Wip vader's apprentice....

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Re: Wip vaders apprentice update ....

heya guys,quick update regarding the progress and pics.
im sick in bed at the mo with some stomach virus..so needless to say work has bein on hold at the mo..tryed to tinker with lightsaber but no luck..damn virus!!!..will have some pics real soon as soon as im ok and stop chukin my stomach out!!..lol..

apologies for everyone thats waiting.

thanks yall
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

Get well kash, hope ur feeling better bud. cant wait to see this. im still VERY interested in getting a finished fig. thanks
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

cheers dave..once again thanks for the paitence,interest and kind words...lol..lol..

as soon as i get better i will post up some pics..jus this damn medication keeps makin me drowsy!!..bring on the halucinations!!!!,lol,

Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

Hey Kash. Just wondering if you're still working on mine. There was a time when I was the only one on your list I believe. Let me know. Absolutely no rush, just curious. Sorry for your loss my friend. Please PM me/email me with updates. thanks.
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

Hiya me amigos!,
ok guys im just tying up loose ends in my life with the passing and stuff..and will be putting up some progress shots real soon.
Apologies to all that are waiting and wanna see the different heads,
also a big sorry to madjowan for the lateness of his figure ,check your pm it explains everything..and yours is the only alternate costume version im doing so hense u were on top of the list .cheers bud.
p.s nice work lopie!
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

A few more pics



How??? :confused:

Did you drill a hole in that stormie or what???
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

I'd still like to know about the impalement effect..

But I was in a photoshoppy mood so I PS'd your apprentice into a screenshot! Let me know what you think...
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

Sweetness that looks great LOL. I'll have to take some more shots of Starkiller I redid the wraps. They look much better now and thanks for that shot it's great:naughty

you're quite welcome! I give out free photoshops around here... I did some special effects work for Dorgmal Snow, putting in a nice "hyperspace" background for his Millenium Falcon cockpit, also adding lights to the walls of his "death star corridor". I recreated the "what is thy bidding, my master?" scene using pics of Dorgs's 1/6:emperor and :vader... Oh yeah, I put some of his clones on a Kamino background after editing out Jango Fett from the scene... also reworked a picture for Ryan1982 over on the "1/6th Han Solo Outfit WIP" (added Han to a snow background, added a few things)
Over in the Detention Block AA23 thread, I comped a bunch of shots together to make a perfect, empty hallway picture, which ended up being printed out and used as the background for Darth_IMPoor's detention hallway... For William Shatner's Toupee I redid the lightsabers for Aayla Secura and Grtn Fsh Stx...

Now I have given your Vader's Apprentice a proper glowing blade! And a screenshot background that was all I could find that would be good... added some green grime to your stormie too, so it would match the other ones already in the screenshot...

Perhaps I should create a thread for my many Photoshopped pictures that were centered around people's customs...
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

don't it jus pee u off when people hi-jack your thread with a similar custom and u don't even get so much as a" sorry i hi-jacked your thread",
i mean we customise to get feedback but when the person who started the thread/s work get's by passed then it ain't really polite no more is it?.
im all for sharing but come on peeps have some common courtesy!!!!
Re: Wip vaders apprentice update 4....

WOOOW I am sure Lopie meant no harm or to hi-jack your thread man!! I think he was just sharing and I think your Star Killer is amazing by the way. I really like to two interpretations. Have you got any more pics of yours. I love the dirty weathered feel you got.
