Question for fellow collectors with selling/buying experience via Paypal.

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
So I've had my paypal account for years which I use a majority of the time when shopping online and especially when selling/buying collectibles from private parties such as fellow collectors on this forum, Facebook BST groups, etc., mainly because of goods and services protection.

Last year I sold about 3 or 4 figures and this year I've sold 2 statues via goods and services. Each and every time PayPal has always locked the funds on my PayPal account and says the funds will be available after some ridiculous amount of time. So each and every time I have to message the person who bought the figure/statue from me asking if they can confirm they've received the "Goods" through their paypal account that way paypal can release the funds to me and each and every time I ask, each buyer always said they've never had to do that before and were never aware that was even an option and i believe them because I've never had to do that when i buy a figure/statue from a private party using goods and services through paypal. This has been happening back as far as i can remember.

It's no fault of theirs, I just hate having to ask if they can confirm the transaction through their account. It's so irritating and makes me feel dumb and bothersome.

Anyone ever experience this with paypal? If so, are you still experiencing this or did you figure out how to avoid this happening? I've read all the FAQ's in paypal's website which there is nothing helpful that answers my question. I've also emailed paypal customer service and of course haven't heard back in over a week. I was hoping you fellow collectors could chime in with some advice or suggestions about this.

Thanks in advance.