1/6 Which Hot Toys Iron Man..?

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Apr 9, 2007
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Hey guys, here’s the deal. After years of noble resistance, I’m finally caving to the power of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and find myself in need of a HT Iron Man.

Trouble is, having resisted this long, I’m not as up on the details of all the Mark I to Mark-Infinity versions out there, so turning to my learned colleagues.

So here’s the criteria (which will no doubt be a challenge). Since this may well be my first and only IM, I’d like a version that is reasonably representative of the character across the franchise (so no Silver Centurion, etc). I’d like this to be a full featured figure with a few accessories, but not necessarily a ton of them, but DEFINITELY with an full unmasked Tony sculpt (so no Power Pose editions).

And finally (and most difficulty, I’m sure), one that won’t necessarily require me to take out a new mortgage.

So does anyone have a recommendation, or am I chasing Unicorns..?

Thanks in advance, guys!!
Best figure, and best value, to date is the mk6. Doesn’t have an unmasked sculpt but there’s 800 on eBay so you could easily pick one up. The mk6 is the best done hot toys figure so far.
The only issue you might have is the triangular chest plate. Other than that I would agree. It’s a very nice figure.

True. Then I’d just get the mk4, it’s round, same body and has a stark head. Plus it’s on PO so you can flex it.

Go look at the mk6 thread and Yoshi pics. Shows how good it looks.
I'm not an HT Iron Man collector myself but I echo the Mark VI suggestion since it has appeared in multiple films and comes with a fair share of accessories. The only real downside would be that it doesn't come with a fully unmasked HS.
I think you should wait for the die cast mark IV or the inevitable mark VII. I like the mark I and VI personally.

If the unmasked head is that important just get a knockoff from onesixthkit, probably $30.
Mark IV: Classic look, full RDJ head. Still several months out.
Mark VI: Classic look with triangle arc reactor, face reveal helmet. Available now.
Mark XLVI: More modern look, full RDJ head (bruised). Available now.
Mark L: More organic look, full RDJ head. Probably a year away, most expensive.
Or wait for the inevitable diecast Mark VII.
The Mark VI no question. It’s only short coming in your criteria is the unmasked sculpt.

And the helmeted sculpt on the VI is amazing and there are tons of posing options.

If you ever got a 2nd suit you could add the Mark L from IW, which comes with an unmasked headsculpt and you’ve got a great duo showing the change in IM over the course of MCU films.

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I definitely do not recommend getting a second suit because basically it's like paying one of your monthly bills in advance. Infinity War Iron Man is paying a monthly car note bill one time but that's one time for at-the-end-of-the-day it's an action figure that can't move by itself that probably won't have one singular battery that comes with a charger due to all the lights as for that price it should come with such.
I would recommend the diecast MKVI as not does it come from the best Iron Man film in my opinion but also because different posing options and looks(more noticeable than new armor with battledamage) an unhelmeted head look can be obtained through eBay as you may already know.
-This all is coming from a guy who aims to only stick with one suit that suit being the MKXLVI and lets just say the only thing that'll motivate me to get new batteries and light that thing up ever again is if I get nice new camera and a shelf. It's a shame that in this day and age they didn't come up with the the idea of a singular battery that can be charged for that suit. Plus there's only a battledamage chest plate good looking but that's it would've also like his cracked eye light that did happen in CW final fight and would love to have the laser effects. Bottom line diecast MKVI.

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I am also in search of the definitive Iron Man. For the longest time I've had my eyes set on the Mk XLVI, but looking at pictures, he looks significantly out of scale with Cap and Thor. So taking that into account now I have to look for an IM that'll be the right height next to the others, any suggestions?
Wait for the inevitable Diecast Mark VII. They're redoing all the armors in die cast and it's almost a netted guarantee it'll show up next year with A4 given the leaks.

This is a fairly traditional suit, round arc reactor, similar to the Mark 6, but just spiced up a bit. Plus with everyone clamoring that the Mk6 is the best to date, I fully expect that the Mk7 will use this new R&D to make it even better.
I have the Mark 46 and it is an amazing figure. Too bad it's going for nearly a grand new in box on Ebay. I have the Mark 6 on pre-order from sideshow and am looking forward to comparing the 2.
My personal favorites are the Mk 7 and Mk 46. Mk 46 meets your criteria but is no longer readily available at a reasonable price.

If I could only have one, I’d wait for the Mk 7 Diecast. No announcements yet but it’s inevitable since they’re revisiting the early armors one by one.

For me that’s the pinnacle of the Phase 1 Iron Man armors so if The Avengers was important to you and you like that armor aesthetically, I would wait for that.

But really, it depends on which armor you feel is most important to you. Of the ones still available:

Mark 50 - Up for pre-order. If you like Infinity War and liked what the suit did. Expensive though, but comes with a really good unhelmeted Stark sculpt based on the 46/47 sculpt.

Mark 6 Diecast - Available now. Had important moments in IM2 and Avengers. A fan favorite. The figure itself is pretty much perfect. No full unhelmeted head but does have a helmeted portrait. Fantastic display base.

Mark 4 Diecast - Up for pre-order. Almost the same as the 6 except mainly the chest reactor shape. But the 6 did more in the movies from a story point and that seems an important criteria for you. 4 had some memorable scenes like Stark Expo, Rhodey fight, and donut but was limited to IM2.

Mark 45 - Still available from just a few places. BBTS still has it. Another suit with a strong following. Not a huge fan myself but it’s a good looking suit objectively. Figure is solid but lacks accessories and a Tony portrait. I’d only get it if you love Age of Ultron.

The Mk 2 and 5 are available to order but those don’t really meet the criteria of doing something significant since they’re scene specific.

If none of those fit the bill, then again, consider waiting for the Mk 7 Diecast if you like that suit design. That’s another fan favorite and I feel like Hot Toys is waiting for something special to reveal it.

But if you absolutely love the Mk 6, get it now while you can. The prices generally spiked ridiculously after the most recent Iron Man figures sold out.