Count Down to Avengers Endgame: Watching and rating all the Marvel movies (Spoilers)

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Super Freak
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Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
Atlantic Ocean
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Ok So we have 46 days till Endgame comes out.. That means we have 46 days to watch all 21 Marvel Movies. Since Captain Marvel came out this weekend I decided to start doing this this weekend.

Now Other then CM I will be watcing these in theatrical released order.

Just for fun I am going to rate the films in a few diffent areas on a scale of 1-10 and then add up and give a final grade. This is all very scientific :lol

Side characters:
Musical Score:
Overall enjoyment:

So I got three down this weekend.

Captain Marvel

7 out of 10 - Brie Did a fine job. I liked her little smirk and while that was all she had to sell the character it worked well enough for me. I can see why she is in the movies and I am not. :)

Villain: ​
4 out of 10 - This would be higher if the Skrulls were the main Bad guys.. As it turns out they were not and the villains became average at best. :( Marvel films don't have a lot of good villains and here was the chance to have one and they blew it :(

Side Characters:
8 out of 10 - Sam Jackson was great. Yes he was not 100% Fury but why would he be. Brie's friend Rambo was forgettable and forced.. Her reaction to the insane events around her were very unrealistic. The rest of the cast was fine but it was Sam Jackson that was the MVP.

4.5 out of 10 - Not bad but not good. It serves its purpose but I was not crazy about the twist at all. I did like the first half of the film a lot though. Fell apart in the second half.

4.5 out of 10 - Meh.. Some good moments when Fury and CM were chasing the skrulls in the beginning and in the military base. The hand to hand was nothing new but when CM finally got her powers it was cool to look at but ultimately forgettable. Its better action then what I consider the worst in the MCU.

Musical Score: ​
4 out of 10 - The 90's music was fine but the film score itself was typical boring MCU music. I love film scores and unfortunately this is going to be a problem area for most Marvel films.

Overall Enjoyment:
6 out of 10 - The very definition of average Marvel. It was not bad due to the cast but could have been so much more with a better villain and better action.

Final Score 38 out of 70

Iron Man

10 out of 10
- RDJ set the standard.

7 out of 10
- I love Jeff Bridges and if he was the only villain this score would be higher but the terrorist were all boring.

Side characters:
10 our of 10
- Pepper, Roadie, Ho Yinsen, Happy, Jarvis... All great!!

7 out of 10
- A pretty darn good origin story that would probably be scored a bit higher on first viewing

6 out of 10
- Some great moments but a pretty tame film in terms of action, but a great preview of what was to come.

Musical Score:
5 out of 1
0 - Not bad but it tales a few listens to find the theme. The Rock tunes are great though.

Overall enjoyment:
8 out of 10 -
Still one of the best of the MCU

Final Score - 53 out of 70

The Incredible Hulk

9 out of 10
- If I was just going on The Hulk I would gave it a perfect score. Norton does a serviceable but pretty bland job. I like him but I am not intrigued when he is on screen. The Hulk character would later look better in the later films but his character is about perfect in this one. I love that they use Lou Ferrigno for the vocal effects. Wish they were still using him. Hulks sound design in this film is perfect. His face is pretty good and overall there are times he looks like he was ripped out of the comics.

7 out 10
- If it was just Ross I would give a 10 out of 10. If it was Ross and Blonsky I would give a 9 out 10. I really like those two and find them to be two of the more "true" villains of the MCU. Pretty despicable characters that a fun to dislike. But the Abomination is rushed hurts the flow of the film. He is never really developed and is feels like a last min add on rather then a true advisory.

Side characters:
5 out of 10
- Betty is good enough and Sam Sterns is kinda fun. They don't hurt the film so that is saying something.

7 out of 10
- I actually enjoy the story overall. I think the Banner on the run from Ross is done well and Blonky's story is handles well until the end. Which again just felt rushed.. An extra 20 min would have helped.

9 out of 10
- The Factory scene and final battle are some great stuff. The campus fight is hurt by being in broad daylight and ends up showing the truly dated CGI. But IMO this is some great fun Hulk action. Changed my score as I love the Banner chase through Brazil also.

Musical Score:
8 out of 10
- One of the Best scores in the MCU. There is an actual melody going on with most of this. Its not a classic like Star Wars or Indiana Jones of course but for the MCU its on a higher level

Overall enjoyment:
9 out of 10
- I am a Hulk fan. I think this film does a lot of things right and has some of my fav moments in all of the MCU. The fact that I get a Hulk Thunder clap and a "Hulk Smash" moment makes this film worth watching :) Hulks "Leave me Alone" Line in the factory is one of the MCU's nest "Nailed it" moments for any of its characters in the MCU. Very underrated film IMO and far better then some of the other mass favs.

Final score - 54 out of 70

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Holy Epic post....

So funny you suggested this, as I started my marathon last weekend.

Iron Man: 8/10 Its the real beginning of the MCU takeover for me....great all around , although the end battle was a bit silly. But ending the film with “I am Iron Man” is amazing.

Captain America TFA: 6.5/ 10 : but ah what could have been. Wasted time on the military angle, and Cap’s propaganda stuff. The relationship with Bucky was great, and the entire origin story is still one of my favorites. The Red Skull stuff was just bad.

Captain America TWS : 9/10 Still the best MCU film to date for me. The opening scene , tracking through the ship, the Street fights, Fury and Widow, and Falcon? It was like a great Bond film mixed with MCU.

The Incredible Hulk: 8/10 Highly underrated film. Only really suffers at the end with Abomination. I really wish Norton could work with people, cause he would have been a great Avengers Banner.

Starting on GOTG this weekend ,

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
The Incredible Hulk: 8/10 Highly underrated film. Only really suffers at the end with Abomination. I really wish Norton could work with people, cause he would have been a great Avengers Banner.


So nice to see TIH get some love from someone besides me. I would have liked to see Norton continue as Banner for sure thought I did like Mark in Avengers he has gone down hill since... Not sure that is his fault though.

Norton's best stuff as Banner is in Brazil. I like when he is on his own and the chase through Brazil is one of the best non super hero action scenes.. Nothing will ever beat Fury car chase in TWS though.
Daredevil (2003) - 7/10

The Hulk (2003) - 8/10

Spider-Man - 9.5/10

Spider-Man 2 - 10/10

Spider-Man 3 - 7/10

Ghost Rider - 4.5/10
LOL I got so frustrated with IW - or whatever...I think it was one fluffy film after another, or the IMO overhyped BP - started wondering why I was a fan of the MCU in the first place...anyway, been randomly re-watching films; and for sure TV stations are leaping on the CM hype and re-running the entire MCU slate.

No particular order, really. Just using numbers to think with.
1)Hands down TWS/CW are my favorites:love, and I don't put one above the other. Years from now will still re-watch. Do remember the first time I saw CW don't think I blinked or moved through the whole thing - was just riveted. Like TWS (bucky beating cap) in CW was just *horrified* thought Cap really was going to hurt Tony bad. So many great details like the glass tinkling as Tony moves to his side, and the sound of Cap's shield hitting concrete. That scene with Bucky almost pulling out the reactor and the scene with T'challa and Zemo. But there was fun stuff too, like the appearance of giant Antman.

TWS is just the platinum standard.....both IMO have great music and even great end credits. Kudos to Erin Sarofsky who has done other MCU end credits

2) IM1 Aaaaaaah - that's why I'm an MCU fan:love. Saw this on a Wed night originally, whole audience was pretty muted (folks need to go to work/school next day) and that theater lit up. Was pretty magic - just too many good things to say about IM1. (It's this movie's fault I'm a lot poorer re collectibles.:lol)

3) Avengers 1 and AOU - Avengers 1 is just - excellent. Not much more to add, IMO that's how you do it:clap. It's only recently I've been appreciating AOU more and more. For one thing, I never had the *outrage* some folks had over Ultron. I guess it was 'cause he was jokey:dunno? Me - I take it more that Ultron is absolutely terrifying. An utter psychopath who's kinda playful, but weirdly needs some kind of appreciation. Plus, IMO AOU is just lavish - huge sets, effects, fights, Hulkbuster, great character moments, good script - IMO some lame stuff but, whatever. Some outright beautiful moments too. Plus Wanda and Pietro. And some ominous or creepy moments that was sort of the thing I was looking for in IW.

4) Thor 1 - Thor looks like - Thor, to me. Lavish sets, some stuff that makes me laugh 'coz it's so HUMAN like the barbecue around the hammer, some great Anthony Hopkins moments - and LOKI and Heimdall. IMO a bit thin in parts like DS but completely re-watchable.

5) IM2 and 3 - for me they're fine. IM3 bogs down. Yeah, intro of the kick-ass Black Widow plus some Nick Fury!:clap

6) Ragnarok - LOL a carnival:lol; glad I knew going in tho that it wasn't the serious, gritty, Shakespeare movie I'd expected the next Thor to be. For the kind of movie is is, IMO it's really across the board well-crafted. Really like the parody that Taika does of just modern culture - anyway IMO hilarious but also some poignant moments that don't bog down, like with Odin. Hela became an instant fav - awesome. A favorite movie.

7) TFA - another film I appreciate more as time goes on - IMO just really well done, characters I instantly engage with, terrific cast and some great lines and sets. "Nothin...I'm just a kid from Brooklyn...." :clap

That's it for now. Need to rewatch BP next. Guess overall I like most of the MCU, just greater or lesser favorites. Like I like Homecoming, but really it's Michael Keaton that makes the movie for me, and the reason he's Vulture. GOTG2 IMO had a rather leaden script and got tired of the bathroom humor (com'on Gunn, get over it:pfft:) but Kurt Russell in anything makes it better.:cool:

But my favorite movies are TWS/CW, IM1, Avengers 1, and Ragnarok. Wouldn't want to give most of them up tho.
Iron Man 2

7 out of 10
- Tony Stark / Iron Man is not as engaging in this one as he was in the first. Roadie is elevated to hero status in this one and I find him a bit annoying. The same magic is not in this film as the first.

3 out of 10
- What a waste. Whiplash is defeated not once but twice very easily. Sam Rockwell's Hammer is more comic relief (in a film that does not need it with RDJ) then real villain. This film has its problems and the villains are the main one.

Side characters:
7 out of 10
- Pepper is more annoying in this one but still good. Happy is given more to do and Jarvis is still great.. But much like everything in this film the magic is just not all there. However its great to have Fury in it again and Black Widow is a nice addition but nowhere near the character we get to see in later films.

4.5 out of 10
- A better first half then second half. While Tony is more annoying in the first half when he think he is going to die.. But finding his cure is dreadfully boring and again the lack of a good villain really hurts this story.

6 out of 10
- There are some good moments (Monte Carlo), some cool Iron Man weapons and tricks, and the money shot of War Machine and Iron Man taking on the drones is very cool but overall.. Well.. Fighting drones is a bore and again the lack of a good villain hurts when you finally get to the final showdown.

Musical Score:
4 out of 1
0 - Meh... Typical modern film score. Nothing memorable.

Overall enjoyment:
5 out of 10 -
I found myself enjoying this more then I did the last time I watched this which has been a number of years.. Its a nice looking film that I will probably enjoy less the next time because I will remember enjoying more then I should have this time and the cycle will continue to jump back and forth as expectations will always change due to the feeling I had with my previous viewing. :lol

Final Score - 36.5 out of 70

This may be well known, but only appreciated in this forum and those like it.


I caught a HUGE call back I never noticed before connecting TFA and CW.

When Cap is still small, and fighting the “bully” in the alleyway . He gets knocked down, but get back up, rolls his shoulders (in that Cap way) and says;
“I can do this all day”

Fast forward to CW, Cap is getting beat down by Stark, does the same shoulder roll, and says “I can do this all day”

Maybe everyone caught this but me, but its damn cool to see a call back you never noticed , in two favorite films done years apart...

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
My update:

CW 8.5/10 : I never understand the hate this film gets. Its a great film. The fact people think Zemo is a weak villain only make me wonder if they get the point of the whole film? Zemo even says it. He’s not special , or a great man, all he had to do was press the right buttons and the Avengers turned on themselves. Its brilliant. And the simple fact that je does this , because he lost his family, is poetry. He blames the Avengers for his families death, and spends his time breaking up the Avengers family, which cemented itself in AOU.

Speaking of

Avengers AOU: 7/10: I also like Ultron quite a bit as a psychotic villain. Its just the film is a bit too long. The entire last fight was a bit over the top and has the Hollywood stink or massive anonymous enemies. But the teamups to fight those enemies are great. Add in Scarlet Witches story and its a decent enough film.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
This may be well known, but only appreciated in this forum and those like it.


I caught a HUGE call back I never noticed before connecting TFA and CW.

When Cap is still small, and fighting the “bully” in the alleyway . He gets knocked down, but get back up, rolls his shoulders (in that Cap way) and says;
“I can do this all day”

Fast forward to CW, Cap is getting beat down by Stark, does the same shoulder roll, and says “I can do this all day”

Maybe everyone caught this but me, but its damn cool to see a call back you never noticed , in two favorite films done years apart...

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

I'd say that just about everyone caught it but you.


I'm just giving you a hard time. It is a great reference to the first film. I like the line so much, I was hoping he'd drop it on Thanos just before he got his ass handed to him in Infinity War. Maybe that would be one too many times, though.
Phase One:

Iron Man (2008) -
Hero: 8.5/10
Villain: 7/10
Side characters: - 7.5/10
Story: - 8/10
Action: 8/10
Musical Score: - 7/10
Overall enjoyment: - 8.5/10

The Incredible Hulk (2008) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: - 3/10 for Abomination, 7/10 for Ross
Side characters: 6/10
Story: - 7/10
Action: - 6.5/10
Musical Score: - 4/10
Overall enjoyment: - 5/10

Iron Man 2 (2010) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: - 8/10 for Whiplash, 4/10 for Hammer
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 6.5/10
Action: - 7.5/10
Musical Score: - 5/10
Overall enjoyment: - 7/10

Thor (2011) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 9/10
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 9/10
Action: - 8/10
Musical Score: - 10/10
Overall enjoyment: - 9/10

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) -
Hero: 8.5/10
Villain: 8/10
Side characters: - 7.5/10
Story: 8/10
Action: 7.5/10
Musical Score: - 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8.5/10

The Avengers (2012) -
Hero: 9/10
Villain: 9/10
Side characters: - 8.5/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 9/10
Musical Score: - 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Phase Two:

Iron Man 3 (2013) -
Hero: 7.5/10
Villain: 7/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 7.5/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 8.5/10
Overall enjoyment: 7.5/10

Thor: The Dark World (2013) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 6/10
Side characters: 5/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7.5/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) -
Hero: 8.5/10
Villain: 8/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 9/10
Action: 8.5/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8.5/10

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 5/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 8/10
Action: 8/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8/10

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 6/10
Side characters: 5/10
Story: 4/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 3/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Ant-Man (2015) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 5/10
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 7.5/10
Musical Score: 6/10
Overall enjoyment: 7/10

Phase Three:

Captain America: Civil War (2016) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 4/10
Side characters: 4.5/10
Story: 5/10
Action: 8/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 5/10

Doctor Strange (2016) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 7.5/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 7.5/10
Action: 8.5/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 7.5/10

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 5/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 9/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 6.5/10
Musical Score: 6/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) -
Hero: 6.5/10
Villain: 3/10 (all of them)
Side characters: 4/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 4/10
Overall enjoyment: 3/10

Black Panther (2018) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 8/10
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 6/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8/10

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 8.5/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 8.5/10
Action: 9/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 8.5/10

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) -
Hero: 5/10
Villain: 6/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 4/10
Overall enjoyment: 6/10

Captain Marvel (2019) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 5/10 for Kree, 7/10 for Talos
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 4/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10
My update:

CW 8.5/10 : I never understand the hate this film gets. Its a great film. The fact people think Zemo is a weak villain only make me wonder if they get the point of the whole film? Zemo even says it. He’s not special , or a great man, all he had to do was press the right buttons and the Avengers turned on themselves. Its brilliant. And the simple fact that je does this , because he lost his family, is poetry. He blames the Avengers for his families death, and spends his time breaking up the Avengers family, which cemented itself in AOU.

Speaking of

Avengers AOU: 7/10: I also like Ultron quite a bit as a psychotic villain. Its just the film is a bit too long. The entire last fight was a bit over the top and has the Hollywood stink or massive anonymous enemies. But the teamups to fight those enemies are great. Add in Scarlet Witches story and its a decent enough film.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Well, since I love CW - and thought Daniel Bruhl was completely brilliant - just reading idly reading fan comments - like reasons a villain is "popular" or not; I just don't know enough comics to understand some complaints, if they are about changing or watering down a character...sometimes I do, sometimes I'm baffled.

Best I can tell is that at least some people want something like a Xenomorph in a villain - beautiful, badass, uber-powerful and completely ruthless. I think. I really appreciated Zemo in CW - IMO there's few things as chilling as the unassuming looking villain who is totally committed. I mean when you think about it, not only did Zemo blow up a bunch of people (even if he "didn't look forward to it"), this guy calmly walked around and shot 5 people in the forehead. Granted, they were enhanced and problem anyway:monkey3, but he obviously was indifferent about it - threw the enhanced Soldiers and the Avengers in the same pot "did you really think I wanted more of you?"

IMO Russos were also brilliant with the complexity of the whole thing. But I guess - and there's certainly room for it - there's the flat out big badass villain who's gonna mess the whole universe up, or something like Ledger's Joker who does stuff "because". IMO another interesting villain for me tho is Vulture - he's complicated, I think. I'd cheer if he showed up in End Game - not that he's suddenly a saint, but he's not gonna put up with Thanos stuff either.

7 out of 10
- Pretty good first outing for Thor but not great. I like the character but this film did not make me love the character.

8 out of 10
- Loki was very good but the best was still yet to come... I love me some Frost Giants. :)

Side characters:
7 our of 10
- Odin and Heimdall are fantastic. Thor's friends and Erik are fine.. Jane Foster is a drag IMO as is her friend (Though I believe both are much worse in the 2nd film). There is a lot to be said for Hopkins role as Odin who IMO steals the show.

5 out of 10
- I love all the Asgard stuff... Anything outside of Planet earth is great stuff. Earth plot is ok but the romantic sub plot is AWFUL!! CH and NP have NO CHEMESTRY at all IMO.

5 out of 10
- There is not much action to be had in this one. I love the first battle with the frost giants. Its why the score is as high as it is. But this is a film you can tell that the producers were not confidant that the movie goers would accept a out of this world character like Thor.. So the budget it low and the action set pieces are a bit generic.

Musical Score:
6 out of 1
0 - Its a good score but again it lacks a main theme that stands out. All of these hero's are deserving of a main theme in their individual movies but Marvel Studios refuses :(

Overall enjoyment:
7 out of 10 -
Not a bad movie at all but it could have been more if the studio knew that they could be successful no matter what and put in a bit more $ in this film... A Thor movie should not take place in the desert in a tiny low budget town. :(

Final Score - 45 out of 70
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Phase One:

Iron Man (2008) -
Hero: 8.5/10
Villain: 7/10
Side characters: - 7.5/10
Story: - 8/10
Action: 8/10
Musical Score: - 7/10
Overall enjoyment: - 8.5/10

The Incredible Hulk (2008) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: - 3/10 for Abomination, 7/10 for Ross
Side characters: 6/10
Story: - 7/10
Action: - 6.5/10
Musical Score: - 4/10
Overall enjoyment: - 5/10

Iron Man 2 (2010) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: - 8/10 for Whiplash, 4/10 for Hammer
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 6.5/10
Action: - 7.5/10
Musical Score: - 5/10
Overall enjoyment: - 7/10

Thor (2011) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 9/10
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 9/10
Action: - 8/10
Musical Score: - 10/10
Overall enjoyment: - 9/10

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) -
Hero: 8.5/10
Villain: 8/10
Side characters: - 7.5/10
Story: 8/10
Action: 7.5/10
Musical Score: - 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8.5/10

The Avengers (2012) -
Hero: 9/10
Villain: 9/10
Side characters: - 8.5/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 9/10
Musical Score: - 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Phase Two:

Iron Man 3 (2013) -
Hero: 7.5/10
Villain: 7/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 7.5/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 8.5/10
Overall enjoyment: 7.5/10

Thor: The Dark World (2013) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 6/10
Side characters: 5/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7.5/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) -
Hero: 8.5/10
Villain: 8/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 9/10
Action: 8.5/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8.5/10

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 5/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 8/10
Action: 8/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8/10

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 6/10
Side characters: 5/10
Story: 4/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 3/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Ant-Man (2015) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 5/10
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 7.5/10
Musical Score: 6/10
Overall enjoyment: 7/10

Phase Three:

Captain America: Civil War (2016) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 4/10
Side characters: 4.5/10
Story: 5/10
Action: 8/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 5/10

Doctor Strange (2016) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 7.5/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 7.5/10
Action: 8.5/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 7.5/10

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 5/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 9/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 6.5/10
Musical Score: 6/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) -
Hero: 6.5/10
Villain: 3/10 (all of them)
Side characters: 4/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 4/10
Overall enjoyment: 3/10

Black Panther (2018) -
Hero: 7/10
Villain: 8/10
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Action: 6/10
Musical Score: 8/10
Overall enjoyment: 8/10

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) -
Hero: 8/10
Villain: 8.5/10
Side characters: 7.5/10
Story: 8.5/10
Action: 9/10
Musical Score: 7/10
Overall enjoyment: 8.5/10

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) -
Hero: 5/10
Villain: 6/10
Side characters: 6/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 4/10
Overall enjoyment: 6/10

Captain Marvel (2019) -
Hero: 6/10
Villain: 5/10 for Kree, 7/10 for Talos
Side characters: 7/10
Story: 6/10
Action: 7/10
Musical Score: 4/10
Overall enjoyment: 6.5/10

I’d say that’s all pretty fair, exception Ragnarok is most definitely at least a 9/10
Went Thor today instead of GOTG.

Thor: 6/10 : yeah I know. I am just not a traditional Thor fan. This film is pretty good for the source material, but it just feels like its all over the place. The two worlds just do not mesh in this film, and they feel too far apart.

Thor TDW 5/10: I really do not like this film at all. Nothing much to say. Its a boring over-bloated mess. Again, it doesn’t help I am not a fan of Thor or Asgard.

Thor Rag 8/10: I guess you can say I like this film because after all Thor has sem and done, he doesn’t act very Thor like. Which I like. The humor was spot on, and the worlds just seem to mesh more.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Captain America: The First Avenger

Well this was a nice surprise

10 out of 10
- Perfectly done in every way. From skinny Steve to Captain America... They really just nailed the Hero in this film.

6.5 out of 10
- Red skull was perfect at times and uneven at others.
If a little more time was spent with Red Skull he could have been a top tier villain I think..
Hydra could have been handled a little better a cannon fodder but they served their purpose.

Side characters:
8 our of 10
- Tommy Lee Jones is Perfect! Agent Carter is done very well and Bucky is OK but made better by knowing what is to come. There are no "Bad" side characters in this film.

7 out of 10
- The first half is perfect. Cap going from skinny Steve to full Cap is done perfectly. I wish the main villain plot could have been a little more interesting but overall its a decent enough story. What this does have in spades, just like its title character, is heart.

7 out of 10
- If you took the montage and made it a straight up action sequence this score would be an 8 or 8.5. Final battle on the giant plane was much better then I remember.

Musical Score:
7.5 out of 1
0 - Great to hear Caps theme and Alan Silvestri just has a lot more film composition chops then those that came before him. While the score is not perfect it has a feel to it that helps enhance the film.

Overall enjoyment:
8 out of 10 -
Didn't see this coming. I have watched this three times now and the 3rd time was the charm for me. I was not a fan the first time and I thought I might enjoy it a lot more after the two Cap sequels and Avengers films but it was only marginally better the 2nd time for me. But man did I enjoy it this time. Maybe its because it came right after watching IM2 and Thor, IDK but I had a great time with it this time. Gonna miss Cap after Endgame :(

Final Score - 54 out of 70 (Wow did not see that coming)

The First Avenger is a really good movie. Joe Johnson has a pacing problem; his films always feel slow to me. They lack a certain energy like, say, Raiders has.

If TFA was tightened up and had a quicker pace, it would be 9/10. If Red Skull had been better, it would be 10/10.