Should they make MORE IJ films after KOTCS? (Without Ford)

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
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To all those people against a recasting, remember Indy already was recast! Anybody remember River Phoenix, Sean or Patrick Flannery, et al?

This may sound insane, but what about Luke Wilson? I think he looks a little like a young Ford, and he's a pretty good actor. We all know he can pull off the comedic aspects of the character, as well as the serious ones. I say make at least two more films after this next one, and have them be set in the early 1940's, showing some post-LC and pre-KOTCS adventures. That way, we can have a return to the pulpy, serial, nazi-fighting feel of the originals, and we could have (at least) six solid IJ films to compliment the STAR WARS series.

pics comparing Ford and Wilson:


Make any new IJ films prequels or interquels, so we can have one solid contnuity, rather than a fresh reboot.

Honestly, IMHO recasting Indiana Jones and setting future films in the 30's and 40's, is a MUCH better idea than possibly continuing the series with Shia Labouf as the new "Indy".
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Batman? You can stick just about anyone in that suit.
Bond? The role has a long history of being recast; It's expected and even looked upon as a huge benefit.

Indy? Sorry Sean and River (who, R.I.P, was really, really good...dig the subtle Ford nuances), but Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones.

Personally, there's no way could I ever accept anyone else in the role.
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Im sure indy will be whored around and milkd for everything he's worth over the next 5-10yrs if the new movie is a huge hit... :monkey1
I always thought Dennis Quaid would make a fantastic Indiana Jones. Nathan Fillion would also be great in the role.
Indy without Ford isn't Indy. I wouldn't watch it or support it if Ford wasn't in it.

I've heard the rumor about passing the torch to Shia as well...and I really really hope that stays a rumor. That'd probably be the worst move ever.

Shia is being used in too many films these days. It's almost similar to when Dakota Fanning was in every film, and look what happened to her. Hopefully he'll be in a little less movies and not be in every hit coming out. Don't get me wrong, I loved Transformers and Disturbia, but Indy is Indy!!
Indy without Ford isn't Indy. I wouldn't watch it or support it if Ford wasn't in it.

I've heard the rumor about passing the torch to Shia as well...and I really really hope that stays a rumor. That'd probably be the worst move ever.

Shia is being used in too many films these days. It's almost similar to when Dakota Fanning was in every film, and look what happened to her. Hopefully he'll be in a little less movies and not be in every hit coming out. Don't get me wrong, I loved Transformers and Disturbia, but Indy is Indy!!

That's me in a nutshell, right down to the Dakota Fanning referance. God, she was in every movie with a kid in it!

Although when I watch TLC I feel that things are pretty much wrapped up, I'm still interested in seeing this flick. And it's by far my most anticipated movie of the year. One last Indiana film for old time sake!
Why not have Ford as old Indy, somehow introduce or narrate any new Indy movie, to tie the series together and to have Ford still involved with the character?

The Raiders series had a great opportunity to be the next always-continuing, James Bond type franchise, but they had to ruin it with the mediocre, but still decent THE LAST CRUSADE.
Ford in a rockin' chair... "Gather round kiddies, did I tell you'se bout the time I beat the nazis?"

"Yeah, gramps... Can we go play with our Wii now?"

Count me out. When Ford's done, Indy's done (for me anyway).
Indy without Ford isn't Indy. I wouldn't watch it or support it if Ford wasn't in it.

I've heard the rumor about passing the torch to Shia as well...and I really really hope that stays a rumor. That'd probably be the worst move ever.

Shia is being used in too many films these days. It's almost similar to when Dakota Fanning was in every film, and look what happened to her. Hopefully he'll be in a little less movies and not be in every hit coming out. Don't get me wrong, I loved Transformers and Disturbia, but Indy is Indy!!

I respect your point of view, but didn't people have a similar opinion of Connery as Bond? Like many others I think Connery is the best Bond too, but I think that some of Brosnan's films are just as good. I'm even more encouraged by the direction of the latest Bond film. Why can't Indy be handled with the same care and respect by a different actor? I'm a fan of both the actor and the character. I hate to think that Indy's adventures will end just because Harrison Ford wants to, or needs to move on.

Begin the flames.
I don't think I'd be overly interested in someone else playing Indiana Jones or with the new kid being passed the Indy torch. I think of it like The DaVinci Code, after that came out a bunch of books took on that same pattern of solving riddles and using symbols to find ancient treasures or secrets or whatever. The awesome thing is that Indiana Jones did that long before The DaVinci Code, and did it alot better. Having a bunch of Indy movies now seems like all those DaVinci Code clones. Plus as a character Indy never struck me as someone who sought out that stuff (except in Temple of Doom) with the Ark and the Grail he kinda stumbled in to it, and how many finds can one man stumble on to? That's one reason why I hope Crystal Skull is more like Temple of Doom.
I watched part of a Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and truly hated the show. Nothing against Sean Patrick Flannery. I loved him in Suicide Kings and Boondock Saints, but he's not Indy. River Phoenix as Indy was good, but I usually skip that part when I watch Last Crusade.

Harrison Ford made the role. Let's face it, if Tom Sellack made it in the film, it would not be the same. There might not have ever been sequels. And Tom Sellack is a brilliant actor. I love all his work.

Recasting Indy with a younger actor would be about as smart as adding Jar-Jar to the Indy franchise.

Knowing Lucas, Jar-Jar will be the next Indy.
It's not just Ford that makes the Indiana Jones movies... Spielberg and Lucas had a little to do with them too. If other people are involved, it wouldn't be the same for me. Besides how many big quests can Indy go on?
They can let the series rest after this as far as I'm concerned... they probably won't, especially since their's money to be made. But I can hope for a dignified retirement :lol
No doubt that Indy isn't completely Indy without Harrison Ford...

but I've always thought that someone who could look & act SOMEWHAT like Harrison Ford is actually Dennis Quaid. Yeah he might be getting older too but I think he could've handled the role as well if Ford chose not to continue it.
