get a Janeway release early on, as well. I'm not sure if his female bodies are ready yet but if so, make it so.
I most want Kirk and Picard, but since I don’t think it will be either of those two I would like Sisko or Archer. Part of me would slightly prefer Archer. Mainly because he would have a unique uniform, whereas I feel like Sisko is likely to have the same TNG movie style uniform.

I’m wondering if we’re going to get a full reveal tomorrow, or if keeping in fashion with the other two EXO-6 announcements if tomorrow will just be a teaser.
Kirk would be nice with the 55th anniversary of TOS next month.

The return to sector 001 comment has me thinking Janeway.