I watched the Star Wars original trilogy (Ep. IV, V, VI) for the first time!

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Super Captain Marvel Freak!
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Jul 16, 2017
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(I wanted to post in the Star Wars discussion thread, but it?s closed, so apologies for starting a new thread)

I initially watched The Mandalorian season one, and that was the first series of anything Star Wars I?ve watched; and I found it a great, great show. Before going to season two of TM, from the strong recommendation of @MyenShi , I watched the Star Wars original trilogy for the first time ever! I watched Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back in one night back-to-back and then Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi the next night. I acknowledged the films before, but now I can see how they came to be a tremendous cultural impact and how inspirational they are.

Firstly, wowza, all the films were to a high degree enjoyable, entertaining and all the characters portrayed are interesting. The collective films are a big rousing adventure. The world building and scope are phenomenal; I just absolutely loved seeing space crafts in space, the different worlds, the different establishments in those worlds. Again, the settings are magnificent and all these places feel believable (well, in imagination). Just seeing all the different species in the bar scene in ANH was soo cool. I think the visual effects hold up so very well, considering the time it was made, I mean it really feels like the characters are in their living, breathing world. I must say I like the ?grittier? feel from The Mandalorian, but I suppose that could be due to the production quality and the central character. I found the first two films pace very well, the story just keeps moving and they don?t feel long at all, they almost feel episodic, which I think TM carries just as good too. You can really feel the stakes in all the movies, from Luke?s shot to the Death Star in ANH, to the gang trying to disable the security field in ROTJ. ROTJ I felt a bit subpar compared to the preceding movies, but still a neat ending. Since I watched TM first, when watching them I couldn?t help but exclaim, ?Hey! That?s from Mando!!? when I saw references.

All the characters were interesting in their own right, and it was fun to watch them, I think my favorite of the trilogy would be Princess Leia, she seems like a good woman. I felt mildly surprised knowing Joker was Luke haha. Han Solo is laid back, but given how self-centric he appears to be, he shows a great deal of care to those he comes to be surrounded by, for example in Hoth he went out in frigid weather to try to find and save Luke. Obi-Wan/Ben, I wish he?d appeared in all three films, as he seems the ever knowledgeable, experienced bad-a$$. I wish we?d seen him spend more time with Luke, training him, along with Yoda, in Dagobah. Yeah I wish we?d seen OWK teach Luke how to duel with the light sabers. The two main villains, Darth Vader and the Emperor are so well done. James Earl Jones voicing DV is perfect, he?s imposing, articulate, able so how emotion, just a grand villain (credit to the late David Prowse too, since he was the one performing in the suit). Though I thought Tarkin sort of superseded him in ANH. The score/music for these film is immaculate, I mean I?ve heard the theme before, but listening to it within the context of the films, one can appreciate its grandeur.

Now, with them in mind, on to The Mandalorain season two next!
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Some other thoughts I wanted to scribble down:

- What the heck happened to Obi-Wan in his climactic fight with Darth Vader?? Did he disintegrate himself?
- Princess Leia and Han have great chemistry.
- Again, I would want to see some more ‘training’ for Luke to become a jedi, since I didn’t really get the gist of him becoming a powerful jedi.
- Nice hearing all these different alien races speaking their own languages.
- The rebellion really feels like they have fewer numbers compared to the Empire, which I think makes the stakes feel higher.
- Lando is one suave gentleman
- I wanted to see Leia’s reaction of knowing her father is also DV
- Darth Vader ending as a good man is so gratifying, nice to see him as a force ghost along with OWK and Yoda too
- Yoda came off as goofy in his first appearance, but I liked how serious he was when he revealed himself
- Boba Fett – I kinda wish he’d have gotten more action in these films
- I’d imagine Sarlaccs are gigantic! Speaking of which, I’d read that BF had escaped not one, but two Sarlacc pitts!!
- Blind Han defeats Boba Fett
- I want to try blue bantha milk
- Princess Slave Leia is, just wow... She even defeated JTH with a chain and her bare hands!
- The Empire should’ve constructed the second Death Star differently given how the Rebellion destroyed it in ANH
Obi-Wan turned himself into a Force Ghost to help guide Luke.
Ford and Fisher banged in real life in ANH, she wrote about it in her book before she died.

Did you watch the Special Editions? The Originals are the best since old Vader is the Force Ghost and the Emperor in ESB is some weird looking thing. I only liked the X-Wings upgrade in the SEs.
Having now watched the OT what are your thoughts on TM adopting too much from the OT as opposed to standing on it's own as its own identity (ie. Rogue One)
I cannot believe in this day and age of movies on phone that someone has not seen the Star Wars films... any of them. That someone's first experience is The Mandalorian. How bizarre? Can't imagine. It must be a complete world shift to start with Mando.

Anyway, happy to hear that the OT still holds up (mostly) for the new up-and-coming peoples of this planet.

Congratulations on popping your cherry. Now go watch Raiders of the Lost Ark... and Jaws... and report back. This could be fun, to see old classics through new eyes.
That was really the first time you'd watched the OT? Wow. Now immediately go watch Rogue One. :)

Yes, it was! Perplexing, I know but better late than never lol Now I want all the dollies :lol

Obi-Wan turned himself into a Force Ghost to help guide Luke.
Ford and Fisher banged in real life in ANH, she wrote about it in her book before she died.

Did you watch the Special Editions? The Originals are the best since old Vader is the Force Ghost and the Emperor in ESB is some weird looking thing. I only liked the X-Wings upgrade in the SEs.

I watched the originals, and yeah it was cool to see old Anakin Skywalker as a force ghost next to OWK and Yoda.

Awesome Zurdo!
Glad you liked them, and yes, ROTJ isn't up to par with ANH and ESB.
So which versions did you watch?

Indeed and agreed! :wave I watched the originals, would you say the SEs are worth watching as well?

Having now watched the OT what are your thoughts on TM adopting too much from the OT as opposed to standing on it's own as its own identity (ie. Rogue One)

Hmm, I have to put some more thought to it since I'm still letting the OT sink in lol

I cannot believe in this day and age of movies on phone that someone has not seen the Star Wars films... any of them. That someone's first experience is The Mandalorian. How bizarre? Can't imagine. It must be a complete world shift to start with Mando.

Anyway, happy to hear that the OT still holds up (mostly) for the new up-and-coming peoples of this planet.

Congratulations on popping your cherry. Now go watch Raiders of the Lost Ark... and Jaws... and report back. This could be fun, to see old classics through new eyes.

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Yeah I started off with Mando since the few snippets I've seen of the show intrigued me so I plunged and watched that first, but then before moving on to S2, a fellow freak strongly advised me to watch the OT before doing so, and here I am haha I didn't feel the world shift being too jarring, in fact it feels almost organic.
That's awesome that you watched the original theatrical versions Zurdo95D! :rock

Definitely follow with Rogue One, then I'd be very curious to hear how the Sequel Trilogy plays for you without decades of preconceived expectations about what should happen to the main heroes after ROTJ.
I mean, my kids only watched them a year before Rogue One and the ST.

They liked them all.....
Except the PT , they feel Thats only good for Memes

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Yes, it was! Perplexing, I know but better late than never lol Now I want all the dollies :lol

I watched the originals, and yeah it was cool to see old Anakin Skywalker as a force ghost next to OWK and Yoda.

Indeed and agreed! :wave I watched the originals, would you say the SEs are worth watching as well?

Hmm, I have to put some more thought to it since I'm still letting the OT sink in lol

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Yeah I started off with Mando since the few snippets I've seen of the show intrigued me so I plunged and watched that first, but then before moving on to S2, a fellow freak strongly advised me to watch the OT before doing so, and here I am haha I didn't feel the world shift being too jarring, in fact it feels almost organic.

Well, I don't hate them as most fans do, but other than a few tweaks on FX and some changes for continuity's sake (the Emperor and his conversation with Vader in ESB, plus I do like Hayden as Force Ghost), there's really not much that needed to be changed/fixed, so I'd say you're better off with the originals.

Have you seen the PT?
Obi-Wan turned himself into a Force Ghost to help guide Luke.
Ford and Fisher banged in real life in ANH, she wrote about it in her book before she died.

Did you watch the Special Editions? The Originals are the best since old Vader is the Force Ghost and the Emperor in ESB is some weird looking thing. I only liked the X-Wings upgrade in the SEs.

Creepy old man hitting on a 19 year old...
Now go watch the PT. They are even better.

Yeah, not really... :lol

I really like the PT, and ROTS is right up there with ANH and ESB for me, but I wouldn't say the PT overall is better than the OT.
Let's just say the PT is George Lucas unbound. The scope is larger, the story more intricate, the world-building and imagination way more ambitious. On the flip side, it has more silly jokes, more reliance on technical gimmickry and more awkward dialogue. Nevertheless, I do find them staggering achievements in their own right. The world-building of the PT positively dwarves the OT (and the ST).

You really should watch them. Check them out before you jump into the ST, that way you have the whole experience.