Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface: Done 3/20/11!!!

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Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

glad we were able to find them at a good price to help us all out. I needed the bodies for this and the other items Mark is casting. I needed the gloves for my ghostbuster figures. i needed the helmets for a leia and luke endor I hope to get around to someday. Thanks Pix if you're reading this! all those pieces are helping to complete like 10 or 12 individual figures.
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

Steve!! I sort you out. I have put a clone helm and a barada in the post to you man. I will cast another prune and send it your way. We never got to chat this week... but we will. :)

Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

I did a prototype Prunface cloak so it figured I would post a pic here. The rest of the pics and description of what needs
to be changed and such I put in my random clothes thread here. https://sideshowcollectors.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2380057&postcount=36
and there is quite a few thing to fix.

I also want to thank ProgMatinee for the endor gear, I owe you one. :duff



Here's some of the reference pics I'm using.

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Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

That looks great man! I am so stoked to see the final product... really top-notch work :rock

BTW, has Dorgs sent you a head yet so you can get the the sizing down? If not send me a PM and I'll shoot you one of my copies over :duff
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

that looks stunning Bill! you've got the pattern down for sure. was it tricky? i'm not that experienced cutting, but man I thought it was really tricky, looks like a breeze for you! :)

BTW what do you think of the fabric I included in the package?
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

BTW, has Dorgs sent you a head yet so you can get the the sizing down? If not send me a PM and I'll shoot you one of my copies over :duff

I dont have one at the moment.

Mark sent me one along with the Saesee Tiin and couple of Barada heads, but I'm starting to think the postal service ate them up, hopefully they show up unharmed, he sent me something else a few days after he shipped them and that showed up a while ago, but who knows what can happen with more than one countries flaky postal services handling it.:lol

that looks stunning Bill! you've got the pattern down for sure. was it tricky? i'm not that experienced cutting, but man I thought it was really tricky, looks like a breeze for you! :)

BTW what do you think of the fabric I included in the package?

The pattern was fairly easy, it was the figuring out how I wanted to attach the hood and the pockets that were a pain, at least the closure was easy since I just did exactly what they did with the original.

The fabric you sent actually was the same stuff I was gonna use but I could never get it to lay right, it is just a bit to stiff, which sucked cause it looked right. The shape you had cut out was pretty close to what I did, so that was pretty much the problem you were having it seems. The stuff I'm using now has a looser weave so it drapes good, and will be better on the next since the bottom hem won't be thick. I'm also thinking of taking some light sandpaper to outside and inside of this one and see if it softens it and it may even make it look a little better (might fuzz it up a little), not to mention this one never got its fabric softener soaking.

BTW thanks again for the endor gear. :duff

From all the prop shoots Ive been looking at (not that theres many) it seems the endor boots are exactly the same but his are black or dark brown, I was thinking of painting the green part black, and the laces brown and leaving the toe part the way it is and mabee doing black wash over the whole boot when I'm done. I just hate the idea of messing with what is already a well painted pair of boots. I was also thinking of making new shorter spats that are very dark brown and laced up the front.
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

yeah, i just did a dark wash over both the boots and the leggings. Like you said I didn't want to paint over the nice paint job SSC did, but I did feel a need to set Pruney's stuff apart from the others.
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

Bill youve outdone yourself again. so cool.
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

You will be getting the first set very soon.:duff

I just gotta add the pockets, and work out the last few details with the vest.

For the pockets I am making them to hold an average size piece of plastic model sprue since it seems the right size for the pocket doodads and its easy for people to get and shape how they want.
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

OOOOOOWWWW Yeeeess. I am so excited about these. It seems a long time ago we started this project. Please put me down for a set Bill!!!! And I cant remember if I sent you one of Gboys amazing Prunes!! If not I will cast you one up and get it in the post asap.

Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

OOOOOOWWWW Yeeeess. I am so excited about these. It seems a long time ago we started this project. Please put me down for a set Bill!!!! And I cant remember if I sent you one of Gboys amazing Prunes!! If not I will cast you one up and get it in the post asap.


Yea, its been a while, thats why I said in the other thread I deserve some "its about :censored time" from some of you.:)

Actually you sent me 2 :lol, the first was in the batch that got lost in the mail.:banghead, the second one got here in like 2 days. So its all good now. Hopefully that lost package of heads will make it back to you like the scout armor did.

I also just remembered the eye patch, I don't remember If you ever made one to cast up Galactiboy, but I wanted to take a try at a leather one anyhow.
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

I just made a little patch out of sculpey and then attached leather straps to it. I was actually a lot easier of a project than I thought it would be.
Re: WIP Orrimaarko; AKA Pruneface

Well that's odd... all my images disappeared?

So I went back and added the images back in... not sure what happened, but they seem to be working how.

Anyway, this is a close-up of what I did for the eyepatch:
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