Aayla Secura Premium Format

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Or fangirls....
These are the characters I want to see...
All the kick-ass chicks!

Out of the three announced female PFs Aayla will be the must have.

yeah I dont see why it has to just be something fanboys want. ANd then to say "Oh the main characters wont get anything good"... havent they already been made into PFs?
If Aayla turns out well (as in, not like the 12"; really sucks that they made her before they finished the new female body) she's as good as ordered.

As long as fanboys rush to buy them, just like robo-chicken Darth Maul, they will keep focusing their attention less and less on main characters.

If there were fans bought as many movie PF's, I imagine they'd be making fewer EU pieces. Speeder Bike and Scout, both Tusken Raiders, Yoda and 501st and Jedi Luke are all still in stock. Two are GC listed.

If Aayla turns out well (as in, not like the 12"; really sucks that they made her before they finished the new female body) she's as good as ordered.

If there were fans bought as many movie PF's, I imagine they'd be making fewer EU pieces. Speeder Bike and Scout, both Tusken Raiders, Yoda and 501st and Jedi Luke are all still in stock. Two are GC listed.


Your post deserves an award. :goodpost:
ANd then to say "Oh the main characters wont get anything good"... havent they already been made into PFs?

No, several main characters are still missing from the line. We know that the Emperor, Stormtrooper, C3-PO, and R2-D2 are in development and Chewbacca has been discussed. But they have not been up for preorder yet, unlike our second Darth Maul or Darth Talon. We are also missing a McGregor Obi-Wan, Amidala, Jango Fett, Mace Windu and others. The focus has been shifting away from the MIA main characters for a while now.
I like the term fanboys.

It can easily be applied to the diehard Star Wars fans that won't accept anything that didn't appear in the original trilogy too. :lol

It seems there's two kinds of fans here: The ones that are SW movie purists and can't fathom anything beyond that realm, and the ones that just seem to like whatever looks cool.
No, several main characters are still missing from the line. We know that the Emperor, Stormtrooper, C3-PO, and R2-D2 are in development and Chewbacca has been discussed. But they have not been up for preorder yet, unlike our second Darth Maul or Darth Talon. We are also missing a McGregor Obi-Wan, Amidala, Jango Fett, Mace Windu and others. The focus has been shifting away from the MIA main characters for a while now.

Mace is a main character?

What I'm talking about is some of the characters you mentioned have atleast been made in some form or another by Sideshow (and i know she was also a 1/6 figure). But I am surprised they are doing this as a PF before a few of the other characters. Sideshow does this also in the Marvel license. No rhyme or reason to it.
I'm kinda slow, probably all the reefer... What's the 3rd kind?

I grew up w/SW movies, but still can't help but like the stuff that looks cool.
I'll definately say that a large part of this has to do with the OT/PT versus EU mindset. Sure, I get that. But what I'm struggling with is that the female EU characters have had a tendency to get these really sex-bomb type looks that make them sort of a joke. It's laughable that Darth Talon lasted more than one battle wearing basically nothing more than a bikini, yet you have Yoda and Obi-Wan who wore battle armor in the Clone Wars. If you're an EU guy, you get this awesome, bad-arse armor; if you're a girl you get a thong and push-up bra... :cuckoo:

Now, I totally get it. The ladies look hawt in the Playboy get-up. But I can never take them seriously. The only time Leia looked alittle skanky is the Jabba Slave outfit; but that was because she was forced to wear it! Same with Padme's mid-rift shirt - a freakin' jaguar ripped half of it off. She can't help that. But Darth Talon knows what she's doing when she wakes up in the morning and throws on her stripper outfit.

Again, I'm straight as an arrow here, but I don't want a shelf full of chicks who I don't respect, because they dress like hookers. I mean, $300 eye-candy? You have the internet for that... and it's cheaper.
I'm kinda slow, probably all the reefer... What's the 3rd kind?

I was 4 when I saw ANH in 1979. I saw and remember all three of them. I love the OT. I'm also a big prequel fan, the original Clone Wars cartoon, as well as the Republic comic run that spanned the Clone Wars (I wish they'd anthologize the stuff that preceded that). I never got into Legacy, but as contrived as she is, I like Darth Talon, and I've seen a few of Sith designs from all over the EU that impress the hell out of me (Visas Mar is awesome).

I just like Star Wars. I'm usually more story driven, but I can be easily taken by a cool character design (particularly is if comes with breasts, belly, hips, and a lightsaber).
If the Aayla PF actually looks like this I'll be in heaven. Perfect mix of movie accuracy and sexiness.

At least this character appeared in two of the prequels, and in that costume. But I still want to see a PF of Mon Mothma in a bikini, followed by Jabba's Fat Dancing Chick.
I'll definately say that a large part of this has to do with the OT/PT versus EU mindset. Sure, I get that. But what I'm struggling with is that the female EU characters have had a tendency to get these really sex-bomb type looks that make them sort of a joke. It's laughable that Darth Talon lasted more than one battle wearing basically nothing more than a bikini, yet you have Yoda and Obi-Wan who wore battle armor in the Clone Wars. If you're an EU guy, you get this awesome, bad-arse armor; if you're a girl you get a thong and push-up bra... :cuckoo:

Now, I totally get it. The ladies look hawt in the Playboy get-up. But I can never take them seriously. The only time Leia looked alittle skanky is the Jabba Slave outfit; but that was because she was forced to wear it! Same with Padme's mid-rift shirt - a freakin' jaguar ripped half of it off. She can't help that. But Darth Talon knows what she's doing when she wakes up in the morning and throws on her stripper outfit.

Again, I'm straight as an arrow here, but I don't want a shelf full of chicks who I don't respect, because they dress like hookers. I mean, $300 eye-candy? You have the internet for that... and it's cheaper.

I respect your opinion Red, if you don't want to buy these figures that's fine. But I have to be honest, the tone of your last paragraph gives the appearance that you are passing judgment on those folks who do not have the same issues/or concerns regarding these figures as you do.

I understand it's difficult to gauge "tone" on a message board so perhaps I'm way off base here. If so then I apologize.
I respect your opinion Red, if you don't want to buy these figures that's fine. But I have to be honest, the tone of your last paragraph gives the appearance that you are passing judgment on those folks who do not have the same issues/or concerns regarding these figures as you do.

I understand it's difficult to gauge "tone" on a message board so perhaps I'm way off base here. If so then I apologize.

Not quite sure I take your meaning - what part makes it seem like I'm passing judgement on the people buying these?

I mean, I pretty much made my point and am moving on. I don't want to beat this topic like a dead-horse. People who buy these figures will receive no judgement or ill will from me. I just don't prefer my female heroines to look like this; but I understand that sex sells. I know alot of other types of media/genres like fantasy, comics, action movies, they all understand that scantly-clad females make money. For me, it's just a tough sell on a $300 statue.

Hope that clears it up, somewhat. If not just PM me and we'll talk. :)
Not quite sure I take your meaning - what part makes it seem like I'm passing judgement on the people buying these?

I mean, I pretty much made my point and am moving on. I don't want to beat this topic like a dead-horse. People who buy these figures will receive no judgement or ill will from me. I just don't prefer my female heroines to look like this; but I understand that sex sells. I know alot of other types of media/genres like fantasy, comics, action movies, they all understand that scantly-clad females make money. For me, it's just a tough sell on a $300 statue.

Hope that clears it up, somewhat. If not just PM me and we'll talk. :)

It's all good man...like I said it's sometimes difficult to gauge tone in a post. I apologize for any misunderstanding. :)
I was 4 when I saw ANH in 1979. I saw and remember all three of them. I love the OT. I'm also a big prequel fan, the original Clone Wars cartoon, as well as the Republic comic run that spanned the Clone Wars (I wish they'd anthologize the stuff that preceded that). I never got into Legacy, but as contrived as she is, I like Darth Talon, and I've seen a few of Sith designs from all over the EU that impress the hell out of me (Visas Mar is awesome).

I just like Star Wars. I'm usually more story driven, but I can be easily taken by a cool character design (particularly is if comes with breasts, belly, hips, and a lightsaber).

:rock Then that's the categroy I would fall into as well (except I'm into Legacy, that comic is the bomb - I've liked almost all of the Dark Horse SW stuff so far)
I respect your opinion Red, if you don't want to buy these figures that's fine. But I have to be honest, the tone of your last paragraph gives the appearance that you are passing judgment on those folks who do not have the same issues/or concerns regarding these figures as you do.

No, you're right. It was quite a fat load of pompous, self-righteous pap.
Red was sharing his own opinion about what he wanted (and didn't want) in his collection. He didn't say that his opinion should apply to everyone.

He said, "I don't want a shelf full of chicks who I don't respect, because they dress like hookers."

He did not say, "Anybody who would have one of these in their collection should be ashamed of themselves."

He said how he felt, and you are all free to agree or disagree. But I feel that he was making a judgment about the piece itself, not about anyone else who might choose to purchase it.

Devil's response, on the other hand, borders on a personal attack. Let's all feel free to share our differing opinions without judging or condemning each other.
I agree with Red. The Marvel statues are all pretty lame because they look like hookers or porn stars. Thats ok I guess if you are a single 19 year old.