Disucssion about Thor, power levels, abilities blah blah blah

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Sep 25, 2006
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I'm currently re watching the Thor movie. One of my favs. But I'm a bit confused. I don't need a breakdown of his powers/abilities in the style of DBZ...but, how powerful is he? What are his limits? Was he born with his powers, or were his powers given to him by his father?

Based on the avengers movie, excerpts from the comics, I know he's able to go toe to toe with hulk. But...I'm still clueless to the extent of his power. Can he lift mountains like superman? Can he fly without the use of his hammer? Can he control his flight and fly gracefully? Does he have super speed? Is he considered an alien?

His father, Odin, how powerful is he as well? I mean, Thor singlehandedly handed the frost giants their a$$es...but his father, well, he didn't seem to cause as much destruction like Thor. I know syph and the warriors three arent as powerful as Thor, but are they strong enough to destroy someone like say....captain America or iron man?

Argh, I'm confused! I really like the character and am looking forward to the sequel. I apologize for asking so many questions. But I hope some here who are avid readers of the comics can help me out.
hes a demi god, born with powers id say, id think he grows strongr with battle but not in the same capacity as a saiyan. I dont think he can fly without his hammer as I cant recall that ever being done, I think most of his Energy Power (differed from his strength in comparison to a human) comes from the hammer. I wouldn't peg him as being as strong as super man (though some may disagree). He is an alien from the perspective of humans. Odin is as strong or stronger, he can down Frost giants no problem, it was Laufey he had trouble with, and we didnt see thor fight him (loki betrayed him)

Im not huge into thor comic but as with every character their powers and weaknesses very greatly from writer to writer
You may want to check out the Movies and Printed Word threads for more help on that. I personally really just watch the movies, but you'll probably get more avid readers of comics over there.
hes a demi god, born with powers id say, id think he grows strongr with battle but not in the same capacity as a saiyan. I dont think he can fly without his hammer as I cant recall that ever being done, I think most of his Energy Power (differed from his strength in comparison to a human) comes from the hammer. I wouldn't peg him as being as strong as super man (though some may disagree). He is an alien from the perspective of humans. Odin is as strong or stronger, he can down Frost giants no problem, it was Laufey he had trouble with, and we didnt see thor fight him (loki betrayed him)

Im not huge into thor comic but as with every character their powers and weaknesses very greatly from writer to writer

So it's safe to say that without the hammer, he's only at half his potential? And with it, he's at full strength?

And I absolutely agree...depending on the writer, even human characters can display Demi god prowess.

You may want to check out the Movies and Printed Word threads for more help on that. I personally really just watch the movies, but you'll probably get more avid readers of comics over there.

Same here. I just go by movies nowadays. Not that I don't have the time to read comics, it's just that there's too much to either catch up on, or sometimes the stories are spread out over multiple titles, making the catching up part even more tedious.
Without his hammer he's just a Demi god, with it he becomes super strong (hammer abilities, thunder, weight, speed)
So it's safe to say that without the hammer, he's only at half his potential? And with it, he's at full strength?

And I absolutely agree...depending on the writer, even human characters can display Demi god prowess.

Same here. I just go by movies nowadays. Not that I don't have the time to read comics, it's just that there's too much to either catch up on, or sometimes the stories are spread out over multiple titles, making the catching up part even more tedious.

Yeah, id think that maybe he could get shot by our guns and it wouldn't penetrate his skin, an he could probably crush humans with hi hands but his better abilities come from his hammer
Damn...I can't view YT vids because I'm in china.

Can you sum up what's in the vid? Or tell me what it is so maybe I can see if the clip is uploaded on chinas version of YT.

its women arguing over thor and his powers/ hammer.. from a tv show Big Bang theory.. youre missing nothing
its women arguing over thor and his powers/ hammer.. from a tv show Big Bang theory.. youre missing nothing

I don't know man, I thought about all that myself. Looks like they never bothered to establish some of these things before releasing the movies. One thing is for sure though, Thor does need his hammer to fly... at least that, has been made clear. You know what is messed up, though? How much strength it took Thor to crush Iron Man's arm. Killian is just human and yet he tore all his armors to pieces like it was nothing! What's the deal?

Without the hammer he's nothing but semi-invulnerable. Like Loki without his sceptre he was a pantywaist

That's not true at all. Mjolnir is simply a conduit for his power. The power still remains within him even without the hammer.

Even if you're simply going off the movies, he was able to go toe to toe with Hulk without the use of Mjolnir till the very end.

I don't know man, I thought about all that myself. Looks like they never bothered to establish some of these things before releasing the movies. One thing is for sure though, Thor does need his hammer to fly... at least that, has been made clear. You know what is messed up, though? How much strength it took Thor to crush Iron Man's arm. Killian is just human and yet he tore all his armors to pieces like it was nothing! What's the deal?


Yeah that's one of those things that alot of people do to tell the story. To tell said story you gotta make it seem fair. Tony got a 300% power upgrade during that fight. And he was still taking the beatings with Tony showing the worse for the wear before they decided he'd throw the hammer down on Cap for some reason.

Thor's kind of been Marvel's punching bag because

A) Hes not as popular as a Hulk or Wolverine
B) He can take the beating to sell more comics and movies.

As far as his power he's extremely powerful but often dumbed down to a blonde bombshell who can swing a hammer.

Initially Stan Lee brought the iconic god of Norse mythology tp be able to be the Supes of the Marvel U. He said after creating Hulk that he needed something that was more powerful than the most powerful man/minster: a god.

But as time went on and the Incredible Hulk TV show became a hit and Hulk's popularity in media and the fans skyrocketed you started to see the character take a backseat.

As far as his power levels are concerned in the comics on average his greatest showings are always in the cosmos or in one of the realms not named Midgard (Earth). He's about as strong as Hulk, nigh invulnerable in most cases (some writer took him out with a bullet but welcome to Marvel), does need Mjolnir to fly but can use it to fly at ridiculous speeds, has thousands of years of warrior combat experience, has a godblast rarely used as it could decimate the Earth and he can control the weather without his hammer. He can also use the hammer to teleport and has a belt of strength that makes him twice as strong.

Alot of his showings on Earth in the comics are due to his vowing to protect it and it's that heroic act that keeps him from going full out powerful. That has led to some beatdowns and bad writing on his part. But in the cosmos hes had some really great showings including pretty much winning most of his many battles with the Silver Surfer (the last one was a stalemate otherwise he's kicked his ***) and even taking on Celestials.

As far as Odin you can put him a step above Thanos but a step below Galactus. He's really powerful having plucked out one eye to understand the magic of the Runes.

As far as the movie is concerned he did pretty much go toe to toe with Hulk but some see alot of his moments as getting beat down by Iron Man and punched around by Hulk. Again that is all owed to the fact he can take a beating and get up from it.

So much like the comics even the great Whedon didnt know what to do with Thor in the movie. He had limited lines, kept the Hulk at bay with reason and took down more of the ships and aliens by using lightning than the entire team combined.

But people will remember the fella having the least amount of screen time and was on the opposite end of one of the funniest moments of the film by getting knocked off screen by Hulk.

That's Thor in a nutshell. Ridiculously powerful yet you cant really have him destroy everyone and everything, thus making the Avengers kind of obsolete in fighting and storytelling.
Thor has been shown plenty of times to be the true powerhouse in the avengers comics and is usually the one to deal the final blow on most huge threats. Most recently, a "Voided-out" Sentry.

He's about as strong as a non-fully enraged Hulk and has more fighting skill. He's pretty much invulnerable (doesn't need to breath or eat, and can survive the vacuum of space unassisted), although he is capable of being cut and bled, but only from huge impacts and powerful weapons, mostly not of this world.

He has super fast reflexes. I would say faster than the Hulk's , which has been shown to be able to catch speedsters (Quicksilver), when they approach.

Then there is Mjolnir. Not much this thing can't do. Create wormholes, weather patterns, heal wounds, create magical barriers, allow Thor to fly at about light speed. It's clearly one of the most powerful weapons in the universe.
Im pretty sure Thor has the ability to crush iron mans armor just like Killian. Thor is a Demi god and they made him so weak in the avengers movie....
Thor being described as a "Demi-god" in these movies makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, it just stupid. Odins wife Frigga is a goddess, and it was also later revealed that Thor's true mother is Gaia, the personification of the Earth itself.
I just read the wiki on his powers and abilities...wtf? He sounds so broken. Like he just carries a "win" button on him at all times...of course, the writers still manage to find ways to nerf him...

That being said, NONE of what was said in the wiki and by some of you fellas was conveyed in the movies....at all. Cf79 had a good break down on what was shown in the films...thus making him seem weaker than what the wiki article made him out to be.

Personally, I really hope more of his powers will be displayed in future movies like dark world, and avengers 2. At the moment, he just seems like a watered down version of superman. I only go by films with my superheroes nowadays, so the film makers need to show me otherwise.
Speaking of Thor and Superman.....


Plus to CF79 ..... :goodpost::clap