Nintendo Wii-U

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Yeah that tv ad looked very kidish. I get that they are trying to pitch it as a family system but come on. Not one second of zombie u.
This little girl gave me chills:


...and that Wii U marketing vid blew chunks just like she did. :lecture
The average Mom/Dad knows nothing about the WiiU yet. It all depends on the commercials getting seen by kids/teens before the Holidays or playing demo units in stores. I have 4 preordered...2 layed away at WM, 1 at Gamestop, and i at BB. Pf course I dont want all 4 just covering my bases to just get one. If demand is crazy then I may flip a coupple, otherwise they can stay at the stores. Who knows maybe I can trade my extra ones for some SS statues I
Yeah that tv ad looked very kidish. I get that they are trying to pitch it as a family system but come on. Not one second of zombie u.

Zombi U will get its own tv ads. Whether anyone will care is another question (if SSF is anything to go by).
New Super Mario Bros. U tv ad. They played it before Wreck-It-Ralph.


Who thought the music would be a good idea?
Has anyone managed to mess around with a demo unit at Best Buy yet?? I toyed with it last weekend, and I really like the tablet. It's a little big, but the weight is perfect. I'll end up having to use the Pro controller for most of the games, but hopefully they'll figure out a way to use the tablet screen with the Pro so we can still get the benefits of the tablet.
to whoever said that people are gonna buy these systems due to the graphics: that isnt completely true. depends on what continent youre in. maybe in america. people in asia like games people can play together. they didnt really care how graphical wii was thats why the original wii did so well over there. that area basically suppoted the wii. anyone who bought the original wii in the usa basically barely used it and let it collect dust while they used ps3/xbox360. most ps3/xbox games are only multiplayer online, geared more towards single player with your own screen or have great offline stories dedicated to an intimate experience. nintendo hasnt ever really been about that. all their games have been party oriented meant to get people together physically. they only had a few core exclusive titles thats why it didnt do so well in north america. most people bought wii over here due to the nintendo hype and the wireless control gimimick that ps3/xbox were obviously going to have. i cant wait to see how this new wii controller is going to pan out. personally i hate the huge controller. it looks like a big ass game gear.

The Wii U launches in just two weeks in North America. With its release on the horizon, game reviews are starting to arrive.

GamesMaster handed out verdicts for two Wii U titles in its Christmas 2012 issue. New Super Mario Bros. U and Nintendo Land were both rated in the issue.

Details from each review can be found below (along with scores), courtesy of Nintendo/Gaming Everything reader joclo.

Nintendo Land

- “…Luigi’s Haunted Mansion, Animal Crossing Sweet Day and Mario Chase offer up some of the most innovative, raucous and party-fueling fun we’ve ever had with a console”
- Plaza is filled with all things Nintendo
- There’s menu music for each attraction that bleeps out in NES chimes
- Monita, the floating computer, guides you around the park’s features
- Spend winnings on pachinko-esque coin game
- Win a jukebox, day/night cycle button, and more
- Miis from your console and other consoles through the Internet
- Attraction mode: set up a Nintendo Land party; choose a time limit and player count and then head to a points-based tournament of mini-games
- Multiplayer games are fun, but GamesMaster says the single-player ones are sometimes forgettable
- A few games highlight “some seemingly inherent problems”
- Ex: Takamaru’s Ninja Challenge – “constant screen misalignment”
- GamesMaster says GamePad/TV crossover usually works best when done in tandem
- “As a discerning gamer, you may not find all that Nintendo Land has to offer to your liking, but should you fork out for a Wii U, you owe it to your family, to your friends and to everyone else you know, to bag a copy of this to go with it.”
- Graphics: 90%
- Gameplay: 86%
- Accessibility: 95%
- Lifespan: 82%
- Innovation: 92%
- Overall: 86%

- “An essential purchase for party lovers that whets the Nintendo appetite. Bring friends.”

New Super Mario Bros. U

- May look the same, but there are some “incredible tweaks”
- GamesMaster feels it’s easier than NSMB Wii
- Took under seven hours to complete
- More to the game outside of the main campaign
- Most of the innovation is saved for the final levels
- “Without wishing to spoil anything, we were surprised, excited, and twinkly-eyed during an excellent finale. It’s almost as if Nintendo suddenly realised that they were in fact working with a Wii U, with a game-changing GamePad and everything.”
- Hopes Nintendo will “build on this solid, if not mind-blowing, foundation.”
- Graphics: 82%
- Gameplay: 85%
- Accessibility: 90%
- Lifespan: 80%
- Innovation: 75%
- Overall: 82%

- “A great excuse for families to gather round the TV, and an enticing glimpse of Mario’s HD future.”
I cant wait to see the next Super smash bros for wii u... had the wii for a month and enjoyed that game soooo much! Bring Solid snake again =)
I wish I knew why 'accessibility' is an important factor in reviewing a game.

Nevertheless, looking forward to both games.
Accessibility is important when you have kids. If I'm going to buy a game that I want my 5 and 6 year old to have fun with, that's where that particular attribute matters.
Two weeks left from release, the gaming press and critics are receiving their final retail units:



In other news, there will be a day-1 patch that will implement features into the OS.

New info and videos detailing the system's OS features should be coming tomorrow.
I just want to know what controllers I need to play 2-4 player games. Are Wii Remotes the standard or do some need the Wii U Pro Controller?