Non-White actors taking roles from people of non-color .......(of course)

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Super Freak
Jun 20, 2008
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I thought this was a joke article about using non-white actors playing people of non-color but it appears legit:

Mind you, these are just the movies. This does not include TV, plays, commercials, etc. And it goes right up to movies yet released. Funny, all the people chiming in on political correctness never mention this aspect. And you only had like 30+ years to bring it up.

Not Taken from the Washington Post:

Eddie Murphy - Axel Foley

Billie Dee Williams - Harvey Dent (Batman 89)

Halle Berry - Catwoman

Michael B. Jordan - Johnny Storm

Jessica Alba - Sue Storm (I think she's some kind of Spanish!?)

Lucy Lui - Charlie's Angels

Quvenzhané Wallis - Annie

Pam Grier - Jackie Brown

Morgan Freeman - Red (The Shawshank Redemption)

Samuel L. Jackson - Nick Fury

Denzel Washington - The Pelican Brief

Denzel Washington - The Manchurian Candidate

Eddie Murphy - Dr. Dolittle

Will Smith - Wild Wild West

Will Smith - Men in Black

Will Smith - I Am Legend

Will Smith - I, Robot (Slick Willie stealing yet ANOTHER White role. smh.)

Will Smith - Deadshot

Basically every role Will Smith has ever played/will ever play.

Michael Clark Duncan - Kingpin

Jamie Fox - Electro

Idris Elba - Heimdall

The Rock - Hercules

Colin McFarlane - Commissioner Loeb (Nolan's Batman films)

Ludacris - Lt. Bravura (Max Payne)

Laurence Fishburne - Perry White

Jeffrey Wright - Felix Leitner (007)

That's like at least 100 roles (plus or minus a few) that should've went to a white bread actor, but didn't. If you use the world wide web service and do a search I'm sure you can easily find literally thousands more (actually one to two more tops) as well. It's sad seeing all these talented, non-white actors stealing roles from talented, white folk like Michael Fassbender and the original Michael Fassbender aka Jude Law. And now Disney is thinking about doing another Rocketeer movie but with a Black female lead. Which is pathetic, because the original sucked and doesn't deserve a sequel.

I mean can you imagine the performance The Fass would give as Malcolm X.


Hollywood has to stop this. Michael Fassbender got kids to feed!
I think we're limiting this to movies. There's no mention of plays, tv, commercials in the list above. I think it's just the 28 movies from the last 15 years or so listed above.
And you could add more to that list really. Like I said, it happens all the time these days, on all sides. Sometimes it doesn't matter, other times it doesn't make sense.

And it will always be this way.
The Director for the New Thor Movie stated he needed to make the cast more "Diversified" so he casted Valkyrie as a Black Women

How come Diversity is always Black and not - Native American Indians, Other Indians "from India", Aborigines, Eskimos, Chinese, etc.
The Director for the New Thor Movie stated he needed to make the cast more "Diversified" so he casted Valkyrie as a Black Women

How come Diversity is always Black and not - Native American Indians, Other Indians "from India", Aborigines, Eskimos, Chinese, etc.

​Maybe because they aren't as vocal? Or they don't care as much? Or she was the best actress for the role?
What about Asians? That goes for both the Far-Eastern and Middle-Eastern varieties, they seem to be woefully under-represented in just about everything.
the network's hit show for preschoolers.

so she doesn't even get a movie? :lol a Preschool show? okay Disney, thanks? :rolleyes2 I know this is better than nothing but... Preschool show?

Stop watching youtube "personalities" and do some research on the popularity of those shows.
Is nice that they made her, but a movie would have been really cool because it would have been a big event. A big deal.
The disney parks would have added a princess, i hope they make a movie later and doesnt stay only on tv.
Needs to be bigger. More epic like frozen.


We just had breakfast with Princess Sofia. Those shows are gigantic. Hardly anything is as big as Frozen.

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