Thesis: "Temple Of Doom" is over-hated and under-appreciated

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Super Freak
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Yeah, I said it. "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom" is not only not that bad, but I'd say it's a great Action-Adventure flick as is actually the 2nd-best film from the original INDY trilogy.

Is Kate Capshaw's Willie character often insufferable? Yes. Is Short Round contrived and at times annoying? Sure. But, really, what's so wrong about the film overall that has earned it as much hate and scorn over the years?

Seriously, though I like "Last Crusade" it's a bit too formula, imho, while TOD is a more honest movie and feels more like a classic serial to me.

Plus, how can you not like the opening sequence, Mola Ram, and the whole Indian folklore and Kali elements?

This film deserves more love, not hate.

Yeah, I said it. "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom" is not only not that bad, but I'd say it's a great Action-Adventure flick as is actually the 2nd-best film from the original INDY trilogy.

Is Kate Capshaw's Willie character often insufferable? Yes. Is Short Round contrived and at times annoying? Sure. But, really, what's so wrong about the film overall that has earned it as much hate and scorn over the years?

Seriously, though I like "Last Crusade" it's a bit too formula, imho, while TOD is a more honest movie and feels more like a classic serial to me.

Plus, how can you not like the opening sequence, Mola Ram, and the whole Indian folklore and Kali elements?

This film deserves more love, not hate.


I'm sure I will be blasted here but I think I like TOD the best. :monkey3
I have never seen Temple of Doom. I doubt I ever will.

I like TOD but its just never been my favorite of the three. I think it has more to do with the stuff that goes on once inside the Temple that turned me off when I was younger.
I have never seen Temple of Doom. I doubt I ever will.

Since I barely have 250+ posts, consider me a noob and please excuse my Forum ignorance for asking the following question... the some unseen benefit that I'm unable to grasp as to the benefits of taking the time to post on a thread to say that (basically) you have never experienced the subject of said thread nor are you ever likely to?

I swear, I am NOT being sarcastic, I am actually befuddled; I feel as if I'm missing some greater meaning. I ask in all honesty.
Since I barely have 250+ posts, consider me a noob and please excuse my Forum ignorance for asking the following question... the some unseen benefit that I'm unable to grasp as to the benefits of taking the time to post on a thread to say that (basically) you have never experienced the subject of said thread nor are you ever likely to?

I swear, I am NOT being sarcastic, I am actually befuddled; I feel as if I'm missing some greater meaning. I ask in all honesty.

:lol :lol :lol

awesome dude. simply awesome
Since I barely have 250+ posts, consider me a noob and please excuse my Forum ignorance for asking the following question... the some unseen benefit that I'm unable to grasp as to the benefits of taking the time to post on a thread to say that (basically) you have never experienced the subject of said thread nor are you ever likely to?

I swear, I am NOT being sarcastic, I am actually befuddled; I feel as if I'm missing some greater meaning. I ask in all honesty.

yep, theres a greater meaning to it.:cool:
Yes, listen to them, Adam. They are wiser, darker, and stronger than us. They also know how to post ad hominen personal attacks in thinly-veiled Espanol. :lol
I agree with you Irish, I like TOD second best of the series. Last Crusade was good but I really appreciated the darker tone and the unusual (to us Westerners) Indian folklore elements.
TOD is my favorite Indy Flick.

Now, back to the spamming of the general section till the interest wears off in a couples hours and all these new threads drift to page 10.
I like Temple of Doom, though I can't say its anything except my 3rd favorite Indy film (hey, they're all good).

The mine cart chase is awesomeness defined.

The only part that bores me a bit is the whole possessed boyking stuff.
raiders was the best of the trilogy with tod and tlc coming in around even, both not as good as the first. i suppose tcs will be more along the lines of tod and tlc.

for those loving there any scene gayer than the indian children coming out of the hills back to there families? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: or kate capshaw fainting at dinner?
TOD is the Jan Brady of the Indy films. Middle child, overlooked, underloved.

Sure, Willie's annoying, but no one has ever been able to live up to Marion.

Shorty was cool! INDIANA JONES is an homage to old serials, and a staple of the serial hero was the sidekick. Shorty was a lot of fun, and the poker game in the jungle is great character stuff!

I love LAST CRUSADE, but it pretty much is a safe remake of RAIDERS. Remove Sean Connery, and you've basically got a RAIDERS re-tread. The whole film hinges on the father-son realtionship, and the amazing chemistry between Connery and Ford. You could have a COMPLETELY different plot, different locations, different artifact, and as long as Connery and Ford are doing their thing, it'd be great & fun to watch.

I like TEMPLE OF DOOM mostly because it dares to be different. The easy thing is just revisit what made the first film a hit, but TOD has the mendacity to at least try something different.

I don'y want every Indy story to be about Indy in the desert racing against Nazis. Every time a film or comic or novel does that, pretty much all it does is cheapen RAIDERS a little bit. If it says "Archeologist, Instructor, Nazi-Beater-Upper and Judeo-Christian Artifact CHaser" in Indy's business card, then RAIDERS isn't quite as special. Why? Because it's just another day at the office for Indiana Jones.

TOD, for all its warts, was the one Indy sequel that tried to stand on its own (for the most part).

I wonder how INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE (whew, fingers are starting to ache) CRYSTAL SKULL will be: something that's trying to be different, or something that will utilize much of the RAIDERS elements.

And before anyone jumps on me for saying that 'different is better', what I mean by different is: not utilizing the same plot, characters, and motifs as RAIDERS. I'm not saying I want Indy stories where its SO different that he isn't adventuring; I just enjoy variety more than conformity.

Commence jumping all over my monkey @$$!
Gay? That scene is great!

I could live without most of the Kate Capshow stuff too, though.

drawn together did a tod parody. when they 'freed' the children, they were upset because they were the best paid workers in the region at 10 cents an hour. they cried ,'how are we going to replace our jobs?' :lol
drawn together did a tod parody. when they 'freed' the children, they were upset because they were the best paid workers in the region at 10 cents an hour. they cried ,'how are we going to replace our jobs?' :lol

Okay, that's pretty darn funny. :lol
Over-hated? Under-appreciated? Temple of Doom? Wow.

Give another 10-15 years and people will be saying the same thing about the SW prequels. I guarrantee it. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

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