Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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New Batcave Challenge map video. There's a bit more exploring of the cave in this one showing the Batcomputer screens, what looks like a Batman statue and the T-rex roaring.
I kind of wish there was some sort of option to explore the Batcave sans guards. It's hard to be thorough when there're armed men around you at every corner. That being said, I'm kind of pissed about the lack of the giant Penny. How cool would it have been to do an environmental takedown by knocking the penny over on a guard. I also like the interactive concept they had with the T-Rex, and I wish they would've been more thorough with it. If you're in the batcave, you should have more gadgets, etc. Hopefully, we get to see more of this in the next game.
I kind of wish there was some sort of option to explore the Batcave sans guards. It's hard to be thorough when there're armed men around you at every corner. That being said, I'm kind of pissed about the lack of the giant Penny. How cool would it have been to do an environmental takedown by knocking the penny over on a guard. I also like the interactive concept they had with the T-Rex, and I wish they would've been more thorough with it. If you're in the batcave, you should have more gadgets, etc. Hopefully, we get to see more of this in the next game.

If you want to explore, take down all but one guard and then just use the freeze grenade on him, you can pretty much use it indefinitely giving you all the time you need.
what dlc would you guys recommend getting first, i have only purchased the extra skins. not to excited about nightwing, is the robin pack any good?
The Robin pack is pretty cool since it has the side-scroller train level, plus a brief appearence and end-of-level boss fight with Black Mask too.
what dlc would you guys recommend getting first, i have only purchased the extra skins. not to excited about nightwing, is the robin pack any good?

I think both Robin and Nightwing are great packs. Robin has the side scrolling train level which adds something a bit different, but Nightwing has Wayne Manor, which is a great map too. Robin has some great combat moves, Nightwing has his escrima sticks. They're both great character and worthwhile downloads. I guess it just comes down to which character you like the best, as i'd recommend them both.

On another note, wasnt the new map packs supposed to be out today? The only new thing on the PS store is the Batman Inc skin.
^ Yeah they were supposed to be out today. Really gutted, I was looking forward to playing that Batcave map tonight...
what dlc would you guys recommend getting first, i have only purchased the extra skins. not to excited about nightwing, is the robin pack any good?

Robin would be my first recommendation. Great interpretation of the character. Quick and brutal. Not as acrobatic as Nightwing, but he lands some major hits with that staff. Nightwing would be second.

I think both Robin and Nightwing are great packs. Robin has the side scrolling train level which adds something a bit different, but Nightwing has Wayne Manor, which is a great map too. Robin has some great combat moves, Nightwing has his escrima sticks. They're both great character and worthwhile downloads. I guess it just comes down to which character you like the best, as i'd recommend them both.

On another note, wasnt the new map packs supposed to be out today? The only new thing on the PS store is the Batman Inc skin.

I downloaded the Batcave along with Iceberg Lounge and Joker Carnival at about 6pm CT last night. $3.00 on PSN.

SnakeDoctor; said:
I downloaded the Batcave along with Iceberg Lounge and Joker Carnival at about 6pm CT last night. $3.00 on PSN
Yeah, it was released on the 20th for everywhere except Europe. Unfortunately for us that do live in Europe, the PSN store only updates every Wednesday (the 21st) but for some reason they didn't update with the Batcave/Lounge/Carnival pack - just the free skin and Nightwing/Robin bundle.
Oh my God, I love this game. I haven't been able to put it down since I started playing last month. Uncharted 3, AC Revelations, and MW3 are still all in their shrink wraps.. and will probably remain that way for a few more weeks.
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Anyone know if there will be any more DLCs? I'm hoping the Batman Inc skin and the Challenge map pack wasn't it!

I've heard rumors of a Joker DLC pack where you get to play as the Joker (ala PS3). That would be awesome. Include Regular, Sick, and Animated Series skins and that would be freaking awesome!
I thought that there was meant to be further AC story episodes being released? Something about the game constantly expanding or something.
I'd love story DLC too, but I have a feeling it's just going to be wishfull thinking really.

I just realised/discovered today that you can back to see Ivy after completing the Catwoman Tyger vault mission to give her the bad news about her plant! She's got three goons hypnotised in her lair all telling her how much they're in love with her :lol
It didn't occur to me to go back there before today. I love how you can go back and talk to some of the villains you've defeated. Nice little touch there. Shame Two-Face vanishes after his last run-in with Catwoman though.... would have been cool if he was locked up somewhere in the museum too.