Hot Toys updates on various figures 04/30/12

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Tom Hiddleston want a lot of change on the sculpt, by the time HT got the final approval, is already late march which the Avengers movie is almost release. Thay's why. :panic::panic::panic:

I call mischief! Thor 2 better see a return of the epic helmetry!!!


"Honey, what happened to your wallet?"

"I fell down the stairs...":monkey4
Does that mean Professor X and Magneto are the figures? :monkey3

Think he meant from that interview a short while back where they said something along the lines of the character ending up in a wheelchair, so one of the two (hopefully initial figures) is highly tipped to be Xavier, dunno if they'll include the wheelchair though, might've just been a teaser
I didn't see Amber from Suckerpunch mentioned in there. I hope they're still planning on releasing her after Babydoll.
She's actually been up for pre-order so I don't think HT will pull the plug on her.
Your hypocrisy disappoints me, Nova. From the guy who always talks about what's "fair," I find it extremely hypocritical that you go around asking for at least 5 X-Men, but when someone asks for one Arkham City figure, you say,"no rush." What other licenses from before-hand? X-Men is it, as GL is off the table. The only other I can think of is that Captain Harlock or whatever, and I never see people begging for that. I like you, Nova, but if you think that HT should put out 5 X-Men and the rest of the Sucker Punch girls before Arkham City, well...

I simply go by dates, X-Men is something like 11 months, Arkham (which you know i'm looking forward to) is around 4 maybe?

So those waiting longest are due before those waiting the least, is that not reasonable.

Announcements don't mean much anymore but the principle remains, you wait in line for a burger for 11 minute so you should be served before someone waiting 4 minutes :dunno
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I just want a bloody T1 police shoot out and friggn Kyle Reese!

My Tech Noir parts for Reese are almost completed. I will have put out both versions of him myself before we even get an announcement.
I simply go by dates, X-Men is something like 11 months, Arkham (which you know i'm looking forward to) is around 4 maybe?

So those waiting longest are due before those waiting the least, is that not reasonable.

Announcements don't mean much anymore but the principle remains, you wait in line for a burger for 11 minute so you should be served before someone waiting 4 minutes :dunno

I don't disagree, but what I do find unreasonable is expecting 5 burgers before the person waiting 4 minutes has 1.:lol
A little late to the party here,

And I guess I'm just echoing what every one else has been saying...Can we just stop it with the IM figures!?? :gah:

I'm just as guilty as everyone of encouraging the line but I don't think we need a race track tony Stark. The armored whiplash is more acceptable since it'll at least be something different.

I'm with Nova on the GL announcement. I mildly enjoyed the movie, but thought that a GL figure would be killer. :slap
I was looking forward to displaying him with my CR Supes, 89 Bats and Joker and figures from TDK, TDKR and eventually man of Steel. It would've been nice for HT to announce their intentions or lack thereof to it's customers.

Thumbs up for the Rocky and Rambo announcements.

Looking forward to the Han Solo, and would've preferred a Darth Maul to an Anakin

Here's the thing though, what about the other lines. At this point I'm much more interested in what they have in store for The Expendables 2 and maybe the future of Avatar than I am in the Avengers and Iron Man. Even some news on TDKR would've been welcome.

I am disappointed with the GL cancellation. My expected Justic League lineup will not materialize now.

As for Iron Man, how many Iron Man will they be making overall? Off my mind, I can think of at least 12 different versions already in the market, including the Mk I Ver 2 and Mk II Unleashed. And I have not even include the Avengers version (Mk VII??).