Media Resident Evil 7

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Snake Plissken

40s "men" still cry about being bullied here
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
On the run.
"Now this is interesting. According to a report by the Sankei Shimbun, a newspaper in Japan, Capcom will be revealing a “major PlayStation 4 title” at this year’s E3. We know Resident Evil 7 is in development and that Capcom plans to try and reinvigorate the series with another reboot.

It may seem odd that only Sony’s platform was mentioned, but I’m sure the reasoning behind the newspaper’s not mentioning the Xbox has less to do with potential PS4 exclusivity — Resident Evil has long been a multiplatform series — and more to do with the Xbox’s insignificant foothold in Japan.

Lending a bit of credibility to this being a new Resident Evil game is the fact that Capcom recently held a contest on their Facebook page where they asked fans to share their favorite Resident Evil memories for a chance to be featured in a future Capcom title, likely Resident Evil 7.

I have some hope left for the series, though its inconsistent quality has diminished much of it. I’ve even ranted about it a few times. I hope Capcom is able to breathe new life into the series, because it’s still one of my favorites.

Either way, we’ll find out what this is sometime during E3 (June 10-12)."

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Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

Meh, I don't trust today's Capcom. Going back to the survival horror roots? I'll believe it when I see it.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

They said the same exact **** with RE6 :lol

I mean I can't exactly blame them, but it really is all about money with them. They have been trying to cash in on the COD crowd... and it's not working. If we wanted to play retarded action, we would play COD. I don't play RE wanting monsters with AK47s.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

I may check this out not sure yet they have to draw me in this franchise has become pathetic.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

I don't really trust Capcom anymore after Resident Evil 6. I wish they'd just do the fixed camera style remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3, but that'll probably never happen.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

Tank controls and horrible camera angles are a lost art.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

RE6 was supposed to go back to the roots of RE but what we got was a terribad cliche ansty character and a Playable Micheal bay film. If jake Muller is even remotely in this one im not playing it or even giving it a second thought. We'll see.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

What's so funny about RE6 is that it's not just one problem with the game.

Over the top action.

Zombies with guns AGAIN.

Convoluted story with too many characters.

Not even remotely scary.

And of course Jake. Capcom's ham-handed way of keeping Wesker around after the blunder they committed in killing him off.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

Honestly I would be interested in a reboot just fire all the Crapcom writers that would be a good start.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

What's so funny about RE6 is that it's not just one problem with the game.

Over the top action.

Zombies with guns AGAIN.

Convoluted story with too many characters.

Not even remotely scary.

And of course Jake. Capcom's ham-handed way of keeping Wesker around after the blunder they committed in killing him off.

The series died with Wesker.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

The series was dead long before Wesker was killed off.

Our only hope for a real RE game is 1.5 and The Evil Within.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

The series was dead long before Wesker was killed off.

Our only hope for a real RE game is 1.5 and The Evil Within.

Disagree. It was thriving with RE4, then RE5 came out, the decline began. Wesker dead…RE6 no one cares anymore.

RE1.5, yes give me. Evil Within…I don't know…I'm doubtful. I haven't seen anything that impresses me. I hope to like it though.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

I actually enjoyed Resident Evil 5. At least the story made sense for the most part. 6 was an incoherent mess story-wise, imo.

I really would like to see some more classic Resident Evil games with the old controls and all. Even if it was just done on a handheld or something, I'd be happy. Not all games have to be over the shoulder shooters, imo. Capcom tried too hard to dumb down the controls and make it too fast paced and that's why we got machine gun toting grasshopper men in Resident Evil 6.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

I dunno, I enjoyed 4, but RE started to die right there and then. 5 was enjoyable too, but lacked horror and survival.

I think the Evil Within looks great. A lot of people are hating it, but it looks similar to 4 but just with a darker atmosphere. Reviews don't mean **** considering the full game isn't even out.

1.5 is our prayers being answered. For those who aren't following IGAS on FB, you should be. :)
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

I actually enjoyed Resident Evil 5. At least the story made sense for the most part. 6 was an incoherent mess story-wise, imo.

I really would like to see some more classic Resident Evil games with the old controls and all. Even if it was just done on a handheld or something, I'd be happy. Not all games have to be over the shoulder shooters, imo. Capcom tried too hard to dumb down the controls and make it too fast paced and that's why we got machine gun toting grasshopper men in Resident Evil 6.

RE5 is close to being my favorite. I love it dearly. But if we're speaking in terms of the majority, that's when a good portion of the fan base began to turn on the series.

You could tell they didn't know what to do with RE6. It had no cohesive vision. It was just a mishmash of ideas that they threw into a blender and sold whatever came out.
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

I enjoy Resident Evil 4, but I still don't think it was much of a survival horror game either. It lacked that feeling of desperation as you could kill everything in your path pretty easily and didn't have to worry about ammo conservation or using much strategy. The atmosphere wasn't as spooky in Resident Evil 5, but I thought it delivered more of what we got in Resident Evil 4, so I never really understood why the fans turned on that one so much.

I think Capcom is out of touch and that's why we got such a messed up piece of crap in Resident Evil 6. They gave fans some of the things they wanted - zombies were back, walking and shooting, etc. However, those things were executed so poorly and the story was so confused and stupid, the fans hated that one even more than anything that came before. I hope they can turn it around with RE7, but I'm not getting my hopes up again.