Superman Returns - SPOILERS!!!! SPOILERS!!!!

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Cold Slither
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Just came back from it....And Shai Hulud's Verdict is..........

Thumbs down !!!!! :Flush Really :monkey4 ....This movie doesnt compare to the first 2.....Maybe I was expecting too much from this movie..But even X-men 3 is better and it doesnt even compare to Batman begins (Those who said that those 2 movies are comparable in terms of giving new life to the franchise are wrong)....Oh..dont get me wrong,it has some great moments And Routh is doing a nice job as the man of steel,but really the best parts were in the trailer and previews....scenario is weak...Spacey could have done so much more.........And I Dont like the idea that he's got a son now...And they even copied a page from Spiderman 1 where Peter Parker discovers his powers and he is kind of clumsy with it...same stuff here..Overall a very ordinary big budget action movie...Definitely not Singer's best effort....It wont be the summer 's biggest Blockbuster ,
Now Bring on Dead mens chest...
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Re: The Official "I Saw Superman Returns" Thread

Originally Posted by Shaihulud
......And I Dont like the idea that he's got a son now...


I should of stayed out of this thread until this weekend. My fault, my fault. :monkey2
Re: The Official "I Saw Superman Returns" Thread

DannieDarKo said:

I should of stayed out of this thread until this weekend. My fault, my fault. :monkey2

ooopsss..sorry Danny..lolll
I saw it tonight.


I thought it was ok. Not even close to Batman Begins though.

The good:
Opening credits!
Ending scene with Superman flying at the camera in space and smiling. :)
The music-Ottman actually used a LOT of Williams' themes
Routh-he was better than I thought he would be. However, Reeve had MUCH more charisma as both Clark and Superman. Still, I was shocked that I actually kind of liked Routh.
I did like the reference lines to the original Superman (stats of flying, smoking, etc).

The bad:
Spacey's Lex. HORRIBLE over acting and boring. Hackman was SOOOO much better and real. The Smallville Lex is probably the best character representation of Lex.
Lois Lane-chemistry with Superman was ok but she just did not act like Lois... I missed the spunk that Kidder had...not to mention the new one looked about 17.
Superman's outfit. BAD call not to keep it like the original. I hate it. It needs to have that bright red S and cape.
The overall story was just boring a lot of the time.
Parker Posey-worthless character, as were Lex's gang.

What I really hated was all of the "forced" comedy. Way too many jokes to get a laugh out of the audience.

Overall, it was still ok and worth seeing.

Not even close to Superman 1 and 2. While not pefect, they are much better quality films.
I guess it's better to have Superman Returns than nothing at all though.
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I am awake now and will add some more thoughts.

I went in knowing nothing about it. I saw the trailer and that was about it.

I really appreciate that Singer tried to keep it true to the originals. THANK YOU!

I will say that the cinematography is really bad compared to the original Superman. I don't think I mentioned that. Major let down.

I get chills just thinking of the original Superman farm scenes and how they were shot.

As I said, the last shot of Routh flying was a great tribute to Reeve.

It's worth seeing for sure.
i agree with most of your points. i thought Routh was ok, he just looked too pretty and his facial expression reminded me of Derek Zoolander for some reason. the superman- luthor relationship was garbage compared the one from the older movies. spacey version of luthor was pathetic, the entire time i kept thinking how much better hackman's job was. from day one i knew bosworth was a bad choice for Lane. i will take smallvill'es erica durance over bosworht anyday of the week (she's much better looking IMO) i thought there were way too many plotholes... especially the end when he could barely walk on the kryptonite island, but when he flew under it and shoulder-pressed it into outer space he could manage it until he got there??? since when did luthor wear hair pieces?? thats a mystery to me.

overall, i was not a big fan of DC comics but loved the old superman and batman movies. im still not impressed with their recent return to the bigscreen as i think Marvel has bumped it up a notch. heck, the most reaction from the audience was during the spiderman 3 teaser.
Re: The Official "I Saw Superman Returns" Thread

Shaihulud said:
But even X-men 3 is better

And I Dont like the idea that he's got a son now...

And they even copied a page from Spiderman 1 where Peter Parker discovers his powers and he is kind of clumsy with it...same stuff here..

Overall a very ordinary big budget action movie...Definitely not Singer's best effort....It wont be the summer 's biggest Blockbuster ,

Now Bring on Dead mens chest...

X-Men 3 isn't better than anything. With that you basically lost me, but I kept reading. That film doesn't come up to the sole of Superman's boot.

The blame for the kid would go to Donner for the out of wedlock sex-capade, or at least the writer(s) of Superman II. It was Singer's decision to continue this path, but he didn't initiate it. Plus the kid adds depth and he's a good actor.

It's funny that you say Spider-man copied Superman. Who was the first kid on the block again? Oh yeah... That's right... :rolleyes:

You saw X-3 and you call THIS a very ordinary big budget film? What are you smoking? If anything, we're finally getting something new out of the character! Your comments are laughable.

Bring on POTC2? That I would agree with! Hopefully it will compliment this film well and continue the "good film" Summer streak that I've initiated since seeing SR.
Re: The Official "I Saw Superman Returns" Thread

Collector Freak said:
X-Men 3 isn't better than anything. With that you basically lost me, but I kept reading. That film doesn't come up to the sole of Superman's boot.

The blame for the kid would go to Donner for the out of wedlock sex-capade, or at least the writer(s) of Superman II. It was Singer's decision to continue this path, but he didn't initiate it. Plus the kid adds depth and he's a good actor.

It's funny that you say Spider-man copied Superman. Who was the first kid on the block again? Oh yeah... That's right... :rolleyes:

You saw X-3 and you call THIS a very ordinary big budget film? What are you smoking? If anything, we're finally getting something new out of the character! Your comments are laughable.

Bring on POTC2? That I would agree with! Hopefully it will compliment this film well and continue the "good film" Summer streak that I've initiated since seeing SR.

Well Collector Freak....your opinion isnt really impartial love anything even said that The Superman Medicom was grandiose...and I didnt said X-men 3 was a great movie...its just better than this one...and the child a good actor???? adds depth??? Then you must have really think that the kid in home alone was oscar material...:rolleyes:And what about Spacey's over acting??? You like that??? Bosworth lifeless rendition of Lois Lane ???Point is...this movie is not good.
Re: The Official "I Saw Superman Returns" Thread

Collector Freak said:
X-Men 3 isn't better than anything. With that you basically lost me, but I kept reading. That film doesn't come up to the sole of Superman's boot.
Plus the kid adds depth and he's a good actor.

It's funny that you say Spider-man copied Superman. Who was the first kid on the block again? Oh yeah... That's right... :rolleyes:

You saw X-3 and you call THIS a very ordinary big budget film? What are you smoking? If anything, we're finally getting something new out of the character! Your comments are laughable.

Bring on POTC2? That I would agree with! Hopefully it will compliment this film well and continue the "good film" Summer streak that I've initiated since seeing SR.

X-3 was better than superman returns. the kid adds depth and is a good actor?? how?? he says 10 words in the entire movie and the rest of the time he stares off into space wondering why he's in the bad movie to begin with. this was spacey's worst acting EVER!!!! in no way, shape, or form does he compare to the original luthor. and even though superman has been around longer im pretty sure that spiderman has grossed more than ALL the superman movies combined so far. if this new material from the character is all there is to look forward to they should've left it alone.
The kid adds depth to the character of Superman.

And if you're talking about how much money a film makes you are hopeless. Some of the greatest films have the weakest box office performances. And if you still want to argue about gross, then I guess you'd be of the opinion that the best film ever is Titanic since it made the most money, with Episode One right behind that.

But you have the right to your opinion. Enjoy your vast library from Marvel. The Punisher, Elektra, F4, X3, Hulk, Daredevil... All films barely worth the celluloid they are printed on.
Collector Freak said:
But you have the right to your opinion. Enjoy your vast library from Marvel. The Punisher, Elektra, F4, X3, Hulk, Daredevil... All films barely worth the celluloid they are printed on.

yet some are still better than superman returns. sorry, but none of the above listed marvel movies were hyped half as much as superman with super-singer as the director. and superman's budget was probably twice as some of marvel's movies. ill take them over the majorly overhyped superturd returns. :D
HOw could you guys not like SUperman Returns?? It was a great movie and Routh and Spacey did a fabulous job. Bosworth wan't all that great but overall this movie was a total hit. I can't believe that you guys actually dared comparing X3 to this movie. X3 was a total let down! I am glad Singer directed SR! Definetely worth watching!!!
I was surprised this was good bordering on great. I got that Batman Begins feel from it. Only thing is that this one had something to work with courtesy of the original two movies.

Routh was good in the character. He was obviously trying to do his best Reeve impression. It worked! Deep, polite and serious voice when he is Superman. Clueless upbeat when he is Clark. This proves that going with unknown actors sometimes pays off. He did very well. The airplane scene in the beginning was excellent!

Spacey did well as Luthor. His scheme is sort of far fetched but I guess that's the nature of the previous two movies Luthor. More intense and less campy for sure.

Superman has a son. I don't mind, hey, we are in the year 2006 so why not. It adds a little something for the sequels as the boy starts to get his powers. Another thing: I am glad they didn't kill Cyclops. I kept telling my brother during the movie "watch as Cyclops drowns and dies twice in two blockbuster movies in the same summer". He was too good of a man with no apparent flaws. The cheap thing would have been for him to die to save his family and leave the way open for Supes/Lois/Superkid. They actually went for good character development instead. Kudos.

This movie was definitely better than Xmen 3. Xmen 3 was alright but nothing that blows me away. Despite the messing of the classic Reeves Superman costume to the weird fabric of the new one it was an enjoyable movie. I'll check it out again on IMAX next week with my girlfriend. 8 out of 10. Best movie of the summer so far.

Just some quick observations from a Superman and a comics fan. :)
As a huge Superman fan, I was not supposed to like this film, loving the original, how could this compare? Well, it does and it doesn't. As a stand alone movie it's great, not Super, but great. I could care less about Superman comics, I have only read the one where he dies, aside from that, I have never read them so I can stay out of stupid conversations such as the "S" being so small and the suit isn't the same, blah, blah, blah. I enjoy the character, everything he stands for. And to compare it to The 1978 original is just wrong. Look, Chris Reeve is no longer with us : (, and even if he were and healthy, he would be to old so move on. I have waited a long time to see a Supes movie in the theater, and I was not disappointed. The movie moved along smoothly, every character having something to do. The bottom line is no comic fan will EVER be happy with ANY movie made of the characters they love, it will always be, "but the "S" was small, or "Black Leather this," it will never end, no one will ever be happy. When Spider-Man 3 comes out May 4th, I bet the same crap will be here, "oh the webbing is still on the symbiote suit," "Sandman can't do that," "Venom is to Skinny." So the bitching will continue for every character from every franchise. But if you loved Superman : The Movie, you will really enjoy Superman Returns. But get Chris Reeve out of your head and go into it with a open mind, and don't cling on to a "look." You'll enjoy it a lot more.
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carbo-fation said:
HOw could you guys not like SUperman Returns?? It was a great movie and Routh and Spacey did a fabulous job. Bosworth wan't all that great but overall this movie was a total hit. I can't believe that you guys actually dared comparing X3 to this movie. X3 was a total let down! I am glad Singer directed SR! Definetely worth watching!!!

i feel the exact opposite, X3 was good and this was a letdown. out of the 18 people in my group not one of us said "hellz yeah this movie rocked" all of us were like "yeah, its over"
I enjoyed it. It really fit in well with the first two, and I think that Routh did a remarkable job acting just like Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent. I was expecting more action rather than the focus on relationships, but I actually liked the character focus. I will be seeing it again with a group tomorrow night.
I absolutely loved it. I'd have to rank it as my second favorite comic book film behind Spider-Man 1.
Just got back from the 11:50 at Graummans Chinese Theatre and loved it, as did the audience. For anyone to say this is not a good movie simply didn't "get it" IMO, and that's a shame. This is a Movie about humanity, about an orphan or adopted son being accepted, appreciated and loved. One who gives all of himself to others and asks nothing in return and is fine as a reboot to the franchise. What surprised me more than anything is how much I really liked Brandon Routh, as a person and a character, he did a great job.

Yes, it was at least a half hour too long and the filmmakers clearly dropped the ball in editing/pacing, especially the last 45 minutes but other than that we have a love story between a woman who's lover and father of her child suddenly ups and leaves without notice so Lois' character is not in the joking mood when he returns to her world. Can you blame her?

There were plenty of light moments and most of the actors carried their roles well but it is not a campy ride as the original was, rather the story of an orphan sent to earth to help humanity but one who had to try to find out who he was before returning.

Lex Luthor was played well by Kevin Spacey, I was expecting a "call in" vilainous performance from him but he was more than adequate. The kid did nothing to distract from the story, he was just a kid, Lois' kid and as a mother we would see them together at times, there was one scene where the kid saved his mother by throwing a piano at her attacker revealing his lineage and that did take us away for a moment, but other than that it was not a "kid-centric" story at all.

As for the story, I guess you just have to go in with no expectations whatsoever. If you do that and just let it happen, you may enjoy it much more. Action scenes were very limited but done well, flying scenes were amazing and I've heard on many blogs they didn't get how Superman could lift that giant land mass when he was so weakened, but guess what, they didn't pay attention to the movie or understand that Superman gets his power from the sun which is what he did before diving into the land mass...

All in all, I just wish it was about 30-35 minutes shorter but it was definitely a very good film, one with plenty of emotion, one where we are put in Superman's position and in Lois' and understand what they want and need is like everyone else, to be loved and appreciated in a world you care about.

It was clear the audience understood this very basic tenant of humanity as well, because they applauded in appreciation when the film ended...

and now, we can get on with the ass-kicking in the sequel.
lol!!! this is funny. i GOT the movie completely, why do people assume that crap. i dont like the movie because its not good, not because i dont get it. yes i know that he gets his powers from the sun-- yay he went and got a quick recharge??? ok sure. if you guys say this is such a great movie i cant wait to read your reviews for Snakes on a Plane.
I think I'll refrain from reading any reviews by anyone with a picture of Superman as their avatar :lol

j/k ;)