What Are Your Top Favorite Joker Moments...So Far?

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Jan 9, 2013
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What are your top or favorite Joker moments, scenes or sequences from live action movies, television, animated shows or animated movies so far? No video games or comics, just movies and tv, since we're on the movie and tv section of the forum. :) And why so far? Because there's more Leto Joker on the way!! :lol


My top 10, and only 10 FOR ME, because I'm lazy. I could make a much larger list, but...I'm lazy. :lol

1. Interogation sequence - TDK (2008) - Incredible acting, setting, and the perfect dynamic between Batman and Joker. From the moment it begins with Bats standing behind Joker the whole time briefly in control of the situation, to Joker's speech, Batman beating Joker as he laughs knowing he's been in complete control the entire time, easily my favorite Joker moment ever.

2. "Mirror" scene- Batman (1989) - As a child, it was scary and creepy. Great scene, lighting, and craziness from Nicholson.

3. Joker's death - Batman (1989) - They actually killed The Joker!! For better or worse, it was comical and clever to have Batman on the verge of his own death tie Joker to a laughing Gargoyle and watching Joker fall to his death from heavy burden of the gargoyle. :lol

4. "How about another joke, Murray?" - Joker (2019) Joker break down and shoots Murray live on tv. Juaquin Phoenix somehow showed sadness, anger, happiness, and insanity all within seconds.

5. Nurse Joker blows up a hospital - TDK (2008) - Joker in a female nurse costume walking in broad daylight as a huge building explodes behind him for real....what's not to like?

6. Joker laughs as he falls to his death - TDK (2008) - Not the first time we've seen Joker falling to his death, but it was the first time he laughed while doing so. Great scene of Joker having the upper hand and Batman ultimately saving him. In their last moment, people show you who they really are, said Joker, and he did in his final confrontation with Bats.

7. Joker dances on steps - Joker (2019) - Not the first time or the last time Arthur dances, but the scene is just iconic, funny, and creepy as the music changes from rock pop to the disturbing film's score as Joker descends further into madness, smoking his cigarette, and dancing to the music in his head.

8. Joker gets his ass kicked - Batman (1989) - "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses?" :lol It was so satisfying watching Batman beat Joker after knowing HE killed Bruce's parents. Ii can watch Batman punch Jack and Jack's body bouncing of the giant bell on a loop. Both Batman and Joker made each other, and they know it in that moment.

9. Bloody smile - Joker (2019) - How fitting that Joker uses his own blood to put on a smile as he stands on top of the world in the midst of chaos in front of a cheering audience, finally. Great use of music and great visuals. Perfect "birth" of the character moment. It could have been the ending of the film. No, it should have been the ending.

10. "LOOK AT ME!" - TDK (2008) - The hostage scene begins all fun and games until Joker shows his true nature behind the silly clown makeup. The theater was dead silenced from that point on like they've never seen a moment like that in a Batman movie. That moment was a little too real given the post 9/11 war period.

11. Gary can't reach the door - Joker (2019) - A brutal kill followed by an unexpected short joke at the expense of Arthur's only real friend. That was just...mean.

12. "Why so serious?" - TDK -(2008) - Great speech, catch phrase, and acting.

13. "Haven't you ever heard of the heeling power of laughter?" - Batman (1989) - After Joker kills a mobster, Joker laughs hysterically, wipes the human flesh makeup to show his now bleach white skin, and quickly goes from happy to psychotic, and screams "Now get out of here and think it over!"

14. Joker talks to a corpse - Batman (1989) - It's one of the few moments we see Joker by himself. It's a disturbing glimpse of the kind of morbid antics Joker does in private.

15. Everything burns! - TDK (2008) - Joker ties the money man Lao to a chair and places him on top of all the mob money like a cake ornament and burns him alive along with the mob money in front of the last remaining boss as he tells him he's going to cut him into little pieces and feed him to his dogs. Savage.

16. "How about a magic trick?" - TDK (2008) - The first time we see Joker in full costume, he does a sarcastic laugh almost making fun of the very nature of the Joker character down to the "Hee Hee Ha Ha's!" or perhaps just making fun of the mob. He then proceeds to easily kill a bodyguard with a pencil, showing this Joker is not only a criminal master mind, but also a physical threat to anyone, maybe even Batman.

17. "Jack? Jack is dead. Call me, Joker!!" - Batman (1989) - What a great intro for Joker! It's also meta, since the actor is also named Jack and he's telling the audience to say goodbye to Jack and hello to the role he was born to play, the Clown Prince of Crime.

18. When an unstoppable force meets and immovable object - TDK (2008) - The last time we see Batman interact with Joker, the camera slowly turns as an upside-down Joker reveals his "winning hand" and explains the nature of his relationship with Batman....to Batman.

19. Joker waits for his introduction - Joker (2019) - A motionless Joker holds a cigarette listening to his idol make fun of him while playing his standup video. Great shot, great lighting, great music, and Phoenix expression speaks volumes without a single line of dialogue needed.

20. A Hot Time in Old Town - Batman (1989) - Joker kills mobster with a joy buzzer while singing and laughing. Yeah, it's over the top and cartoonish, but it fits the film.

21. Truck chase - TDK (2008) - Arguably the greatest Joker action sequence in any Batman movie. A truck named Slaughter, guns, bazookas, helicopter crashes, the destruction of the tumbler, the introduction of the bat pod, culminating on the truck getting flipped practically as Batman outsmarts Joker.

22. Big gun/"Come on, you gruesome son of a b***". - Batman (1989) - The original street showdown between Batman and Joker and Joker in comedic fashion and with ultimate plot armor is untouched by Batman's relentless assault and manages to take down the flying bat with a comically large gun that he keeps in his pants. :lol

23. Come hit me! Game of chicken 2.0. - TDK (2008) - Coincidence or a homage? The roles are reverse this time as Joker is the one shooting at Batman, culminating with Joker testing Batman and daring him to break his no killing rule, causing Batman to crash. Bonus, Joker mocks, laughs and spits on his own electrocuted henchman. :lol

24. Joker in jail cell - TDK (2008) - "Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint." Joker patiently sits alone in a cell, green and blueish lighting compliments his vibrant green hair now slicked back in a more traditional Joker style and his now smeared make up somehow makes him look more menacing. Joker, with a little smirk claps along with everyone else in the room congratulating Gordon on his promotion, almost as if that promotion was Joker's little gift for playing his game.

25. Joker escapes - TDK (2008) - - Beginning with Joker manipulating the detective, then making his explosive phone call, visiting Lao's cell, and culminating with Joker in a squad car blazing down the street in a chaotic shot and Joker sticking his his head out the window like a dog, feeling the wind.

26. Joker subway walk - Joker (2019) - Great music as Joker walks in slow motion as he smokes a cigarette and the cops run in the opposite direction. He so looked cool and made want to smoke cigarettes. :lol

27. He stole my balloons! Joker kills bob. - Batman (1989) - Joker kills his number one guy, "I'm going to need a minute or two alone, boys." While funny, it shows how psychotic and unpredictable he can be.

28. Joker's date with Vicki - Batman (1989) - Joker kills dozens of people in a museum/restaurant?:lol He destroys most painting except for one, showing his appreciation for art which dates back to the 60s. He then shows his own "human" art work, a disfigured woman, and we get the great line, "Where does he get those wonderful toys?"

29 "Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"- Batman (1989) - While it's a cool memorable line Joker likes to tell his preys, that line takes on a whole new meaning later on in the film when Bruce remember a young Jack saying it before killing his parents, which in retrospect, it explains Bruce Wayne's reaction upon initially hearing the phrase in Vicki's apartment , giving the scene more subtext. Also, it a cool phrase.

30. "The pen is mightier than the sword." - Batman (1989) - The weird mimes emerging like zombies, then Joker making a theatrical public execution is still a great moment.

31. Bank heist - TDK (2008)

32. Jack/Joker takes off his make up and calls out Batman on tv- Batman (1989)

33. Jack falls into toxic waste- Batman (1989)

34. Joker's speech in Murray show - Joker (2019)

35. Arthur finds out about adoption- Joker (2019)

36. Arthur punches out - Joker (2019)

37. Joker's parade - Batman (1989)

38. Smylex Comercial - Batman (1989)

39. Nurse Joker checks on Harvey - TDK (2008)

40. Bathroom dance - Joker (2019)
For me, from The Dark Knight, when the Joker is telling the stories about how he got the scars on his face, particularly the scene with Rachel Dawes.......:)
In no particular order:

1. Interrogation - TDK

2. "Mirror" scene- Batman '89 .. very old-school horror movie or even Twilight Zone vibe. Cool and creepy throwback.

3. Nurse Joker / Hospital - TDK .. particularly when the remote doesn't work the first time. Just a simple villain tryin' to get by.

6. Joker laughs falling to his death - TDK .. I remember that making an impression. He really was an agent of pure chaos.

7. Joker dances down the steps - Joker .. I'm not a fan of this film, even though I think it's very, very well executed. But that one scene sticks with me.

8. Joker gets beat up - Batman '89 .. yeah, that was satisfying, to finally see Batman get his fists on that creepy clown.

9. "LOOK AT ME!" - TDK ... that moment we get to hear the truly frightening monster and the unbridled rage underneath all the schtick.
Interrogation will always be top of my list however I'd like to give a shout out to the "Everything burns" scene...

Joker comes full circle to what Alfred was saying about him wanting to watch the world burn.
I have some odd choices, maybe not my favorite scenes, but they are the scenes that stick with me about the Joker's character:

Joker 89: Joker's speech to the "little people" he's about to gas... if you gotta go...

I had that whole speech on my phone machine for about a year back in 1990.

Joker TDK: Let's not blow things out of proportion. And when someone says he's crazy, Joker stops, completely disrupted, gives that look -- No I'm not...

Everything burns is also great. And LOOK AT ME! Just about everything Ledger touched was gold in that. But that first scene -- that hooked me and I instantly gave up all my preconceived notions about Joker and how he should look and sound. Ledger was my Daddy now.

Joker 2019: You'd just walk right over me. That whole Murray scene is just riveting and burns like a fuse. Not logical maybe, but engrossing.
All great choices everyone. :D

My 11-20

11. Gary can't reach the door - Joker (2019) - A brutal kill followed by an unexpected short joke at the expense of Arthur's only real friend. That was just...mean.

12. "Why so serious?" - TDK -(2008) - Great speech, catch phrase, and acting.

13. "Haven't you ever heard of the heeling power of laughter?" - Batman (1989) - After Joker kills a mobster, Joker laughs hysterically, wipes the human flesh makeup to show his now bleach white skin, and quickly goes from happy to psychotic, and screams "Now get out of here and think it over!"

14. Joker talks to a corpse - Batman (1989) - It's one of the few moments we see Joker by himself. It's a disturbing glimpse of the kind of morbid antics Joker does in private.

15. Everything burns! - TDK (2008) - Joker ties the money man Lao to a chair and places him on top of all the mob money like a cake ornament and burns him alive along with the mob money in front of the last remaining boss as he tells him he's going to cut him into little pieces and feed him to his dogs. Savage.

16. "How about a magic trick?" - TDK (2008) - The first time we see Joker in full costume, he does a sarcastic laugh almost making fun of the very nature of the Joker character down to the "Hee Hee Ha Ha's!" or perhaps just making fun of the mob. He then proceeds to easily kill a bodyguard with a pencil, showing this Joker is not only a criminal master mind, but also a physical threat to anyone, maybe even Batman.

17. "Jack? Jack is dead. Call me, Joker!!" - Batman (1989) - What a great intro for Joker! It's also meta, since the actor is also named Jack and he's telling the audience to say goodbye to Jack and hello to the role he was born to play, the Clown Prince of Crime.

18. When an unstoppable force meets and immovable object - TDK (2008) - The last time we see Batman interact with Joker, the camera slowly turns as an upside-down Joker reveals his "winning hand" and explains the nature of his relationship with Batman....to Batman.

19. Joker waits for his introduction - Joker (2019) - A motionless Joker holds a cigarette listening to his idol make fun of him while playing his standup video. Great shot, great lighting, great music, and Phoenix expression speaks volumes without a single line of dialogue needed.

20. A Hot Time in Old Town - Batman (1989) - Joker kills mobster with a joy buzzer while singing and laughing. Yeah, it's over the top and cartoonish, but it fits the film.

16. "How about a magic trick?" - TDK (2008) - The first time we see Joker in full costume, he does a sarcastic laugh almost making fun of the very nature of the Joker character down to the "Hee Hee Ha Ha's!" or perhaps just making fun of the mob. He then proceeds to easily kill a bodyguard with a pencil, showing this Joker is not only a criminal master mind, but also a physical threat to anyone, maybe even Batman.


Don't know how I blanked on that one. There's my number 10.
What no leto? Lol jk I love the dance in the bathroom scene and all of his scenes from tdk and bloody smile scene
To be honest Leto's look alone didn't bother me so much. It's just that his Joker didn't get good lines or good scenarios etc. He was a non-event for me; the non-traditional look didn't bug me.
What no leto? Lol jk I love the dance in the bathroom scene and all of his scenes from tdk and bloody smile scene

To be honest Leto's look alone didn't bother me so much. It's just that his Joker didn't get good lines or good scenarios etc. He was a non-event for me; the non-traditional look didn't bug me.

Leto might make it into my 21 - 30 spots. :chase

My favourite scene didn't actually feature The Joker:


Huh, aren't you a clever one. Never thought about that one, but it counts.
To be honest Leto's look alone didn't bother me so much. It's just that his Joker didn't get good lines or good scenarios etc. He was a non-event for me; the non-traditional look didn't bug me.

I actually liked his look but once I saw that he was being portrayed poorly and as a SoundCloud rapper I kinda took notice but I think Snyder can make him look better since Snyder is actually good at designing things
My 21-30 spots, sorry Leto, maybe in the 31-40 list if there's one. :lol

21. Truck chase - TDK (2008) - Arguably the greatest Joker action sequence in any Batman movie. A truck named Slaughter, guns, bazookas, helicopter crashes, the destruction of the tumbler, the introduction of the bat pod, culminating on the truck getting flipped practically as Batman outsmarts Joker.

22. Big gun/"Come on, you gruesome son of a b***". - Batman (1989) - The original street showdown between Batman and Joker and Joker in comedic fashion and with ultimate plot armor is untouched by Batman's relentless assault and manages to take down the flying bat with a comically large gun that he keeps in his pants. :lol

23. Come hit me! Game of chicken 2.0. - TDK (2008) - Coincidence or a homage? The roles are reverse this time as Joker is the one shooting at Batman, culminating with Joker testing Batman and daring him to break his no killing rule, causing Batman to crash. Bonus, Joker mocks, laughs and spits on his own electrocuted henchman. :lol

24. Joker in jail cell - TDK (2008) - "Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint." Joker patiently sits alone in a cell, green and blueish lighting compliments his vibrant green hair now slicked back in a more traditional Joker style and his now smeared make up somehow makes him look more menacing. Joker, with a little smirk claps along with everyone else in the room congratulating Gordon on his promotion, almost as if that promotion was Joker's little gift for playing his game.

25. Joker escapes - TDK (2008) - - Beginning with Joker manipulating the detective, then making his explosive phone call, visiting Lao's cell, and culminating with Joker in a squad car blazing down the street in a chaotic shot and Joker sticking his his head out the window like a dog, feeling the wind.

26. Joker subway walk - Joker (2019) - Great music as Joker walks in slow motion as he smokes a cigarette and the cops run in the opposite direction. He so looked cool and made want to smoke cigarettes. :lol

27. He stole my balloons! Joker kills bob. - Batman (1989) - Joker kills his number one guy, "I'm going to need a minute or two alone, boys." While funny, it shows how psychotic and unpredictable he can be.

28. Joker's date with Vicki - Batman (1989) - Joker kills dozens of people in a museum/restaurant?:lol He destroys most painting except for one, showing his appreciation for art which dates back to the 60s. He then shows his own "human" art work, a disfigured woman, and we get the great line, "Where does he get those wonderful toys?"

29 "Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"- Batman (1989) - While it's a cool memorable line Joker likes to tell his preys, that line takes on a whole new meaning later on in the film when Bruce remember a young Jack saying it before killing his parents, which in retrospect, it explains Bruce Wayne's reaction upon initially hearing the phrase in Vicki's apartment , giving the scene more subtext. Also, it a cool phrase.

30. "The pen is mightier than the sword." - Batman (1989) - The weird mimes emerging like zombies, then Joker making a theatrical public execution is still a great moment.
Never realized the BvS Robin costume had the original 1940s booty shorts.
