Enterbay Bruce Lee GOD Final Prototype

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Well let me offer a personal story. When I was 13 my brother took me to see a Bruce Lee triple feature (Back before VCRs brought movies into your home) and I became fascinated with martial arts. I first walked into the school just prior to my eighteenth birthday. That was over 22 years ago.
I stayed, I studied, and when my Sifu moved to Arkansas to become a Christian missionary he asked me to take over the school for him. I immediately began taking instruction from his master, who one of the most respected authorities on T'ai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Bagua on the East coast of if not the world.
I have received countless statements from my own students on how what I have taught them has helped them deal with injuries, stress, daily outlook, peacefully walking away from confrontation, and even several cases where they actually needed to fight.
All of these positive experiences are because I went to see Bruce Lee as a child.
He was arrogant. He didn't have many resources at his disposal since many Chinese systems were still being kept 'hidden' due mainly to the cultural distrust stemming back to the Boxer rebellion.
The first public martial arts in the U.S. opened in 1945 in Arizona. By 1972 there still fewer than 1000. In 1974 following Enter The Dragon there were over 1.5 million schools in the U.S. That exposure brought martial arts to many people that may never have seen them. People like myself that have used it to better their lives.
So I can speak for myself, who according to my Master, practices martial arts correctly.
Really? As an example of 'what NOT to do' perhaps, but as an example to martial artists his influence was not positive. Consider that his breathing technique (which according to Master Wong would lead to an early death) is known world-wide as canon for martial artists. You can't workout anywhere that some idiot won't yell out like BL at the sight of martial arts practice.

Is that good? Helpful? Beneficial to martial arts in general??

...And then there is the whole problem of martial arts weaponnry in film. BL made that popular and in so doing helped make many of them illegal.

It took lots of tireless campaigning and lobbying by legitimate martial artists to keep even some of them legal.

Let's not forget also how stupid films have become with martial arts weaponry. Ancient Egyptian chicks fighting with Sai is just so cool, right?

Has BL helped anyone there?

No, not really, not at all.

"I don't think you can really say Bruce Lee hurt the martial arts. Because of his enormous popularity, millions of people sought out martial arts. That explosion of interest revitalized Chinese martial arts in particular and almost certainly saved some styles from extinction.

Certainly not a god, but alot like the Beatles were to music."

Good comparison. I have seen interviews which rock 'n' roll and other music pioneers state the no one damaged popular music as much as the Beatles. Much of the popular music that immediately preceeded the arrival of the Beatles was thoughtful, intricate, and maturing on an artistic level. The Beatles are considered to have set music back as much as 20 years. Populism is rarely beneficial.

In that way, BL became popular after rejecting his roots and legitimate technique for flash and popularity.

After losing his way, he sought out Master Wong to prove himself. BL's first attempt at a challenge was rebuffed by a simple dismissal: "Go away little boy". The second caused BL to be laid out like a sack of potatos...by a single blow.

BL then begged to become Master Wong's student. Master Wong agreed. BL was warned about his incorrect breathing technique but, did not heed the warning. Chinese medicine and martial arts recognize the importance of correct breathing. BL didn't remember this.

Let's also not forget the importance of Monk Dah Mo (SP?) (Bhodi Daruma). His is the basis for all major styles of martial arts, as he started the Shaolin Temples. While there were other fighting styles; without him there would not be the scholastic structure we recognize today. Much more would have been lost.

As for the millions of people sought out martial arts. They just as quickly sought other kinds of diversion. It is hard work. It is a way of life. It is not a hobby or amusement. Self-discipline is never a popular pursuit. If it were; the entire world would be a different (better) place.

When people learn that martial arts are not really about the fighting, they are all too happy to leave.

I don't see a lot of discipline in those millions; I see lots of people that don't even know how to wear their uniforms...including the teachers! I see lots of egos who need to receive awards and giant trophies. I see lots of people teaching punching and kicking but nothing about how to manage the techniques.

Do you really see anything different than this? Did BL help improve the situation or help make it what it is today?

BTW, BL is well known for regularly getting his butt kicked by stuntmen in retribution for not having control of his technique. He is known to have injured several people. Imagine that...a god without control even of his own body.

A God? Hardly.

No sense in arguing with you, as it's clear that the extent of your devotion or knowledge of Martial Arts comes from doing a Wikipedia search or "google.com". When someone posts stupid rumors like BL got his ass handed by stuntment on a regular basis, I guess for people like you that is all too believable. Most of your statements are wobbling on a thin rail like a one legged fat lady trying to balance boxes of krispy kremes in each hand.

Not to mention your ignorant narrow minded view of everything, ie. BL made weaponry illegal and "2 girls using sais in a movie".

I guess BL is to blame for China's fascination with human beings being able to fly and do insane things with weapons and their body too? Get a clue :lol

Seems your hatred of BL runs from him preaching the word of the Martial Artist and making it more mainstream in america. Hardly a legitimate reason to call him an illegitimate martial artist.

In my opinion only a true "Illegitimate Martial Aritst" would share the very views that you do. Therefore as a martial artist myself, youre not worthy of my time.
I once attended a seminar with Moy Yat back in '86. One of the students in attendance asked him about Bruce Lee. He responded "Bruce Lee was kind of person, you say 'Hi, how are you?' and he punch you in the face and say "where you ******ing kung fu?"

So Nash, what do you train in? I've studied Shaolin Five Animal, Southern Eagle, Escrima, Wing Chun with and without footwork, Yang style T'ai Chi, and currently WuJi Qigong Tai Chi.
Bruce Lee was not a perfect human being but his part in making martial arts more accessible to the Western world is nothing short of phenomenal.
If not for this I may have never learnt about the benefits of Tai Chi without which I would not be here today so I'll always hold him in high regard.
The fact that the few films he made prior to his death were far more realistic looking than all the BS "kung fu on wires" crap that continues to be churned out to this day is something of a bonus.
Re: Enterbay Bruce Lee gOD Final Prototype

but to say those things about BL is just appalling.

That's just Wong.

Lighten up guys. To me, Bruce Lee was a punk that turned his life around. He was a martial artist. His ability allowed him to break into the American film industry, and bring us some great action sequences. He set a good example, as far as I'm concerned.

Bringing the martial arts to the masses, who may have been all about the punching and kicking, at least made them fitter, and healthier, even for a short time. Even if it gave them a taste of discipline, that they would otherwise have never had. His legacy lives on. That's undeniable.

I think it's just an irony that Game of Death abbreviates to GoD. I don't think calling him a god is the popular consensus. I think his on high status to the populace, is because he made martial arts accessible, so his name is remembered by the populace. I had never heard of Wong before. His and other great exponents of The Way, whose humility keep the door neither open nor closed, don't seek popularity, so are not known to the public in general. It has no bearing on how great they may be. Just as Bruce is considered great even if he isn't the greatest exponent of the art, because he is the name everyone remembers and loves. Great because he was his own phenomenon. He set peoples imaginations alight.
Wow....... thought I was coming to an Enterbay BL thread instead I stumbled across a terribly bad rumor thread with at ton of mis truth and incorrect history facts.

I would love to know where you dug this stuff from!! You mentioned that BL's stunt men kicked his butt regularly, that's interesting considering the stuntmen during that time are now well known actors in most circles and still look up to him to this day.

Actors Like Jackie Chan, and Sammo Hung, Yuen Wah, Lam Ching Ying, Yuen Wah "Kungfu Hustle, and a host of others got their first jobs under Bruce Lee and all say very similar things about him and none of it's bad, including fighters like Joe Lewis and Muhammad Ali who both trained with him.

...And then there is the whole problem of martial arts weaponnry in film. BL made that popular and in so doing helped make many of them illegal.

You are aware that the whole attempt of banning Chinese MA weapons were due to crime reasons and had nothing to due with movies. And the target weapons were the Balisong...i.e butter fly knives, Japanese swords, Tanto's. ninja foot spikes and a few others.

Anyway this thread shouldn't be cluttered with this stuff considering this is a figure forum, it just so happen I am a moderator of Kungfu magazine.com and would welcome any talk over there [/end Shameless plug :D

Really? As an example of 'what NOT to do' perhaps, but as an example to martial artists his influence was not positive. Consider that his breathing technique (which according to Master Wong would lead to an early death) is known world-wide as canon for martial artists. You can't workout anywhere that some idiot won't yell out like BL at the sight of martial arts practice.

Is that good? Helpful? Beneficial to martial arts in general??

...And then there is the whole problem of martial arts weaponnry in film. BL made that popular and in so doing helped make many of them illegal.

It took lots of tireless campaigning and lobbying by legitimate martial artists to keep even some of them legal.

Let's not forget also how stupid films have become with martial arts weaponry. Ancient Egyptian chicks fighting with Sai is just so cool, right?

Has BL helped anyone there?

No, not really, not at all.

"I don't think you can really say Bruce Lee hurt the martial arts. Because of his enormous popularity, millions of people sought out martial arts. That explosion of interest revitalized Chinese martial arts in particular and almost certainly saved some styles from extinction.

Certainly not a god, but alot like the Beatles were to music."

Good comparison. I have seen interviews which rock 'n' roll and other music pioneers state the no one damaged popular music as much as the Beatles. Much of the popular music that immediately preceeded the arrival of the Beatles was thoughtful, intricate, and maturing on an artistic level. The Beatles are considered to have set music back as much as 20 years. Populism is rarely beneficial.

In that way, BL became popular after rejecting his roots and legitimate technique for flash and popularity.

After losing his way, he sought out Master Wong to prove himself. BL's first attempt at a challenge was rebuffed by a simple dismissal: "Go away little boy". The second caused BL to be laid out like a sack of potatos...by a single blow.

BL then begged to become Master Wong's student. Master Wong agreed. BL was warned about his incorrect breathing technique but, did not heed the warning. Chinese medicine and martial arts recognize the importance of correct breathing. BL didn't remember this.

Let's also not forget the importance of Monk Dah Mo (SP?) (Bhodi Daruma). His is the basis for all major styles of martial arts, as he started the Shaolin Temples. While there were other fighting styles; without him there would not be the scholastic structure we recognize today. Much more would have been lost.

As for the millions of people sought out martial arts. They just as quickly sought other kinds of diversion. It is hard work. It is a way of life. It is not a hobby or amusement. Self-discipline is never a popular pursuit. If it were; the entire world would be a different (better) place.

When people learn that martial arts are not really about the fighting, they are all too happy to leave.

I don't see a lot of discipline in those millions; I see lots of people that don't even know how to wear their uniforms...including the teachers! I see lots of egos who need to receive awards and giant trophies. I see lots of people teaching punching and kicking but nothing about how to manage the techniques.

Do you really see anything different than this? Did BL help improve the situation or help make it what it is today?

BTW, BL is well known for regularly getting his butt kicked by stuntmen in retribution for not having control of his technique. He is known to have injured several people. Imagine that...a god without control even of his own body.

A God? Hardly.
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A bit late, but what the hey... :eek:




Fantastic piece!
One of the best pieces of my collection.
So Nash, what do you train in? I've studied Shaolin Five Animal, Southern Eagle, Escrima, Wing Chun with and without footwork, Yang style T'ai Chi, and currently WuJi Qigong Tai Chi.

I have not really trained in any chinese martial arts as of yet. Majority of my martial arts training is more of a shooto/MMA type of style. Primarily brazillian jiujitsu, japanese shootfighting, submission wrestling, russian sambo, muay thai, Taekwondo and hard style korean Hapkido.

Like BL, I feel that these arts that Ive trained in are vital to becoming a proficient fighter both standing up and on the ground. I think that all I am missing now is some of the close quarters techniques that escrima and wing chun have to offer. I really love trapping and the different combinations. Ive been getting really anxious to train in escrima and wing chun. I know just a little bit of basics about both, however nothing near the amount that I would like. I hope to find a decent school in Vegas or Manhattan, where ever I end up in the next 3 months. Im still young, I have lots of learning to do.
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