Hot Toys: Batman 85 Years Announcement Speculation

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 15, 2008
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Happy New Year everyone!

With the new year, Hot Toys has made a few license announcements. The one I was most excited for was Batman 85 years. Speculate away.

Perhaps a comic Batman from Hono? Perhaps multiple Batmen from the comics?

Anyway, here is the announcement:

Get ready for an incredible start to the year 2024 because we have a major surprise for you! Hot Toys is proud to announce the expansion of our collection through the acquisition of several highly-acclaimed production and iconic movie licenses. Among these exciting additions are: Marvel 85th Anniversary, Star Wars: EP I – The Phantom Menace (25th Anniversary), Star Wars: Dark Side, Batman 85th Anniversary and many more.
Join us on this exciting journey as we bring your favorite characters to life, right in the heart of your collection.

Could be interesting. Maybe finally do Catwoman and Penguin from Batman Returns?

I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some of those Keaton variant suits from The Flash.

Not really sure what else they’d do. I mean a lot of Batman stuff has been announced this year as is (Keaton 89 2.0, TDKR armory with Bruce and Batman, BVS Batman). Would they go back to 66 seeing the success of Mars?
I really want to see some nice, official comic book Batmans. Neal Adams, Alex Ross, Frank Miller and the like.
I wonder if some of those would be done under the Hono line? Yet they released that comic Spidey recently. It’s tough knowing what Hot Toys will decide.
I wonder if some of those would be done under the Hono line? Yet they released that comic Spidey recently. It’s tough knowing what Hot Toys will decide.
Definitely hard to say with Hono in the mix now. I wouldn’t say no to a few sub $200 comic style Bats but I wouldn’t mind spending the extra cash for a few really well done versions either.
Here’s hoping it’s comic-based figures. Top of my list would be a Bronze Age (yellow oval) Batman or a Jim Lee Hush Batman.
I expect next to nothing. Probably a Cosbaby Begins Rās to rub salt in the wound, and more awful repaints. Can’t forget another Ledger Joker to throw the one they already have up for preorder under the bus. Exciting!

It would be amazing if they finally gave us Catwoman and Penguin from Batman Returns, Scarecrow 2.0 (with a Cillian Murphy head with movable eyes) and Rās from Begins, maybe a redone Demon Batman, Yvonne Craig Batgirl, their Romero Joker + the 66 Batmobile, a 66 Batcycle that isn’t over a thousand dollars, and a tease for Batman and Robin figures, maybe a 1/4 ‘89 Keaton with alternate battle damage pieces, and Armored Batfleck 2.0. I’d jump for joy.
I don’t really view these as additional license acquisitions.

HT already has as of these basic licenses covered and presumably could have chosen to release figures to celebrate their respective anniversaries, but I guess now they’re officially allowed to use an anniversary logo on the packaging- and probably charge extra for the pleasure…
I'll be extremely excited if it's comic Batman any version will do imo as long as it's well made and the suits are more cloth spandex then what they use for spider-man or others.
Fingers crossed it's comic related stuff if it's Batman specifically. Obviously we still need that Returns Catwoman but I'm not holding my breath.

First announced figure of 2024 another f*****g Iron Man!
I don’t expect anything other than maybe Nolan Batman stuff and maybe a sprinkle of Keaton Batman which I’ll take but I’m not expecting anything huge. They devote all there time into the yellow and gold robot to focus on anything great for Batman sadly.
But let’s say they did I want some comic stuff and returns stuff and the Batman catwoman
How is there still no OG Arkham Asylum version of Batman at this point? Seems like a no brainer to me.
Ohh yeah forgot about Arkham Batman. An Asylum and Origins Batman would be an instant PO. AK Nightwing would also be a welcoming edition. If we got a official 2.0 of Begins Batman that would be great also.
Ideally, I would like to see some films get done like Returns finally and Batman and Robin, a casual 89 Bruce, 97 Clooney, Ra's finally too.

Comic accurate figures would be great. But after last year's shocking showing for Star Wars anniversaries, I'll believe it when I see it.