Trying to organize ,running out of room

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Jan 22, 2022
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Any ideas I do have 2 rooms and room down the middle . My comics are in a third room. Yes my wife is awesome and doesn’t say anything about me buying and collecting . So much of my stuff is hidden behind other things . I would love a way to display all of it .


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Are there no lights in these rooms? The pictures look a bit like they were taken from a horror game set in a comic book shop.

It's an impressive amount of very diverse stuff. I can tell you have a passion for a lot of different franchises.

We as collectors all tend to accumulate a lot of items over the years. But sometimes it can get to be too much.

It might be time to trim down some things to make the more significant items shine. Maybe pick a few licenses and themes to focus on?

At the very least, I would try to organize everything a bit, and maybe separate out some of the higher end collectibles.

Like all the mystery minis could go together in display cases (shot glass, baseball bat, etc.) mounted to the wall. Do those mystery mini boxes have figures in them or are they just for show? Those could probably be removed from display to make more room for everything else.

I see some great items and nice Hot Toys figures, but those get really lost because they're amongst so much trend merchandise. Having higher end pieces by themselves helps elevate them. Putting them amongst all of that brings them down a bit.

But that's just me. You may well enjoy the chaotic comic store look and revel in it.
Are there no lights in these rooms? The pictures look a bit like they were taken from a horror game set in a comic book shop.

It's an impressive amount of very diverse stuff. I can tell you have a passion for a lot of different franchises.

We as collectors all tend to accumulate a lot of items over the years. But sometimes it can get to be too much.

It might be time to trim down some things to make the more significant items shine. Maybe pick a few licenses and themes to focus on?

At the very least, I would try to organize everything a bit, and maybe separate out some of the higher end collectibles.

Like all the mystery minis could go together in display cases (shot glass, baseball bat, etc.) mounted to the wall. Do those mystery mini boxes have figures in them or are they just for show? Those could probably be removed from display to make more room for everything else.

I see some great items and nice Hot Toys figures, but those get really lost because they're amongst so much trend merchandise. Having higher end pieces by themselves helps elevate them. Putting them amongst all of that brings them down a bit.

But that's just me. You may well enjoy the chaotic comic store look and revel in it.
My lights stink. That’s a big problem. Thank you for the ideas . My main problem is I keep buying .This is a pic of my other room . Lights suck lol


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First off, I want to commend your absolutely massive collection. You've got a little bit of everything, big and small, different genres, and everything in between. That's awesome man.

However, to piggyback off MyenShi, I think you're in a situation where you're losing the wow factor of individual pieces within the collection in exchange for just the overwhelming massiveness of it. As he said, I can pick out a few things, but I see these pics and it's just a mass of stacks and piles. It really feels like I would see this in a comic book/collector's shop.

I think to his point, it might be worth really sitting down and seeing what you can live without before deciding how best to update the layout. You've got stacks upon stacks, shelves are bowing and bending, boxes tossed here and there, it's pretty overwhelming.

As a fellow collector, I can tell you, there's always going to be more. Newer, better, cooler, it's a never ending market. Just when you think you're perfectly content, something else will come out... Then something after. Just one more thing. Just one more to finish this set. If I buy this, I gotta get this companion piece too. So if you're just adding and adding, it's going to keep piling. As you said, you're stacking things in front of others... That kinda kills the joy of owning them, doesn't it?

To your question though, best way to display it all. Obviously you'll want to group things by type. Either gather your items in groupings of media type like cards in this one area, 1/6 in this area, 1/12 in this area, or go by theme, with your Marvel in one section, your Simpsons in another, etc.

By pulling everything out and setting them in groupings, it might help you to decide what you can sell and what you want to hold on to as well.

Definitely ditch the wooden shelves you have now. They already aren't holding up, but they also give off a cheap feel to what is a very expensive collection. Display cases, quality bookcases, things with glass windows, those are all ways to make your more expensive pieces pop and help with dust and 'showcasing'.

At the end of the day, do what makes you happy, but we want you to be proud of your collection. Don't fall into the position of a hoarder who's stacking things on other things and losing out on the enjoyment of admiring one thing over another.
At some point, you just run out of room, and it doesn't look so great once crammed in like a shop (although it is interesting).

Everyone has to make their own decisions of course, but what I did this last year was pack up all of my playline stuff (and all the odds and ends I got because they were "neat" or "great value" or "vintage" or "going to sell that at some point but it's only worth $12-50 so maybe not today" and give it away to a friend who needed some cash and who sells stuff on ebay.

It took a month, and was painful AF. But. It was the best thing I ever did. Now I get to enjoy my nicer stuff without the other crap clogging it all up. It looks SO Much better when not all crowded in. I still don't have enough room to display everything, but I can rotate somewhat.
I agree with MyenShi. I would never tell anyone what or how to collect, but I’m gonna give you some tough love and say that it is definitely time to trim down. It doesn’t look like a collection to me as much as it does a mom ‘n pop comics/toy shop. How often do you sell stuff? If not too often, give it a try. Once you start selling off a few things you’ll probably find that you don’t even miss those items and will be encouraged to do even more. Marie Kondo that ****, one piece at a time. Looks like there is a lot of stuff worth $5-20 in there which you can easily buy again if you really, really do miss it. Honestly, once you get into selling pieces it can be just as satisfying if not more so than buying stuff.

My general rule is that if I have something in storage or on display someplace where I can barely see it, then what’s the point of even owning it? Looks like there are lots of figures on pegs behind others that you can’t even see. I also often think about whether the cumulative value of the items of any given section in my collection room is worth the trade-off for the physical space in my life it is taking up. For example, I would much rather have a single $500-1000 statue on display in the same space that perhaps before I had 10 $20 NECA figures set up.

Finally, my wife also doesn’t say much about my collecting. Not to be presumptuous but if your wife is anything like mine, that really just means she only tolerates it, not that she has any actual positive opinions on it. I bet she would be absolutely over the moon if you downsized the number of items in there some.
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That is an amazing collection but yeah echo what other people have said. There is no need to sell stuff unless you are compelled but just pack a lot of stuff away. That’s what I’m doing and just have select pieces, your absolute favorites out. Makes a huge difference. And yes better lights will help tremendously.
Less is more

My partner would never stop me from buying anything, as it's my money. However, sometimes a little perspective from non collectors is valuable to prevent things getting out of hand
Not much else can be added to what @MyenShi @BladeS and @hypnobrett said.

Great collection, but definitely looks like it's time to trim down and sell some things. I've sold my collection 3 times now and each time I've gotten more and more focused on what I collect and how I want my collection to be presented. Everyone has to decide that for themselves. First time selling is going to be tough especially if you have the mindset that others will see the exact value you do and quite frankly, it will be hard to box up something. Some stuff you'll have to sell at a loss but you'll also probably make it up on other items. I'm actually about to sell roughly 1/3 of my collection after the summer but anytime I go back and look at ones that are boxed, I start to get the feeling of "oh maybe I will keep this" so even now, it's still a tough thing to do. But you gotta stand firm. If it was on the chopping block at first, there was a reason and it should stay on the chopping block. At the end of the day, though, you've got to enjoy it. Otherwise, what's the point? Good luck :wave
If you want to sell rather than give away- my advice is to start small, like 5 things at a time. Just research what they go for on ebay checking "sold" listings, and them price them about $5 less for speed.
Can you take better pictures though? I really does look like a dungeon, maybe delete the ones that are super blurry? Maybe some clearer pictures can lead to some better suggestions.
Hi, nice colection. i have 20 hot toys & 6 diorama pieces packed away so every 3 months when i dust & repose figures i rotate some of them into the collection room it keeps it fresh. all the best.