Dexter Discussion Thread *Spoilers*

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I thought the episode with Ghost Brian worked pretty good. Something they could have done for season 8 - Ghost Brian shows up and kills Ghost Harry. Then Dexter just goes off the deep end for the rest of the series.

Whatever. Dexter became "safe". He started off as a monster and every week you wondered if he would break the code. He kept meeting aholes who were begging for it. At the end of the show he was so Eddie Haskal he wouldn't even jaywalk much less go on a rampage. Boring.
I wanted a season eight where Dexter is on the run and there's a manhunt. Instead of Harry appearing to him it would be Doakes. Every decision Dexter makes Doakes would tell him it doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time, you're as good as dead m*************.
That could've been really cool, if written correctly. Loved Doakes, and always thought it was a problem that the show let Dex get away with framing him, without it having any repercussions later. I guess the character just got under my skin. The way no-one was at his funeral, except for LeGuerta, I remember really bothered me for a while afterwards.
I mentioned this before, but with how off the rails the show got, I don't think a single person would have complained if they had Doakes come back in season 8, with no explanation.

Dexter: I love Hannah, I'm feeling feelings, and singing songs of my full heart
Dexter: (Narrates - "Doakes died in that explosion, back in Season 2 (available on blu-ray, DVD, or On Demand)... he shouldn't be here.) "I thought you were dead?"
Doakes: Don't worry about it. (Doakes proceeds to do awesome, Doakes-y things)
Audience: YAY!
That could've been really cool, if written correctly. Loved Doakes, and always thought it was a problem that the show let Dex get away with framing him, without it having any repercussions later. I guess the character just got under my skin. The way no-one was at his funeral, except for LeGuerta, I remember really bothered me for a while afterwards.

that bothered me as well, But then again Doakes never had real friends because he obsessed with his work and Dexter.
But I still felt bad about that.

Wasn't Dexter there too? I Always wondered why no one thought it was really weird that Dexter would be there

I mentioned this before, but with how off the rails the show got, I don't think a single person would have complained if they had Doakes come back in season 8, with no explanation.

Dexter: I love Hannah, I'm feeling feelings, and singing songs of my full heart
Dexter: (Narrates - "Doakes died in that explosion, back in Season 2 (available on blu-ray, DVD, or On Demand)... he shouldn't be here.) "I thought you were dead?"
Doakes: Don't worry about it. (Doakes proceeds to do awesome, Doakes-y things)
Audience: YAY!

I wanted a season eight where Dexter is on the run and there's a manhunt. Instead of Harry appearing to him it would be Doakes. Every decision Dexter makes Doakes would tell him it doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time, you're as good as dead m*************.

That's a great idea. Perfect way to bring back Doakes as the ultimate foil for Dexter.
What a horrible finale. Seasons 5-8 were utter *****. I think this might be the only show that has actually managed to negate the good quality of Seasons 1-4. (4 was especially awesome)
What a horrible finale. Seasons 5-8 were utter *****. I think this might be the only show that has actually managed to negate the good quality of Seasons 1-4. (4 was especially awesome)

S4 was the end for me, that would of left the show going out on top.
that bothered me as well, But then again Doakes never had real friends because he obsessed with his work and Dexter.
But I still felt bad about that.

Wasn't Dexter there too? I Always wondered why no one thought it was really weird that Dexter would be there.
Could be wrong, but about 99% sure Dexter skipped it. Think only LeGuerta was there (plus some family and randoms) and no-one else from Miami Metro.
Because it was the end. Of course I'm going to watch it to the end. Why would I give up? I was on that ship regardless if it sank or not.

Besides, are you defending it? Why? It sucks. It was really funny too. It was the most baffling excuse for a television show I've ever seen. They got every single thing wrong, and yet, they managed to get the things they got wrong, wrong. :lol

I wouldn't watch another season, if it was announced right now. That is a fact. If 9 was announced as the final season and 8 was another season, I would've skipped 8, and jumped right into 9, like I did with 7.

They couldn't fix this show if they tried. It's done. The damage is done. The last 4 seasons were absolutely terrible, and unwatchable. It was so bad, it even made the rest of the show pretty much unwatchable. I know how it ends. It ends with lumberjacks ladies and gents. Lumberjacks and drama for soccer mom's.

But there is good in this. Dexter will forever be known as the show with the worst series finale of all time, and "...and then he becomes a lumberjack." will go down as a hilarious meme on how NOT to end a TV show. VIVA LA DEXTER!


Look how many people posted in here saying they were only sticking with Season 8 for closure.

this season sucked so hard.
:lecture YES!!!! This bothered me too. I figured she'd have a much bigger role in the search for finding hannah and the brain surgeon since they showed here outdoing Quinn for the promotion.

They stopped her's and Masuka's daughter stories half way through the season and never elaborated on the purpose on both :lol
:lecture YES!!!! This bothered me too. I figured she'd have a much bigger role in the search for finding hannah and the brain surgeon since they showed here outdoing Quinn for the promotion.
Yeah, like if it's all the same to the idiot writers, then give the promotion to the guy we know so at least the audience can imagine a bright future for Quinn. It at least would give the illusion of momentum to the character's career trajectory. **** the writers were stupid on this show.

Talking about how bad Dexter is so much fun. It brings me more joy then the show did. :lol
Really is. Still haven't bothered to watch my PVR'd finale, yet. Maybe this weekend for laughs.