Media-Movie Hot Toys ED-209 MMS204 *RUBBER DETERIORATION* Poll

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What´s the status on your ED-209?

  • Kept it in box, maybe looking into it later.

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • Out of box, no problems

    Votes: 32 53.3%
  • Out of box, little cracks, applied lubricant

    Votes: 13 21.7%
  • Out of box, cracks all over it/returned/sold

    Votes: 11 18.3%

  • Total voters
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
So, PopCollector and me just spoke in the Rubber Deterioration Thread about a poll, so that we can really see a result of sorts.

Like, same with the poll options, do you guys have him, but leave him in box, got him out, no cracks whatsoever, little cracks, a few chaps...sever case of canyons all over ED´s dome.

I still find this a very interesting and also quite unsettling subject, since this piece was costly in the first place and, like myself and a few others, now have a 2nd and he´s better, with help, like silicone, Mod Podge, or Honda, a 2nd and returned him too, after a few weeks, cause they´re not taking it (I´m not taking it either, we all did something, but we could only do so much, industrywise, but I´m keeping him, cause I don´t want to waste another 10 years).

So...poll´s up, looking forward to the results, hammer away.
This will be interesting. I skipped the entire Robocop line of figures because of the (new) ED-209 debacle. I figured I could get a couple of Cave PCBs rather than watching my money rot away before my eyes.
whoops, voted wrong, i missed the "little cracks" and voted out of box applied lubricant, should b out of box, no problems

the longer this goes on, the more i believe the cracking only pertains to some eds and not all of them
Thanks for throwing this up, Endo. Curious how it evolves over time. Aside from inspection, mine's never been out of the box since I picked it up in... May? Will be checking again this week or next when I finally get around to organizing stuff.
I think this thread is a great idea, and I'm happy to see where the results currently reside - especially since I've got an ED-209 arriving tomorrow :eek: Fingers crossed!
So far no cracks is winning as of 11/6 so maybe its just blown out of proportion? but also only 3 people have a lot of cracks, we still need people to vote for this so we can get more accurate results.
Well it's not blown out of proportion, this shouldn't have happened again at all - doesn't matter how few people are having the drying/cracking issue at the moment - and one does have to stress at the moment. Hot Toys knew it was a problem on the last one, there's no way they didn't know, and yet they once again used rubber. What did they think would happen? Everyone wanted it to be plastic, better that than the stress we have now.
No cracks on mine. Have some mod podge at the ready, just as a precaution. No need to apply it though as Ed looks as good as the day i took him out the box.
Make sure you look at the rubber between the folds in the arms and legs too, that was where mine began....

Tbe poll isnt showing up forvme for some reason on my tablet...
Awesome that you guys are into this thread so much.
Thx for all the responses and the props.
Little bit more differentiated then before, with still the most guys obviously and surprisingly having NO problems with ED, but now a second field got itself a spot:
5 guys with sever problems.
I guess I´ll be keeping this up a bit more, hope a few more guys poll away at this and respond too and afterwards I´ll do a screenshot outta it and post it on HT´s fb.
Still needs to trend, if you guys ask me.
I´ll also post daily from now on still a few weeks to keep this up in new posts.
So again: Thx, chaps.
Just got mine this afternoon; all the rubber looks good out of the box but I'll wait a few months before casting my vote!