Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Really excited to see Jeremy Irons, I reckon he could make a really great Alfred. He seems perfect for the role. Never seen Eisenberg in anything so can't judge him but he certainly doesn't look the part. Time will tell though I guess.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Holy ****ING ****. Jeremy Irons as Alfred is brilliant. Frankly, I like the Eisenberg casting, as well. He seems like he could be a young, egomaniacal genius with a hatred for some buff dude.

Exactly. I reckon he could possibly be the best Alfred yet. Depending on the writing obviously, be he seems so perfect for the part. I can already hear his voice giving words of wisdom to Bruce.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

The same thing that happened to Angelina Jolie playing Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises.

Bryan Cranston was just another stereotypical internet fan-cast.

Too bad. That's one instance where the internet got it right.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Exactly. I reckon he could possibly be the best Alfred yet. Depending on the writing obviously, be he seems so perfect for the part. I can already hear his voice giving words of wisdom to Bruce.

Yes, that is a sharp piece of casting. Nothing says stuffy and British like Jeremy Irons.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Stoked for Jeremy Irons. Not gonna stomp on the Eisenberg choice because it seems like inspired casting, unlike the Batman choice
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Yet you're 100% cool with RubberCop. :cuckoo: :lol

What? Never said it was bad.

I actually really like the Jeremy Irons casting for Alfred. So far, I haven't been impressed with any of the live action ones. This inspired choice seems cool though. It's the Facebook boy that seems odd, hence the "wut".

Whatever, I guess we'll see what happens, uh, 3, 4 years from now? :lol

You're being too harsh on Rubber Cop by the way. What if you see it (in theaters, Netflix, whatever) and like it?
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I loved Michael Gough in Burton's movies.

I really like Jeremy Irons as an actor... I just think of him as being gentry rather than a servant.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

What? Never said it was bad.

I actually really like the Jeremy Irons casting for Alfred. So far, I haven't been impressed with any of the live action ones. This inspired choice seems cool though. It's the Facebook boy that seems odd, hence the "wut".

Whatever, I guess we'll see what happens, uh, 3, 4 years from now? :lol

You're being too harsh on Rubber Cop by the way. What if you see it (in theaters, Netflix, whatever) and like it?

I dunno. You'll have to ask the person whose brain would be transplanted into my head for that to be a possibility. I'm not a fan of cash-grab remakes. Never have been.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I don't think either casting choice is necessarily bad. A young Luthor will be interesting to watch develop. Irons could be great in any number of roles. I'm still glad he didn't get typecast as "deranged identical twin gynecologist" after Dead Ringers. Thought for sure that would happen.

But I didn't think casting was bad for Man of Steel, either. Man of Steel was great on the superficial level.

First this.

View attachment 91341

second How about Bill Nighy as a transformative actor?
I've seen Nighy in movies here or there, but not so familiar with his body of work that I can comment. Cartoon voice actors all have to be able to do lots of different things to have jobs, so I don't think it's really analogous to traditional actors. I saw a video of all of Frank Welker's characters once and it was pretty mind-blowing, but doing a voice and completely acting out a role physically and vocally is a different barrel of fish. Otherwise that Police Academy guy would probably be considered one of the great actors of our time (not that I would argue with anyone who wanted to say that this is the case).
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I think Michael Gough was great but very much the stereotypical clichéd butler, which was ideal for Burton's movies with its very stylised look. Michael Caine also was perfect for Nolan's movies, he had a lot of heart and emotion, but he did seem to slowly become more and more cockney as the movies went on. He was best in Begins.

So I'm really hopeful for Jeremy Irons, I think it's quite plausible he could be the best Alfred yet.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Recalling that this is a Goyer/Snyder joint, Jeremy Irons will totally fit as an Alfred that ultimately betrays Batman, probably killing Robin in the process, and then very possibly committing suicide in some disturbing and unpredictable manner.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I could see Irons playing the more sarcastic version in the comics. Where the love is ther, but he is not so indulgent of Bruce's BS. Plus with an older Batman, it would reason their relationship would be farther along.

I will reserve judgement on even less funny Michael Cera, unti lI see the film. But my gut reaction is I hate his casting. I mean we went from Cranston, Strong, Denzel, Elba, Phoenix, to the kid from Zombieland. Not quite sold on it, but I like the other castings enough that I will withold judgement.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Generally I think movie goers should always be at least intrigued by such totally unexpected casting choices, as it usually means that filmmakers found a good reason to take the risk. Especially since there doesn't seem to be any monetary or star-power bonus in casting Eisenberg as Luthor.

Personally I am all in.

Irons will kill as Alfred, I am sure. And young Zuckerberg's choice is so very intriguing. There just has to be some idea, some vision for the character of Lex behind that casting. I am hoping the new Luthor will be as witty and diabolical as I imagine Eisenberg should be in this role. Then again 'witty' ain't exactly an area of expertise for "Snoyder" duet. Here's hoping that they won't **** it up.

MoS 2 looked like a bloody mess at the start of the production, but the more info comes to light, the more interesting it looks. I wonder if there's some bold, novel idea behind it all, or is it just a desperate, hail mary sort of "all in" push to make something worthwile.

Curiously, this time I am not even interested to look at all the outraged, horrified cries of all the naysaying nerds unable to see any reason in this. Hordes of people are probably hiperventilatng in front or their keyboards right about now, but the last public outcry with Affleck has inured me to that circus.