Mattel: DC Universe Classics

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Does the wave 20 Sinestro fix his midget status? What else is different?

I've been out of the loop regarding 6"ers. I've instead been focused on the 12"ers as of late:monkey1
Yes and no. He's just a repaint of the GL/Sinestro TRU 2pak with the T-rex arms. One guy on Fwoosh has a spot on formula for a fix, but it's gonna cost you an SC Scarecrow and BL Abin Sur and some modification of the hand pegs.
Anyone else know if walmart and TRU will be stocking these the first week of february? i know alot of people have said their walmart are stocking new lines of figures around that time. i hope my walmart at least has SOME new DCUC figures. :pray:
Impossible to say with Walmart. Their distribution makes zero sense. Canada Walmarts have gotten wave 20 in already though, so who knows how the USA ones will go.
People can type "Scott's a DC fan" until their fingers bleed, but it really is a distant second to him and he's proven that over and over again over the last several years. So glad he's back.

Guess you don't collect JLU.
Anyone else know if walmart and TRU will be stocking these the first week of february? i know alot of people have said their walmart are stocking new lines of figures around that time. i hope my walmart at least has SOME new DCUC figures. :pray:

The good news is that all the main retailers (Walmart, Target, TRU) still have peg space and DCUC figures on the shelves even after the January resets. I was afraid they would get discontinued and the only availability for wave 20 would be online. I am hopeful they'll show up in retail stores in the next few weeks and that the DCUC pegs will be around until the All Star line comes out in the spring.
Guess you don't collect JLU.

I do and I still say DC is the red headed step child in their handling of the two licenses. JLU can be used as a case study on how best to piss off a loyal customer base in higher level business courses.

Put it like this, when it comes to MOTU, Scott's a total fanboy. When it comes to DCUCs, he's just a fan. There is a difference.

As far as JLU is concerned, I really think he was more of a fan of the show and Bruce Timm's design than he is a DC fan. Never once has he made all these types of overtures about QC and distribution and apologies about f___ing s__t up with DC lines. :huh
While I didn't agree with the JLU three pack method of reselling the same figure over and over, and I disagreed even more with the poor distribution, there is certainly something to be said for a toy representative who sticks by a line and sees it through. Every single member of the JLU was produced. And there's what, like 60 of them? Not to mention all the great villains and other heroes that were included in the line. There was no reason for that last 7 pack to be made, as they knew it wouldn't reach the sales figures they wanted. But the pack came out anyway, and the team was finished. Seems like the work of a true fan to me.

And say what you will about DCUC, but it's easily the best DC action figure series ever produced. Great variety, a consistent scale for the most part, and a good representation of many different eras.

The line has only really fallen off here lately, and much of that can be attributed to handing the line over to someone who doesn't care nearly as much about Toyguru. The rest can be attributed to the silly business decisions of DC Entertainment.

Just look at the Matty boards. Since Toyguru is back, he's answered more questions than Fangirl did in her entire tenure as the DC brand manager. Toyguru is being honest with the fans about the line's tooling, even if that means catching their ire. I prefer that to hiding behind non-answers any day.
Let's be honest, the guy has said in many interviews that motu is his first love and what he grew up with, not DC, not super powers, so his devotion to DC is not in question. It takes a second to Motu, as Lee mentioned, and that is Scott's own words.
I do think that what he did with JLU was phenomenal, but he himself has said he was more of a show fan than an DC fan....again, his own words. It's just too bad that he has even managed to alienate those fans by going back and saying "sorry, we can't offer the rest because fan polls were low." Ready? Is that official Mattel market research or just him blowing off DC fans again?
Great line, but the execution is for ____! They lost half the damn fans by poor distribution alone! You can't argue that that ever would have happened with Motu! How can you? He just published an open love letter to ask the Motu fans forgiveness!
While it may be somewhat advantages to have him back, it's more "deal with the devil you know, than the one you don't."
That reminds me, where are all the boot licking fan site guys who were "Yall leave Danielle alone, she's a nice girl and a devoted she gave me some free figures"
Hey, is there anyone on here that went by the name Webslinger on Mattys boards?
The new reveals look really good. Can't wait to finish off the Metal men line up. Very nice mix of characters.
Platinum and Tin are just fantastic sculpts, and so is Ivy for that matter. I wish we got the Bronze Age look first, but this one is a great start.

Don't know why the modern Rocket Red. Must be quite the letdown for JLI fans.