GI JOE: Retaliation - Hot Toys MMS 199 - Roadblock 1/6 Review

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Darklord Dave

Super Freak
Sep 3, 2005
Reaction score
I didn't grow up playing with the 3 3/4 inch GI Joes, my Joes were a manly 12 inches and didn't have individual code names. I wouldn't know a Beachhead from a Firefly.

So I had little invested in the GI Joe movies aside from them looking like interesting action movies. I can't say I'm a huge fan of either film, but they did at least try to step up their game with casting on the sequel - bringing in Bruce Willis and Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson. Dwayne as any character is cool, and seems appropriate for the Joe's Heavy Machine Gunner. They made him more of a total weapons expert and I didn't really realize how cool the character design was until I started putting together this figure.

The little things, like modular weapons, completely passed over me when I saw the movie.

Hot Toys has done an admirable job of translating Dwayne to 1/6, although I know some people have problems with the likeness and the body size - I think they did a decent job.

The box is a no-frills Hot Toys box - with the character poster from the film on the cover.



As a weapons expert he comes with a lot of stuff, some of it very tiny.



They packaged Roadblock with his sleeves rolled up - they obviously wanted us to see that they went to the trouble of reproducing Dwayne's tattoos on his arms. The chest is also tattooed, but I didn't want to wrestle with getting the vest on and off - so I'll probably never see that one.



They also included the black t-shirt that he frequently wears in the movie - but again, not undressing him to test it out. It doesn't have the UnderArmour logo on it as the one in the movie did.

But he does come with a bunch of weapons that are all part of a modular weapons system that is pretty cool. Roadblock wears 2 universal grips on his belt and these can attach to a myriad of weapons, like a baton or a small blade knife, or a large blade knife or even guns.




He must have used all of these in the film, but I don't remember it. However it's a very cool way to give him a lot of weapons without looking loaded down.

He also comes with his heavy machine gun.




The biggest drawback to this figure is that there are so many small parts and they don't fit tightly where they're supposed to go. The grips kept falling off of their holders on his belt when I tried to pose him, and the ammo clip box was difficult to keep on the machine gun. But they did a great job on accuracy so I'm sure some playability has to suffer. If they were making a toy for a child, it would be important that everything stay attached and easy to handle for uncoordinated hands, but HT knows we don't mind breaking out the tweezers and magnifying glass to get our figures just right.

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Some people have an issue with this figure and scale - Dwayne's a big guy and Ray Park as SnakeEyes is not. I can't say the scale is great, but Roadblock is taller than the other figures in the line.


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Overall, I wasn't that excited for this guy - but after taking him out and setting him up I'm very impressed. And you have to love how these guys look together. Even if the movies weren't great, they did honor the original characters with the designs.

Roadblock is still available from Sideshow - use the link to go buy now!
Buy Roadblock from Sideshow


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  • Dwayne-The-Rock-Johnson-Roadblock-Snake-Eyes-Ray-Park-G-I-Joe-2-Retaliation-Back-2-Revenge_13363.jpg
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Very nice review, I am really excited to get this figure, I think the head sculpt looks fantastic and the new arm sculpt looks really well detailed especially with all the tattoos accounted for. Scale also looks good, rock being 6'5" so he should tower over the rest of the crew. I ordered from sideshow a couple of days ago so hopefully they will ship him out early this week. Keep a lookout for my full video review likely next week:)
Thanks for the honest review sir.
Still on defense though wether to purchase this or man of steel. With regards to what they are saying about new scale if there is.
The only flaw I can think of on the figure is the body they used. They should've used a bigger body for the figure. But the gear he wears with the vest and armor does make him look bulkier. He would look small in just the t-shirt though....
Thanks for the honest review sir.
Still on defense though wether to purchase this or man of steel. With regards to what they are saying about new scale if there is.

I don't think there is a new scale, the rock is 6'5" so the scale is fine. MOS I think was just a fluke, they made a new body for him and goofed up on the scale, I was deciding between the same two figures you are, I chose Roadblock because the scale is correct, the figure looks fantastic and fits well in my collection as I already have the hot toys snakeeyes and colton. Whereas if I got MOS I couldn't pose him with anyone else because he towers over everyone, I wanted to put him next to Reeves but seeing as Reeves was 6'4" and Cavill is 6'1" it would just look weird.

MOS is still a amazing figure, good luck whatever you chose:)
He looks great, can't wait to add him to my collection! Hopefully my comic shop will be getting him in stock within the next couple of weeks!!!
Awesome review ! Great figures from a not so great film but must buys for the cool factor alone !