White actors taking roles from people of color .......(of course)

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As far as white washing goes, I think that seems to be slowly going down. I did think it was really weird when people tried to say Iron Fist was white washed and he should've been Asian when he's always been white, particularly because to cast an Asian in that role to me reinforces the whole "all Asians know karate" stereotype and since I'm married to one I know that's not true lol. Now, if Matt Murdock had been Asian..that'd been a different story. Or even latino. Depending on who they cast, that's a prime example of one where race may not matter as much.

I'm also a little perplexed about the controversy about the ancient one to an extent. The ancient one was traditionally Asian but they made him an white woman. I think the gender bend makes it an easier pill to swallow but i'm not sure it was a good idea to change it.
lol I appreciate the reply, Ali never really gave his opinion on minority washing another minority lol

No problem. The only way we will all understand each other is by talking. I'm in an very mixed family home. I'm 75 percent black as my father was half black and half german and my mother 100 percent black. My wife is Filipino and we have a son who is obviously half Filipino and half black(or 35 percent or so? I dont' know, the math starts getting dicier there). I've been dealing with racial judgement from people of all colors my whole life. I'm way too dark to be considered white but I'm just light enough that people have mistaken me for indian, arab, Hispanic. My son is so light that some people don't think we're related. He is half Asian but clearly not all. Me being from a family of many cultures helps me be more sympathetic to the plights of all people. The other day a guy at Walmart(who was latino and spoke no English) somehow assumed I was of the same background as me and started speaking to me in his language.

The race I'm most proud to be a part of is the Human race and eventually I think we will all get to that point. At least, I hope we will :)
No problem. The only way we will all understand each other is by talking. I'm in an very mixed family home. I'm 75 percent black as my father was half black and half german and my mother 100 percent black. My wife is Filipino and we have a son who is obviously half Filipino and half black(or 35 percent or so? I dont' know, the math starts getting dicier there). I've been dealing with racial judgement from people of all colors my whole life. I'm way too dark to be considered white but I'm just light enough that people have mistaken me for indian, arab, Hispanic. My son is so light that some people don't think we're related. He is half Asian but clearly not all. Me being from a family of many cultures helps me be more sympathetic to the plights of all people. The other day a guy at Walmart(who was latino and spoke no English) somehow assumed I was of the same background as me and started speaking to me in his language.

The race I'm most proud to be a part of is the Human race and eventually I think we will all get to that point. At least, I hope we will :)

You're a good dude Kush.

Thanks. I try :) We're all just human. I get up everyday, drag myself to work and come home to my wife and energetic little boy. I complain a lot about my job. I work for the post office which is not the greatest place in the world if you like having a job where people are organized and or working the way they're supposed to. But I find solace in my family, my friends, and(what we all love here) collecting. Action figures are my escape from the problems of real life. See, we're all from different walks of life but I'm willing to bet my problems are probably similar to some of you guys. We are what we are :)
Thanks. I try :) We're all just human. I get up everyday, drag myself to work and come home to my wife and energetic little boy. I complain a lot about my job. I work for the post office which is not the greatest place in the world if you like having a job where people are organized and or working the way they're supposed to. But I find solace in my family, my friends, and(what we all love here) collecting. Action figures are my escape from the problems of real life. See, we're all from different walks of life but I'm willing to bet my problems are probably similar to some of you guys. We are what we are :)

I definitely feel bad for those having to deal with all those cranky people who don't know how to ship things. :grouphug
Without reading through this whole thread how about we just keep the characters in movies like the characters they're based on?

^ This.

I will admit though, after the OP it was hard for me to stay pissed about the recent changes... MOS Perry White, Iron Heart, the new Spiderman (comic), Batman's newest sidekick Duke Thomas (feels forced).. etc.

In the distant early 1900's I get it based on lack of creativity or just plain old fashioned narrow mindedness, but as time passed to current, it still exists.

But back to hockeyflow's post, comics and cinema have little to no boundaries, create new characters. Dont go changing the long existing ones for the sake of affirmative action or worse, revenge.
How true is it that college degree is the equivalent of a high school diploma now as far as employers looking at ur resume ?
Depends on the trade or profession. But a BA is considered a bit of a joke everywheres.

Might take a stroll across to the finance school tomorrow.

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