Chris Howes' Sculptural Creations

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Dave the reason this started was for his lack on being here and communicating simple Updates! i can clearly see this reading this thread. I mean SIMPLE UPDATES! " hey im breathing and still working" that simple! but nothing. People feel like nothing is getting done and they're money is gone. This is very unprofessional if you ask me.

whoa...pitu that was....actually very unpitu like
Just a quick update - Chris emailed me out of the blue today to say he would have pictures of Cameron available shortly. I'll definitely add some pics once we get them!

Almost 10 days later No pics yet?:rolleyes:

PS: not directed to you Mr.Cryoguns:D
So far it seems that only items that were finished some time ago are trickling out. Hardly a deluge of backlogged work.

Hope Chris comes through, but I still have my doubts.
So far it seems that only items that were finished some time ago are trickling out. Hardly a deluge of backlogged work.

Hope Chris comes through, but I still have my doubts.

I would have to agree with you entirely. No evidence of items from anything other than the two projects he was close to completing before he cut ties to the 1:6 community. I don't know how he expects to get sculpt approval from anyone laying low like he is, and I can't see him expending a lot of effort or enthusiasm to any future "planned" sculpts at this point, even if they have been planned and paid for.
Who was it that posted this a while ago? LC570124646US

Do USPS not mark it up as delivered?
I want to get my heads and leave Howes in peace. I personally don't care anymore as long as I get my stuff. I will only do business with him in the future if he does quicker work. but right now I just want my stuff already and to just go our seperate ways.
At this point I'm not even sure what all I've paid for Chris to do, but I certainly haven't gotten my Summer Glau and I'm pretty sure I paid for three Star Trek heads. I've gotten nothing from him yet. Hopefully mine is 'in the mail'... :confused:
Will someone who still talks to him ask him about the Maximus armor?

I got notification back from small claims court. I have to send an additional form and some more money to make sure the court case goes through. Apparently, they are going to send someone to his front door with a summons to appear. If that person fails in that quest, the prosecuting attorney will become involved.

If someone would kindly pass all this along to Chris I would appreciate it very much. I can't seem to get an email through anymore. :rolleyes:

I hate this guy.
I haven't been even able to contact him through E-bay or regular E-mail just to get my costumes and bodies back I lent him for photo shoots ages ago. :(

You'd think if I paid him up front for several heads he'd at the least be courteous enough to respond to me about returning my stuff, even if he isn't concerned with keeping in contact with people about updates. :(
Sorry to hear that,bro. The more people post in here the more I find out and the more I lose respect for him. Hope you get your stuff back and the heads you paid for.
So, what is the general feeling over here? Did he screw us or is he going to deliver? Does anybody still have any contact with him?

Sorry for the stupid question, I was away for around 4 weeks and werent really able to follow this issue...

BTW: WST this really sux... :(
So, what is the general feeling over here? Did he screw us or is he going to deliver? Does anybody still have any contact with him?

Sorry for the stupid question, I was away for around 4 weeks and werent really able to follow this issue...

BTW: WST this really sux... :(

Well I don't know about anyone else but I am still being ignored when requesting a refund.
The guy has pretty much disappeared, AGAIN, and this time there won't be much any of you can do. Once the money stopped flowing in for new projects, I wondered if he would really follow through. There are still people without House heads! WTF is this idiots problem?
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