SS 1:6 Commander Praji Imperial Officer Image Thread

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I'm debating taking my spare Bespin luke head and making Lt. Jundland.

Failing that, if i could find a Sideshow Kurgan Head.....:monkey3
Just checked with our processing department, and this is scheduled to begin shipping first week of April. According to them, no processing/arriving soon emails have been sent yet, so not sure what Mando is referring to, unless it was a tech glitch or accident. Anyway, just so you know :duff
Just checked with our processing department, and this is scheduled to begin shipping first week of April. According to them, no processing/arriving soon emails have been sent yet, so not sure what Mando is referring to, unless it was a tech glitch or accident. Anyway, just so you know :duff

Thanks Dusty! You just saved me some humiliating Spring Break behavior. :monkey3 :lol
Well, crap! I guess she just meant my other order. I guess a break wouldn't kill me. I do need to catch up a little more.
Even when taking lens distortion into consideration his head still looks too big. Everything else actually turned out better then I expected Paint, Likeness, costume, and weapons all look good, except the noggin size.
I have mine on order, but with both Hobbits, the HT Wolf, and the Predalien coming in April it's going to be a tight squeeze. I know Predalien will get the ax, not sure if anything else will.
Yeah, I'm sure the head is in proportion, the last few star wars figures heads have come out proper size, the problem of big head syndrome seems to have gone away, I am sure it's just the pictures are not very good.
I believe thats what the deal is. The pics are making things look way worse than is the case. Pix showed one where you can tell the head is fine.
Even when taking lens distortion into consideration his head still looks too big. Everything else actually turned out better then I expected Paint, Likeness, costume, and weapons all look good, except the noggin size.

That's about my exact opinion of this figure based on the pics so far too. Maybe I'll be surprised when it's in hand but I'm not holding my breath.
It's hard to judge him compared to the proto images too because the costume shoulders aren't as broad as the fine pressed look the prototype has. Different camera angles, spruce up the costume and he'll look pretty sharp.

One thing I'm really pleased with is that the cloth Hat almost looks as good as the plastic. I figured I'd only use the plastic because it has a perfect shape, but the cloth looks about the same, nice job there.
I noticed the cloth hat quality as well, it turned out almost as nice as the plastic one.
It doesn't happen very often, but once in a while a wormhole through the space/time continuum opens up and I might get something a wee bit early.

I really don't think his head is oversized. The paint is clean even and evokes this rich and detailed character very well. You can almost see the pain of watching his little sister die in his arms and the abuse he suffered in the Imperial Academy from the older boys prodding him and making fun of his name. SSC has done great justice to one of our most favorite characters.

I tried futzing with the shoulders to achieve that squared off look, but I wasn't able to do it. Perhaps if I removed the tunic.


The holster is excellent for being leather, the strap works fine and you can even put the gun in the holster without having to undo the strap.






I wanted to show the incredibly detailed folding stock. I didn't discover this on Leia's, but I guess her's is the same. Be careful with it - I didn't break it, but it seems like it would be easy to do.

I never expected to say this, but I much, much prefer the cloth cap. It's perfectly formed and it matches his uniform.



This is just to show the head is no larger than one of our favorite figures from another company.
nice pics again. glad the size of his noggin' discussion is now put to rest. great fig.
Excellent gallery of shots there Dave...thanks!

On the square and sharpen the lines on them, I was going try small strips of cardstock under the tunic (slightly heavier than index cards)...they would add a rigid look and wouldn't limit posability...

His paint apps look great, and yes...the cloth hat looks WAY better.
Looks like another winner here...
Dave needs to start sharing those Wormholes with me sometime. ;)

The Darklord's pics only reemphasize that Praji looks to be a homerun. The two hats was a great idea incase the cloth hat didn't turn out right. Luckily it seems the cloth hat turned out great. Ironically, I'm not liking how the plastic hat looks. It looks too tall. But hey, that is why both are included right?

Is the holster magnetized like Bespin Luke's or did they revert back to the pin like Bespin Han's?

I also think the ungloved hands are a nice addition sense not all Imperial Officers wore gloves, and this guy is 'background' enough to be one of them. Or else he lends himself to customization better that way. Besides, extra hands are extra hands!

I hope the rest of us see him soon now. Do we really have to wait 20-25 days more on him or will he be one of those surprise 5-7 day notices we all fear?

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