The Killing Joke animated film

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Jan 9, 2013
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HOLY ********! They have to get Hamill, right? I admire their gumption, though. The SJW/"Our Babs wears Doc Martens" coalition will no doubt throw a ***** fit.
HOLY ********! They have to get Hamill, right? I admire their gumption, though. The SJW/"Our Babs wears Doc Martens" coalition will no doubt throw a ***** fit.

It was a matter of time before they made a movie. Hamill has been saying for a few years that he wants to do it, and isn't he friends with Bruce Timm? You know what the best part is...maybe? DC Collectible figures from the film :pray:
It was a matter of time before they made a movie. Hamill has been saying for a few years that he wants to do it, and isn't he friends with Bruce Timm? You know what the best part is...maybe? DC Collectible figures from the film :pray:

Oh, I know, but the second I saw this, I knew those loud mother****ers were going to start their moaning, and, sure enough, there it is. I'm not confident this will get made, since DC caved when these people *****ed about a variant cover that simply acknowledged the story's existence.
Oh, I know, but the second I saw this, I knew those loud mother****ers were going to start their moaning, and, sure enough, there it is. I'm not confident this will get made, since DC caved when these people *****ed about a variant cover that simply acknowledged the story's existence.

Oh, I see. You mean these people :lol

HOLY S@#$%^&!!!!!!!!!!

Btw, Mark Hamill just tweeted that he's back as the Joker because a certain videogame he was involved with. I've bee saying it for a long time- Mark never admitted to retiring and even said that those rumors were blown out of proportion. He just wants to pick his Joker projects carefully since the voice takes a toll on him. He's been saying for years that he WANTS to do Killing Joke.
Saying that you support rape because you like The Killing Joke is like saying you support beheadings because you watch Game of Thrones. It's laughable, but DC doesn't inspire confidence when it comes to caving under pressure, so, I'd say that there's a good chance we wake up to news of this project's cancellation and a long winded apology tomorrow.:lol
I don't think Batgirl was raped. That's just terrible. He just shot her, paralyzed her, stripped her naked, took photos of her, and tortured her father...who was also naked.
I don't think Batgirl was raped. That's just terrible. He just shot her, paralyzed her, stripped her naked, took photos of her, and tortured her father...who was also naked.

I agree, but I'd say that still qualifies as a sexual assault, probably. Nevertheless, the point is I don't support cannibalism because I watch Hannibal, nor Nazis because I watched any number of World War II films, and the list goes on and on. These people never cease to amaze me.
these people *****ed about a variant cover that simply acknowledged the story's existence.

That's not why they were pissed, it was because of the way Babs was portrayed as being submissive/terrified on the cover. Which in itself might not be a good enough reason, but that's what it was.
That's not why they were pissed, it was because of the way Babs was portrayed as being submissive/terrified on the cover. Which in itself might not be a good enough reason, but that's what it was.

Yeah, because it called back to that time she was traumatized in The Killing Joke. Point is, if they're willing to cave on bull**** like that, imagine how fast they'll change their tune when these dicks start pressing about an animated movie based on the book itself.
I agree, but I'd say that still qualifies as a sexual assault, probably. Nevertheless, the point is I don't support cannibalism because I watch Hannibal, nor Nazis because I watched any number of World War II films, and the list goes on and on. These people never cease to amaze me.

I could not agree with you more. As a long standing fan of Batman myself, I, like you and so many others, contend that The Killing Joke is one of the greatest Batman stories ever. And I am so proud that WB Animation wants to do it and hopefully do it justice. But the PC climate that exists today with those groups like the SJW and their power to influence creators and producers makes the production of this thing tenuous at best. And that's just sad. If WB caves to them, that's basically caving into censorship. Or worse, they change what happens to Barbara or completely write her out of the animated adaptation. If that happens, they will neuter the story. Plus, it could end up being another massive slap in the face to Alan Moore and his works done by Warners. And I for one do not want to see that happen. This is going to be interesting to say the least especially with what happened after that variant cover which pays homage to The Killing Joke.
Oh, I see. You mean these people :lol


And you know what kills about those people. They get totally up in arms about Black Widow's arc in Age of Ultron, a comic book cover paying homage to The Killing Joke, or how they perceive women are portrayed in Game of Thrones, but when it comes to the horrors that women everyday face around the world from exploitation, rape, and murder, especially in the developing world and the third world, they tend to turn a blind eye. Where's their ire, where's their social media crusade at what happens to REAL women everyday and not just fictional characters?
Hopefully they'll do the story justice if they actually release it. It's one I've been waiting a long time to see as an animated film.
Let's see how watered down it is

I highly doubt it will be watered down at all. Have you seen The Dark Knight Returns, Flashpoint, Son of Batman, Batman vs. Robin? Bloodier, heads and body parts being severed, stronger profanity, more skin being revealed. WB is more than fearless enough to push the envelope. I was worried about the Batman franchise as a whole becoming water down after the Aurora tragedy. However, if anything it's become even more violent.