SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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King of the Monsters
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Sep 8, 2006
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Thanks to Biojex for posting the link in the Legendary thread.

Toho Makes 1st Japanese Godzilla Film in 12 Years - News - Anime News Network

This is great news on many levels. For one, it shows the success of the 2014 film from Legendary, which I personally really enjoy and is a favorite in the franchise for me.

It also shows that there is still a solid following in Japan, where it had almost seemed to die out. Fitting that 30 years after the original, a reboot film renewed life in the series and now 60 years later, it's done so again.

Godzilla forever!

Will be very curious to see what direction they go in for his design, even though there's mixed feelings about Legendary's Godzilla, it is the first time an American design has been viewed as a Godzilla and been popular as such, so it may have an affect on them, where after '98, the studio was just looking to restore Godzilla's good name.
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re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

Can't be worse than Legendary's abomination in terms of story and narative.

However today's Japanese cinema relies too much on cheap 'n' wonky CGI...
If it's not the traditional "man in a rubber suit" for the most part I'd expect nothing good.
re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

I just hope the overall feel goes back to a more Showa style, or even Heisei up to 91, but the fights really changed from 91 on and not in a good, seemed like they were more about special effects than monsters fighting, I didn't care for that aspect.
re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

You spelt 'studios' wrong. :)
re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

as long as godzilla wont just be making a cameo, i'm good.
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

Wow... if they are making new ones then apparently with G14 per Japanese tradition saying, "They liked it." was a polite insult. :lol
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

I think in this instance, Toho's jumping to make a movie not because they need to restore Godzilla's image with fans, but that the Legendary movie pumped life into the franchise again and they want to strike while the iron's hot. In the history of the franchise, Godzilla's gone through periods of retirement when Toho felt it just wasn't connecting with audiences enough anymore to justify making the movies. He was retired in '75 and brought back in '84 when it was felt there was opportunity to revitalize the series and after a short run, retired again in '95. After the '98 disaster from Sony, they banked on disappointment creating a thirst for Toho's Godzilla and brought him back to have the last "Godzilla" film be one fans would like and it turned into a choppy, inconsistent run of films. In this instance, the Legendary film seems to have served the same function as Godzilla '84 did and reminded people how enjoyable Godzilla films can be if handled right. If Toho really had a problem with the Legendary movie, they'd just be making their own, they wouldn't have granted rights to 3 other monsters from the series and contracted for 2 more sequels with Legendary. Sony had plans for a sequel but it never launched because no one wanted it.

It's a great time to be a Godzilla fan, one film is getting sequels and carrying on and his original studio is offering up new films of their own, lots of Godzilla in the coming years. Speaking of that, it could also be that this is Toho's way of keeping the relevance Legendary brought back to Godzilla going, since Godzilla 2 isn't due until 2018, this coming out in 2016 keeps him in the conscious between sequels and who knows, mabye the films will even be connected, still too much to learn about this new Toho movie.
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

Can't be worse than Legendary's abomination in terms of story and narative.

However today's Japanese cinema relies too much on cheap 'n' wonky CGI...
If it's not the traditional "man in a rubber suit" for the most part I'd expect nothing good.

What don't you hate? Every movie thread I see you posting in, you're ripping apart something. I'm sure there are films you like, but good grief.
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

I'd agree that any CGI seen out of Toho looks like it's from the early 90s and really pales to modern CGI, don't know why it looks so behind. As for Legendary's movie, it's not perfect and there's room for improvement in the sequels, but I'd still put it high on the list of films in the Godzilla franchise and I do think it sets a bar for this new Toho film to reach, it's easily better than any Godzilla movie after '95.
I think in this instance, Toho's jumping to make a movie not because they need to restore Godzilla's image with fans, but that the Legendary movie pumped life into the franchise again and they want to strike while the iron's hot.
:exactly: While G14 was utter crap, at least it gave the franchise massive buzz.

I'm sure there are films you like, but good grief.
Thanks, I guess...
Anyway, STOP LURKING! All you do in this section is complaining about others' opinions, damn creep. :lol
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

:exactly: While G14 was utter crap, at least it gave the franchise massive buzz.l

you're not someone who enjoys the little things now do you?
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

Godzilla 2014 absolutely was the highest quality "film" that this franchise has ever seen. I realize that Godzilla's screen time urked a number of fanboys but really, no other Zilla movie comes close to the quality of this one. Gojira 54 had a great tone but it's just so dated.
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

I agree with Riddick... G14 was a disaster me and my girl watched it for first time as a rental and we absolutely hated it. Toho tbh knows G better than anyone and frankly they should really oversee production next time with filming companies and or directors.
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

I'd argue all day against Legendary not knowing Godzilla, they get Godzilla better than some of the Toho movies have. Godzilla's a bit like a comic book character, he's been portrayed a number of ways throughout the series. Godzilla 2014 may not have been everyone's favorite one to imitate, but it was every bit a Godzilla in line with Toho, very much like their late Showa era Godzilla.
Godzilla 2014 absolutely was the highest quality "film" that this franchise has ever seen. I realize that Godzilla's screen time urked a number of fanboys but really, no other Zilla movie comes close to the quality of this one.
If you're talking about visual quality then it is the most subjective and irrelevant aspect.

I realize that Godzilla's screen time urked a number of fanboys.
Now that's just rude and uncalled-for... :lol
But yeah, "fanboys" is a good term when it comes to people who don't care about the object of their adoration.
So basically only "fanboys" complained about said lack of the title character while that wasn't a problem at all.

G14 was a disaster me and my girl watched it for first time as a rental and we absolutely hated it. Toho tbh knows G better than anyone and frankly they should really oversee production next time with filming companies and or directors.
Re: Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

I'm a fanboy and I was fine with Godzilla's screen time. In the 30 films he's starred in, there have been plenty where his screen time hasn't been used the greatest. Hell, go back to the late Showa era and half the fights were stock footage recycled.

For me, every second Godzilla was on screen in 2014 was just awesome, he always looked great, his action was always something to behold. Sure I'd welcome more, but I'd have felt more burnt if I was left feeling like I didn't even get that many great moments out of his limited screen time.

Anyone thinking this Toho movie will have more isn't familiar with the history of their Godzilla films, even then he's been as little as 15 minutes out of a 90 minute film, I know it's better than 15 out of 120, but still.