Superman Returns - SPOILERS!!!! SPOILERS!!!!

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As soon as Lois realized she was pregnant, she knew it was Superman's baby. Now what kind of danger would you and your child be in if it was common knowledge who the baby's father was? She hooked up with Richard as soon as possible so it would look like the baby was his. Being the good guy that he is, he agreed to raise the child with Lois. But his "before we met" line shows that he knew the baby wasn't his, and likely knew the baby was Superman's. You can tell what is going on in his mind when he drops Lois and the kid off at the hospital at the end. He knew where they needed to be, but he also knew where they would be that night, and the next day, and the day after that. He is the stable and dependable father and husband that Superman could never be. He gives Lois and the kid the opportunity to appropriately honor their feelings for Superman while confident that they will be going home with him in the end.
tomandshell said:
As soon as Lois realized she was pregnant, she knew it was Superman's baby. Now what kind of danger would you and your child be in if it was common knowledge who the baby's father was? She hooked up with Richard as soon as possible so it would look like the baby was his. Being the good guy that he is, he agreed to raise the child with Lois. But his "before we met" line shows that he knew the baby wasn't his, and likely knew the baby was Superman's. You can tell what is going on in his mind when he drops Lois and the kid off at the hospital at the end. He knew where they needed to be, but he also knew where they would be that night, and the next day, and the day after that. He is the stable and dependable father and husband that Superman could never be. He gives Lois and the kid the opportunity to appropriately honor their feelings for Superman while confident that they will be going home with him in the end.

I don't know if Richard knew the kid's father was Superman, there was no scene to indicate it before the kid threw the piano only that Richard SUSPECTED Lois was deeply in love with him. They met "before" then which could have meant a year or two after Superman left or within the past few years. Maybe Lois told Richard once he arrived at Lex's yacht and saw the kid pulling on the door and explained it then. But then again, he might have known, I just don't believe he did until after that scene.

Remember the kid's drawing? Superman, followed by Mom and Dad and the kid. Loved it when he suddenly ran to Superman and kissed him on the forehead before leaving the Hospital room. Little moments like that get me.

I thought Marsden was excellent btw, played his role just right.
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TheObsoleteMan said:
I wish he had cut Lex's intro, that's was the only scene in the movie that I thought really bordered on being cheesy. I'm sure the audience would have assumed that any wealth he had acquired would've been through duplicitous means.

I have to agree with this. Lex is supposed to be a criminal genius, and this set-up just makes him look small time. I would never have questioned where he got his money or his accounts of course.

I never really understood why the movies always portray Luthor as a bit of a goof, surrounded by idiots. They play him more like a villain out of the old Adam West "Batman" show. Both Hackman and Spacey played it the same way.

For once, I'd like to see a very vile, dangerous and clever Luthor -- a real genuine threat to Superman. A steely Yul Brynner type maybe...even Patrick Stewart would give Luthor the vocal threat he needs.
tomandshell said:
As soon as Lois realized she was pregnant, she knew it was Superman's baby. Now what kind of danger would you and your child be in if it was common knowledge who the baby's father was? She hooked up with Richard as soon as possible so it would look like the baby was his. Being the good guy that he is, he agreed to raise the child with Lois. But his "before we met" line shows that he knew the baby wasn't his, and likely knew the baby was Superman's. You can tell what is going on in his mind when he drops Lois and the kid off at the hospital at the end. He knew where they needed to be, but he also knew where they would be that night, and the next day, and the day after that. He is the stable and dependable father and husband that Superman could never be. He gives Lois and the kid the opportunity to appropriately honor their feelings for Superman while confident that they will be going home with him in the end.

Yes... Yes... That makes a lot of sence. He's the Jonathan Kent of this new generation of Superman.
Wor-Gar said:
...I never really understood why the movies always portray Luthor as a bit of a goof, surrounded by idiots. They play him more like a villain out of the old Adam West "Batman" show. Both Hackman and Spacey played it the same way.

For once, I'd like to see a very vile, dangerous and clever Luthor -- a real genuine threat to Superman. A steely Yul Brynner type maybe...even Patrick Stewart would give Luthor the vocal threat he needs.

My girlfriend was just saying the same thing. Even though she loves Richard Donner films (Lethal Weapons, Scrooged, Mavrick, etc.) she hates any time Gene Hackman is on screen 'cause he's such a goof. She suggested Yul Brynner or Telly Savalas should have played him back in '78.

I'm looking forward to Lex learning that Superman is his old friend from Smallville in a future sequel. I'm prepared to wait a long time, I'm afraid.
I don't know the plot of the existing Batman Vs. Superman script, but it has something to do with Superman being responsible for the death of Bruce's girlfriend or something.

Personally if they have to crossover (and I don't think they do) I'd prefer a team-up ala the animated World's Finest. That dealt with their first meeting perfectly I think.
Darklord Dave said:
I don't know the plot of the existing Batman Vs. Superman script, but it has something to do with Superman being responsible for the death of Bruce's girlfriend or something.

Personally if they have to crossover (and I don't think they do) I'd prefer a team-up ala the animated World's Finest. That dealt with their first meeting perfectly I think.

I agree! Having them both team up would be a better idea rather than both of them fighting one another. Plus Superman would whoop Batman's ass! :D
carbo-fation said:
I agree! Having them both team up would be a better idea rather than both of them fighting one another. Plus Superman would whoop Batman's ass! :D

The Dark Knight Returns says no.

I like Singers work, but I don't him messing with what Nolan has perfected.
tomandshell said:
I enjoyed Superman Returns, but I would say that Batman Begins is my favorite superhero movie.

It's already considered a classic, funny how that can happen in just one year.
Darklord Dave said:
I don't know the plot of the existing Batman Vs. Superman script, but it has something to do with Superman being responsible for the death of Bruce's girlfriend or something.

Personally if they have to crossover (and I don't think they do) I'd prefer a team-up ala the animated World's Finest. That dealt with their first meeting perfectly I think.

It should be all World's Finest but Lethal Weapon style. An old fashioned buddy-cop movie but in tights.
It should be all World's Finest but Lethal Weapon style. An old fashioned buddy-cop movie but in tights.

Actually that would be a great take on the subject. They are polar opposites personality- and method-wise, but have the same goals. And how Nolan and Singer have set up the characters falls into that. They would start as adversaries but have to team up and eventually recognize that the other's methods have some good points.
I love the Animated World's Finest. That scene at the club when Batman throws Superman over his shoulder is classic.

I would love to see a Kingdom Come movie done well.
Curiously, it says that the studio has an option to use Brandon Routh for the next one, not that he is definitely doing it. I thought he did a good job and would like to see him again.

Also, apparently WB has not allowed preorders for the "Superman Returns" DVD before November. So later this week, we should actually see it listed at Amazon. (I will be getting the HD versions.)
Routh did well.

Rumors are Zod will be in it, which sucks. I like Donners Superman, but we don't need another retread movie. Bring on Darkseid already.