The Losing Intrest In Hot Toys Thread

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 9, 2012
Reaction score
London, UK
Have you or are you losing interest with HT? If so Why.
I'm not losing interest with 1/6 action figures, I'm going back to the thing that got me started in collecting, WW2 1/6 figures.
I am because other companies are getting far more exciting licenses. The ones HT have are predictable. I follow them now for Star Wars and Aliens. Years ago they were unpredictable with their choices, made cool teasers and posted quotes and blurred out pics to get the boards talking. Now it's very boring. Marvel and DC by the truckload with a peppering of Star Wars on the side.

Threezero, Star Ace and now Chronicle are getting my attention now with their licenses.
It's certainly not as exciting anymore when they reveal a new figure. I currently only have 1 left with two on order. There are several I have been considering but I'm just having trouble hitting that order button.
I am because other companies are getting far more exciting licenses. The ones HT have are predictable. I follow them now for Star Wars and Aliens. Years ago they were unpredictable with their choices, made cool teasers and posted quotes and blurred out pics to get the boards talking. Now it's very boring. Marvel and DC by the truckload with a peppering of Star Wars on the side.

Threezero, Star Ace and now Chronicle are getting my attention now with their licenses.

I didnt know that Chronicle made 1/6 action figures.
With all their useless Marvel fluff, any other license gets buried or stalled for years like Ripley. Outside of Deadpool, I'm done for the year if nothing else gets announced worth while.

So yeah, I'm kinda done with HT.
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I wouldn't say that I'm done, just being more selective when ordering. This year I don't have much on preorder (4 figures). I only plan to buy civil war figures and maybe armored batman chrome version and that's about it for me
I am not losing interest in Hot Toys by any means but there is not enough that I want to buy. I pretty much only buy the Marvel and Star Wars. The Civil War line is a bore because I don't need anymore of the main characters. I feel like i have the perfect representation of most of them. Once they announce new characters, I will get more excited.

As for Star Wars, even though they announced a released a bunch fast, I want more.

So not lost interest, more of a lull.
I am because other companies are getting far more exciting licenses. The ones HT have are predictable. I follow them now for Star Wars and Aliens. Years ago they were unpredictable with their choices, made cool teasers and posted quotes and blurred out pics to get the boards talking. Now it's very boring. Marvel and DC by the truckload with a peppering of Star Wars on the side.

Threezero, Star Ace and now Chronicle are getting my attention now with their licenses.

Absolutely summed up.
I love the Marvel movies so Hot Toys is good for me, but I only have 20 sixth-scale figures (and one of them is a Hit Girl kitbash that isn't Hot Toys at all.) As a rule I only buy one representation of each character, and I think that's what keeps me from getting bored with my collection or feeling as if buying new figures is a chore. Being a completist tends to wreck one's enjoyment of things, I think. I also set them up according to what I think looks cool, I don't try to recreate movies--which is why my Superman is part of the Avengers and Hulk is on my bad guys shelf.
Until I see the same level of refinement and added value from other companies, I don't think I'll ever lose interest in HT as long as I'm in this hobby.
In addition to the licenses not being as exciting as mentioned above, their prices are starting to force me out of collecting Hot Toys. I still remember a time when the Aliens Marines (which got me into Hot Toys in the first place) were like $79. Now figures are on average $230. I get inflation, but seriously?
I've started to shift my collection to 1/4s after picking up the 1/4 Bobba Fett. After seeing the larger size in hand the 1/6 scale just didn't have the same appeal that they once did. I've sold off lots of my 1/6 stuff and picked up 1/4 Mark 43 and Enterbay Batman. I am eagerly waiting for me 1/4 announcements from Hot Toys!
i don't understand why people buy their items based on manufacturers. personally i don't care about HT, but i buy their products if it suits my taste. if another company does better, i'll buy from that company.
I can't afford bigger than 1/6
hell I can barely afford Hot Toys
but since I only buy 2 or 3 a year I am ok
I'd like to see Hot Toys go back to their roots and develop figures based on cult classic licenses and previously untouched properties. I get the Marvel, Star Wars and DC thing is their cash cow, but peppering in obscure fan favorites like Marty McFly more frequently would get me excited about their offerings again.

The mystery of not knowing what Hot Toys were going to announce next, instead of what Marvel figure they were going to announce next, was great. If there is any positive from this it's that Hot Toys is leaving the door open for other companies. Mark my words, in a little over 3 months from now everyone will be talking about Blitzway.
To quote Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."

Prices are higher then ever and it's overwhelming keeping up with so many figures that are continually cranked out/repurposed. Also, HT seems more devoted to the Marvel/DC/Star Wars cash chow lines than the cult classics (as RichAlot mentioned).

At the same time, the quality of headsculpts are better than ever. And we truly are living in a pop culture golden age with such a big variety of new superhero movies (and figures) to choose from.

I know Hot Toys gets a lot of flack for pumping out nothing more than Iron Man, but they still devoted resources to Batman Returns and Back to the Future. I mean, we got the frickin' Delorean! How cool is that piece!!! Growing up as a kid, never in my wildest dreams did I think us collectors would get to own a piece of memorabilia like that. Now if we could only convince HT to hurry up and give us a Doc Brown and Pfeiffer Catwoman!

At the end of the day, this is a business so I realize HT can't please all the hardcore collectors. It's still a niche hobby due to the high prices but it's increasingly become more mainstream. But collectors also have other more affordable options with figures from ThreeZero, Asmus, Enterbay, etc. If you want statues, we have SSC, PCS, Blitzway etc. If you're adventurous and have plenty of money to spare, there are customs.

All things considered, I think we're lucky to be living in this day and age.
Space considerations have me focusing a lot more on 6 inch figures of late. I'm still doing 1/6 scale for Star Wars and Marvel, along with a few specific characters and customs.
Space considerations have me focusing a lot more on 6 inch figures of late. I'm still doing 1/6 scale for Star Wars and Marvel, along with a few specific characters and customs.

I believe 1/6 scale seems to be the perfect combination between detail, size, aesthetics and price.

But the smaller lines usually have greater variety and sometimes I buy those figures/statues to fill in the gaps that aren't filled by the 1/6 or bigger lines.